Nettlesworth Primary School
Virtual Christmas Performances
Normally this is the special time of year our children perform on stage their annual Christmas performances. The children will still show their talents to you all and perform virtual performances.
Class 3/4 virtual Christmas Performances will be on school website and sent out via text/email on Tuesday 8th December 2020
Class 1/2 virtual Christmas Performances will be on school website and sent out via text/email on Thursday 10th December 2020
Virtual Christmas Pantomime
Nettlesworth School Community Group have arranged for a virtual pantomime of Aladdin. The children will have access to watch this show in their class bubbles on Friday 11th December after lunch.
Christingle Celebration 2020
Unfortunately we can’t hold our normal Christingle Service in St Philip and St James Church, Kimblesworth. This is our annual children’s celebration and is one of the most special events in our Christmas calendar. The children and staff are still presenting a virtual service, which will be sent out via text/email and added on our school website Tuesday 15th December 2020. School will provide oranges, candle, ribbon and sweets.
On Wednesday 16th December we will be serving Christmas Dinner. The cost for the meal is the same as a normal school lunch (£2.10) which can be paid via Parentpay.
On this day we are also having Christmas Jumper Day where you are invited to send your child to school wearing their Christmas jumper pay a donation of £1 via parentpay. All funds raised will go to St Cuthbert’s Hospice.
Christmas Party/Disco
On Thursday 17th December we will be holding a Christmas party for Class 1 and Class 2 bubbles. The event is funded by Nettlesworth School Community Group who are also organising a small gift for the children. Children are to come in school in their party clothes. The party will start at 1.00pm and end at 2.00pm for Class 1. The party will start at 2.10pm and end at 3.10pm for Class 2.
On Friday 18th December we will be holding a Christmas party for Class 3 and Class 4 bubbles. The event is funded by Nettlesworth School Community Group who are also organising a small gift for the children. Children are to come in school in their party clothes. The party will start at 1.00pm and end at 2.00pm for Class 3. The party will start at 2.10pm and end at 3.10pm for Class 4.
School finishes for the Christmas holidays on Friday 18th December at 3.30pm and the children return to school on Tuesday 5th January 2020.
We would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you all a very happy and special Christmas.
Best Wishes
Donna Lee