UNCRC Article Link 12: Every child has the right to have a say in all matter affecting them.
Today we launched the Outright campaign with the whole school; this year’s focus is on Mental Health and Wellbeing. The champions delivered a fantastic assembly to the children along with a PowerPoint explaining what Nettlesworth Primary School children will be campaigning for this year.
They set out the first activity for the whole school to enjoy which will take place on Friday 1st October 2021 – WORLD SMILE DAY! The Rights Respecting Champions have sent letters home to invite children to come to school on Friday wearing whatever makes them HAPPY! As part of the day; the Champions organised Class names to be drawn from a hat by the teachers – the children then went back to their classes with the teachers and held a discussion on what RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS they would deliver to the chosen class at 2pm on Friday….