Governors work closely with headteachers, school staff and representatives from the local authority (LA). We have a full compliment of Governors who work very hard to support and “challenge” the school. role-of-a-school-governor
Item 19 code-of-conduct-maintained
Governor Committee Structure
For further information on their roles and responsibilities please click on the name below:
Name | Representing | Term of Office | Committee | Responsibilities | Register of Interests | Relationship to Staff |
Mr Aaron O'Roarty - Chair | Co-opted | 03/10/2024-02/10/2028 | Head Teacher Performance Management Appeals Personnel | Chair of Governors and Chair of various committees Safeguarding/Looked After Children, Online Safety, GDPR, Attendance | Children attend the school | |
Mrs Diana Barclay- | Co-opted | 07/11/2020 - 06/11/2024 | First/Pay Review Curriculum & Standards Headteacher Performance Management | Pupil Premium/Catch Up Curriculum spending and impact Safeguarding/Looked After Children SEND | No interest to declare | |
Miss Leanne T Owens | Co-opted | 05/02/2022 - 04/02/2026 | Curriculum and Standards | -More Able, Gifted and Talented Inclusion Literacy/History | Past Pupil | |
Heather S Liddle | Co-opted | 07/11/2020 - 06/11/2024 | Curriculum and Standards Finance and Premises First/Pay Review Head Teachers Performance | -Health and Safety -Rights Respecting Schools | Daughter is a member of staff | Mrs H Liddle is mother of Miss Chloe Liddle- Teaching Assistant at school |
Mrs Claire L Boden Vice Chair | Parent | 15/05/2021 - 14/05/2025 | Finance and Premises Appeals Personnel | Vice Chair of Governors taking over from the Chair in their absence -GDPR -Numeracy -ASP/Data -RSE/PSHCE | Children attend the school | M Boden is C Boden's husband |
Mr Mark Lee - | Local Authority | 21/05/2022 - 20/05/2026 | Curriculum &Standards Finance & Premises | PE/Sports Premium Designated Cultural Governor Designated Remote Learning Governor | Children attend the school | Head Teacher is Mr Lee's wife |
Mrs Donna M Lee - Headteacher | Staff | 23/01/2018 - ongoing | Curriculum & Standards Finance & Premises | - | Children attend the school. | Mr M Lee is Head Teacher's husband. |
Mr Chris Aspinall | Parent | 21/01/2025-20/01/2029 | Children attend the school | Mr Aspinall is Mrs Aspinall's husband | ||
Mr Martin Boden | Parent | 02/07/2022- 02/07/2026 | Appeals Finance and Premises | Careers Science | Children attend the school | C Boden is M Boden's wife |
Mrs Caroline Strong | Associate Member | 02/07/2022- 02/07/2026 | Personnel First/Pay Review | Designated Remote Learning Governor | Children attend the school | |
Mr Craig Graham | Staff | 23/09/2024-22/09/2028 | Curriculum and Standards | -Numeracy -Music -Pupil Premium -Remote Learning | ||
Mrs Kelly Lofthouse | Parent | 22/02/2021- 21/02/2025 | Curriculum and Standards First/Pay Review | -RE -Art and DT -Transition -Mental Health and Well-Being -MFL | Children attend School |
A Chair for each distinct committee will be appointed at the beginning of the meeting.
Recent Resignations:
Mrs Jane Hindmarch (Resigned Jan 2025)
Mrs June Corrrigan (Resigned Oct 2024)
Ms Papi Taieb (Resigned July 2023)
Mrs Rachel Myers (Resigned Feb 2021)
Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies
Nettlesworth Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.
The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)
If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.
Governor Attendance
Schools are required to display a record of Governor attendance at meetings for each school academic year.
EDGS Governor Virtual Meeting Policy_
✓ – Attended meeting
A/A – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N – Did not attend
n/a – Not a member of the committee
Record of Attendance 2024-2025
Name | Finance and Premises Committee Meeting 16.9.24 | Full Governing Body Meeting. 14.10.24 | First Pay Review Committee Meeting 14.10.24 | Finance and Premises Committee Meeting 23.10.23 | Full Governing Body Meeting 27.1.25 | Finance and Premises Committee Meeting 5.2.24 | Finance and Premises Committee Meeting 20.5.24 | Full Governing Body Meeting 10.6.24 |
Mrs Diana Barclay | - | / | / | / | ||||
Mrs Claire Boden-Vice Chair | a/a | a/a | - | / | ||||
Mr Chris Aspinall | - | - | - | - | a/a | |||
Mr Craig Graham | / | a/a | - | / | ||||
Mr Mark Lee | a/a | a/a | - | a/a | ||||
Mrs Heather Liddle | a/a | a/a | a/a | / | ||||
Mr Aaron O'Roarty - Chair | - | / | / | / | ||||
Mrs Kelly Lofthouse | - | / | / | / | ||||
Mrs Jane Hindmarch | - | a/a | - | Resigned | ||||
Mrs Donna Lee | / | / | / | / | ||||
Mrs Leanne Edwards | - | / | - | a/a | ||||
Mrs Caroline Strong | - | a/a | - | / | ||||
Mr Martin Boden | / | a/a | - | a/a |
Archived Attendance
You can also view previous years attendance on our website.
Committee Terms of Reference
Finance and Premises Committee
No. 2116
Chair: Martin Boden
Terms of Reference
To meet termly
Members: Donna Lee, Heather Liddle, Claire Boden, Mark Lee
- In conjunction with the Headteacher to draft the first formal budget plan of the financial year, for approval by the full Governing Body
- To establish and maintain an up-to-date 3 year financial plan
- To monitor income and expenditure, including virement decision, significant anomalies from the anticipated position, and report termly to the Governing Body
- To ensure the school operates within the financial regulations of the County Council and the requirements of the DfE School Financial Value Standard
- To monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds kept on behalf of the Governing Body
- To annually review charges and remissions policies and expenses policies
- To make decisions in respect of service level agreements
- To make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committees
- To prepare financial statements for inclusion in any reports to parents
- To ensure as far as is practical that any Health & Safety (H&S) issues are appropriately funded in accordance with priorities.
- To ensure that Pay Review Committee and Pay Appeal Committee decisions are appropriately funded
- Consider and promote income generation
Meetings: Termly to coincide with Oracle
Disqualifications: when there may be a conflict of interest; a fair hearing is required; or a pecuniary interest. Associate members may not vote
Virement Limits
Expenditure Limits
Limit set for Headteacher without prior written approval of Chair or Governing Body.
£ 5,000
Any items of expenditure up to
£ 5,000
Limit set for Headteacher with approval from Chair of Governors.
£1,000 to £5,000
- Above this limit if item was previously notified to the Governing Body.
- Prior Finance Committee or Chair of Governors approval (whichever is the soonest) to be sought outside of this limit and reported at the earliest opportunity.
Prior Finance Committee or Chair of Governors approval (whichever is the soonest) to be sought outside of this limit and reported at the earliest opportunity.
Personnel and Pupil Discipline Committee
Chair: Aaron O’Roarty
Terms of Reference
To meet at start of every Autumn Term, and then as required Members: Claire Boden, Caroline Strong.
- To carry out the annual review of the staffing structure
- To oversee the appointment procedures for all staff
- To keep under review work life balance, working conditions and well-being including monitoring of absence
- Teaching staff appointments
- Review temporary contracts on an annual basis
- To ensure that a Performance Management Policy is in place
- Consider staff Leave of Absence (only if necessary after delegation to Headteacher)
- To act as the pupil discipline committee for fixed term and permanent exclusions.
- Complaints.
Delegation to the Headteacher
School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009.
- Temporary support staff
- Supply
- Non-teaching staff (delegated together with one Governor).
- No delegation for dismissals (to be dealt with by the First/Pay Review Committee).
Curriculum Committee
Chair: Cllr Heather Liddle
Terms of Reference
Members: Leanne Edwards, Jane Hindmarch, Mark Lee, Donna Lee, Diana Barclay, Kelly Lofthouse
- To make recommendations to the Governing Body and review the school’s curriculum statement and policies as required in the light of the LA curriculum statement and statutory obligations regarding the National Curriculum
- In collaboration with the staff to provide information about how the curriculum is taught, evaluated and resourced
- To review the policy and provision for sex education and to make recommendations where necessary
- To review the policy and provision for collective worship and RE and to make recommendations where necessary
- To monitor and review information about school performance and reporting to parents accordingly to statutory requirements
- To contribute to the School Development Plan and SEF Curriculum/performance review including target setting and monitoring mechanism.
- Curriculum/performance review including target setting and monitoring mechanisms
- Act as a Pupil Discipline Committee for permanent/fixed term exclusions
- Parent Complaints
Disqualifications: Pecuniary Interest
Admissions Committee
Chair: Aaron O’Roarty
Terms of Reference
Members: Donna Lee
- To determine within statutory provisions and the Governing Body Policy whether any child shall be admitted to the school
- To review admissions arrangements and to make recommendations for changes to the Governing Body.
Safeguarding Committee
Chair: Aaron O’Roarty
Terms of Reference
Members: Donna Lee, Diana Barclay
- Ensure the school is fulfilling its responsibilities regarding Child Protection and the requirements of ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’
- To consider and determine the school’s policy relating to E-Safety
- To consider the school security policy.
Disqualifications: Pecuniary Interest
Headteacher’s Performance Review
Chair: Aaron O’Roarty
Terms of Reference
Members: Diana Barclay, Heather Liddle.
- To arrange to meet with the Education Development Partner to discuss the Headteacher’s performance targets
- To decide with support from the EDP whether the targets have been met and to set new targets annually
- To monitor throughout the year the performance of the Headteacher against the targets
- To make recommendations to the appropriate committee in respect of awards for the successful meeting of set targets.
First / Pay Review Committee
Chair: Diana Barclay
Terms of Reference
Members: Heather Liddle, Kelly Lofthouse.
- To act in accordance with the Teachers’ Pay Policy adopted by the Governing Body
- To report to the Finance Committee on Pay Review-related expenditure.
- To make any decisions under the personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body, eg disciplinary, grievance, ill health, capability etc where the Headteacher is the subject of the action
- To make any decisions relating to a member of staff (other than the Headteacher) under the Personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body.
- Staffing Reductions.
Appeals Committee
Chair: Aaron O’Roarty
Terms of Reference
Members: Martin Boden, Claire Boden
- To consider any appeal against a decision to dismiss a member of staff made by the First/Pay Review Committee
- To consider any appeal against a decision under the personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body (eg disciplinary, pay review, capability for teachers etc)
- To consider any appeal against selection for redundancy.
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