Primary Schools are now required to publish alongside their Performance information a list of their childcare provision making it easier for parents to know what is available.
We try, as far as possible, to make each club accessible and affordable for all by ensuring that our costs are kept low. Teaching staff run clubs in conjunction with external providers. Our range of clubs will change on a half termly basis depending upon which external provider we are working with. We endeavour to provide as wide a range of enrichment experiences as we can to our children.
We offer a range of childcare provision which we have listed below:
Breakfast Club (daily) – We begin the day at 8.00am for Breakfast club members. Here children can access an affordable, healthy meal. The club is run by Mrs Hill, Mrs Hindmarch, Miss Liddle, Mrs Cooke and Mrs Hill and cost is currently £5.00 per week. Miss Liddle also provides interventions during breakfast club such as additional reading and writing practise, improving co-ordination, gross and fine motor skills and getting along projects. If you are interested in your child coming to breakfast please call in at the office.
After School – These clubs vary from term to term so this section will be kept regularly updated. In the Autumn Term 2023 we currently run:
Multiskills Year 1 – 6 with Mr Beveridge/Mrs Aspinall. Numbers are limited to 25 maximum. Children will need PE kit in order to take part.
Mini-Makers Reception with Mrs Morton Numbers are limited to 10 children.
Mini-Makers Year 1 with Miss Grimes Numbers are limited to 10 children.
Rights Respecting Club Year 1 – 6 with Mrs Hill Numbers are limited to 20 maximum. Children who are in the Rights Respecting Council are able to take part in this club and is free
SATs Club with Mr Graham for Class 5 children only. This gives the chance to explore Maths/Literacy in different ways and provides an additional boost to children in this subject. This is a free club
Drama Club for Year 1- Year 6 children. This club explores singing, dance and acting. It is run by Miss Grant, Mrs Hindmarsh and Mrs Gallacher and takes place between 3.30-4.30pm.
Homework Club for Year 1 to Year 6 children. This club is only accessible to our Pupil Premium children. It is run by Mrs Hill from 3.30-4.30pm and is a free club.
SATs Club with Mr Graham for Class 5 children only. This gives the chance to explore Maths/Literacy in different ways and provides an additional boost to children in this subject. This is a free club
Relax Kids. This club is for Reception-Year 1 children and is run by Miss Grimes.
Aquilla with Mrs Lee. This club is for invited children and will explore different topics in an exciting and practical way.
Art Club with Miss Owens for children in Years 3-6. Places are limited to 25 children.
Science Club with Mrs Aspinall for children in for Reception-Year 2. Places are limited to 15 children
Mental Health/First Aid Club with Mrs Hill for children in Years 3-6. Places are limited to 15 children