Weekly Sessions
After School Club
Lunch Club
Two weekly opportunities for the children to get together to join in fun stuff, from creative activities to weird science, quizzes, challenges and much more, with the overall aim to promote kindness, friendship, social cohesion and support our children in being part of an active community. Although parents and carers are expected to supervise at arms length, it is also intended to give parents a little me-time whilst the children are engaged in some meaningful activities.
Monthly Sessions
Gourmet Kids Saturday Kitchen
First Saturday of the Month
Saturday 6th February
Each month you can collect a box and we will host a live Zoom from our Gemma’s kitchen, where her and Beth will cook up a storm using fresh ingredients! We will look at cooking on a budget, nutrition and having fun in the kitchen. We’ll have some guests too! You MUST commit to joining the Zoom and picking up on time to be part of the project.
Family Focus Social
Second Wednesday of the Month
Wednesday 10th February
A social group to give parents and carers the opportunity to meet like minded people and maintain a sense of community. The sessions focus on the adults in the home rather than the children. There will be a focus on health and wellbeing, and hints on tips to support your parenting in a practical and do-able way.
Meet the Expert Family Focus
Last Wednesday of the Month
Wednesday 25th February
Zoom monthly with an expert… someone who can provide awesome and inspiring advice to help you gain confidence in your lifestyle and overall well-being. There will be a presentation followed by a Q&A session.
There is also support on social media via…
(8) SYP Family Forum | Facebook
(8) SYP Gourmet Kids | Facebook
(8) Sacriston Youth Project | Facebook
All booking enquiries for sessions should be directed to gemma@sacristonyouthproject.co.uk