Welcome to Class 4
Class 4 Staff
- Mrs Edwards
- Mrs Gallacher
- Mrs Hill
- Mrs Burton
Class 4 consists of our Year 4 children who work with their class teacher Mrs Edwards and supported by Mrs Burton, Mrs Hill, Mrs Nicholson and Mrs Gallacher. Mrs Hill teaches in Class 4 every Thursday. They work tremendously hard and never fail to amaze us with the quality of the work they produce. Some children from Class 4 have key roles in our Rights Respecting Council and help us to fulfil our remit of helping other schools to become RRSA members by helping others to set up their own Rights Respecting Councils. Mrs Gallacher’s role is to work specifically with all of the Pupil Premium children across the whole school. Consequently she can be found in all four classes on a regular basis!
Class Activities
Have a look at the things Class 4 have been up to by clicking on the link below:
Archived Activities
You can still view our Class 4 archived activities on our website.
Class Charter
This is our agreement between adults and children to ensure we have a Rights Respecting classroom. We chose 4 articles which we felt were important to us. One of the articles was:
UNCRC Article 29
A child or young person’s education should help their mind, body and talents be the best they can. It should also build their respect for other people and the world around them.
We agreed that we will always do our best in class and ensure that we listen to each other with respect to enhance our education. We also discussed which adults we could talk to if we ever felt worried or unsafe at school and promised to work together as a team to ensure we have a lovely, Rights Respecting ethos at all times.