Wednesday 11th November 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
Mrs Aspinall’s due date is fast approaching and she will begin her maternity leave at the end of this term. Her baby boy is due is in January. She will be hopefully returning two weeks before May Half Term holiday.
I am also happy to inform you that Mrs Marie Plant will be taking her place for the duration of her leave. She already knows the children in Class 2 very well and Mrs Plant has worked with Mrs Aspinall and will continue until her maternity leave.
Mrs Morton will return to school from maternity leave last week of this term and will be back teaching full time in Class 1 again after the Christmas Holidays.
Mrs Aspinall and Mrs Morton have been an inspiration over this difficult time, working with as much energy and enthusiasm for the school as they always do. I am sure parents and carers will join me in wishing Mrs Aspinall the best over the coming months. We would also like to thank Mrs Plant for her hard work and dedication to the children and our school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Donna Lee
Head Teacher