Our School Office Staff are here to help you, however here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers which you can view or download from our website. Mrs K Peverley is our office administrator and school phone number is 0191 3710444.
Our School Day
Here is a breakdown of our school day:
- We begin school a 8.45am with Welcome and registration. Challenge time, Phonics and Interventions run at this time.
- Our attendance registers close at 9.15am. Please note that any child arriving at school after this time without a valid reason will be marked in the register as late.
- Assembly takes place between 9.15 and 9.30am after which first lesson runs until 10.30am.
- Morning break is 10.30-10.45am and second lesson runs until 11.45am for Key Stage 1 children and 12.00 for Key Stage 2 pupils.
- In the afternoon we begin again at 1.00pm with a brief registration and first session until 2.15pm.
- Afternoon fruit break runs until 2.30pm followed by the last session which concludes at 3.30pm with home time.
Class Timetables
- Class 1/EYFS Timetable
- Class 2 Timetable Year 1/2
- Class 3 TimeTable Year 3
- Class 4 Time-Table Year 4
- Class 5 Time Table Years 5/6
- Monday- Rights Respecting Workshop/UNCRC Led by Head Teacher
- Tuesday-Multi-Faith Assembly Led by Mrs Aspinall
- Wednesday-on alternate weeks- Singing Assembly and British Values Led by Mr Graham
- Thursday-Safeguarding/Theme Assembly Led by Mrs Morton
Nettlesworth Primary School Safeguarding Workshops
- Friday-Whole School Celebration Assembly Led by Head Teacher
All staff attend each assembly.
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