New Starters Information 2024
September Preparation
Thank you to you all for attending our meeting with Mrs Morton and for bringing your children to the pre-school visits. This gave our staff the opportunity to get to know your child and vice versa and begin to form what will hopefully be a very long, happy and productive relationship between yourselves, the children and school.
If you have any queries in between now and the end of term on 23rd July please do not hesitate to get in touch and we look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday 4th September. Please note that for the first day only Class 1 children will begin school at the slightly later time of 9.30am and go home at 3.15pm in order to allow them to enter and leave school in a quiet manner without the rest of the school. This arrangement is however only for the first day and normal school times 8.45am start and 3.30pm finish apply following that.
Please set up your Parent Pay account ready for September, in order to pay for breakfast club and after school clubs if required. School dinners are free for KS1 children and further information regarding after school clubs will be sent out on Monday 9th September-after school clubs will begin week beginning 16th September 2024. Breakfast Club will begin on Wednesday 4th September-8.00am-8.45am at the cost of £1 per child per day, to be paid via Parent Pay.
Have a lovely Summer and we look forward to seeing you all again in September.
New Starter Visit – 4
New Starter Visit – 3
New Starter Visit – 2
New Starter Visit – 1
Hello and Welcome to Nettlesworth Primary School
Firstly, I would like to thank you for choosing our school. As you will know at Nettlesworth Primary School, a child’s social and emotional well being is paramount to ensure a smooth and positive transition into school is made. We encourage the opportunity for visits to the setting to establish a partnership with parents (dates are provided in the information below). As parents/carers, you will be invited into school for an information meeting with the Early Years teacher, Head Teacher and other professionals who work alongside your children. This is an excellent opportunity to ask any questions and ensure all parties are ready for this new start.
Mrs Morton, our Early Years teacher will also be visiting each child in their nursery or home setting so that she can get to know your little one ahead of their school taster visits in June. All of these activities create an invaluable starting point, where essential information can be exchanged between staff, parents and carers. We know that every child’s first educators are their parents and we want to encourage you to play an active part in this exciting new stage of learning.
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us, either via the school office on: 0191 3710444 or email:
Important Dates
We would like to invite to spend 4 afternoons in school during the Summer Term. We have found that these visits have helped the children to feel more confident about starting school and settle in more easily. Parents / Carers are asked to drop their children off at the front entrance with Mrs Morton and collect from the same place. The dates for the children’s taster visits are:
- Monday 17 June 2024 – 1.30 – 2.15pm
- Thursday 20 June 2024 – 1.30 – 2.30pm
- Monday 24 June 2024 – 1.30 – 3.00pm
- Wednesday 26 June 2024 – 1.30 – 3.15pm
We would also like to invite the parents/carers to come along to our New Starter Meeting with Mrs Morton (Class teacher) and Mrs Lee (Head teacher) on:
Friday 7 June at 1.15pm.
This will be the perfect opportunity to ask any further questions and talk in more detail about your child and the starting school process. All school information will be delivered at this meeting and transition packs will be handed out. Please could you bring your child’s Birth Certificate to this meeting so we can begin the enrolment process.
New starters will start school on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 9.30am.
New Starters Information 2023
New Starter Visit – 4
Wednesday 28th June 2023
New Starter Visit – 3
Monday 26th June 2023
New Starter Visit – 2
Wednesday 21st June 2023
New Starter Visit – 1
Monday 19th June 2023
New Starter Parent Meeting –
Thursday 8th June 2023
Today we welcomed all of the parents/carers of the children joining us in September. it was lovely to meet you all and please do not hesitate to get in contact with us if you have any further questions regarding your child. I can’t wait to work with your children and to to work alongside you all in September 🙂
Nursery & Home Visits
This week I have has the pleasure of visiting all of the your children at their current nursery settings. It has been great to talk with their key workers and finding out of the things that make them happy at nursery 🙂
Hello and Welcome to Nettlesworth Primary School
Firstly, I would like to thank you for choosing our school. As you will know at Nettlesworth Primary School, a child’s social and emotional well being is paramount to ensure a smooth and positive transition into school is made. We encourage the opportunity for visits to the setting to establish a partnership with parents (dates are provided in the information below). As parents/carers, you will be invited into school for an information meeting with the Early Years teacher, Head Teacher and other professionals who work alongside your children. This is an excellent opportunity to ask any questions and ensure all parties are ready for this new start.
Mrs Morton, our Early Years teacher will also be visiting each child in their nursery or home setting so that she can get to know your little one ahead of their school taster visits in June. All of these activities create an invaluable starting point, where essential information can be exchanged between staff, parents and carers. We know that every child’s first educators are their parents and we want to encourage you to play an active part in this exciting new stage of learning.
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us, either via the school office on: 0191 3710444 or email:
Wednesday 28th June 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
We very much hope that your child enjoyed their recent series of visits with us and are now thoroughly looking forward to their start with us in September.
Thank you to you all for attending our meeting with myself and Mrs Morton and for bringing your children to the pre-school visits. This gave our staff the opportunity to get to know your child and vice versa and begin to form what will hopefully be a very long, happy and productive relationship between yourselves, the children and school.
If you have any queries in between now and the end of term on 21st July please do not hesitate to get in touch and we look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday 6th September. Please note that for the first day only Class 1 children will begin school at the slightly later time of 9.30am and go home at 3.15pm in order to allow them to enter and leave school in a quiet manner without the rest of the school. This arrangement is however only for the first day and normal school times 8.45am start and 3.30pm finish apply following that.
Please set up your parent pay account beginning September, in order to pay for breakfast club and after school clubs if required. Documentation will be issued for this set up on first day of school. School dinners are free for KS1 children. Breakfast club will start on Wednesday 6th September at 8am.
Have a lovely Summer and we look forward to seeing you all again in September.
Mrs D Lee
Head Teacher
Important Dates
We would like to invite to spend 4 afternoons in school during the Summer Term. We have found that these visits have helped the children to feel more confident about starting school and settle in more easily. Parents / Carers are asked to drop their children off at the front entrance with Mrs Morton and collect from the same place. The dates for the children’s taster visits are:
- Monday 19 June 2023 – 1.30 – 2.15pm
- Wednesday 21 June 2023 – 1.30 – 2.30pm
- Monday 26 June 2023 – 1.30 – 3.00pm
- Wednesday 28 June 2023 – 1.30 – 3.15pm
We would also like to invite the parents/carers to come along to our New Starter Meeting with Mrs Morton (Class teacher) and Mrs Lee (Head teacher) on:
Thursday 8 June at 9.00am.
This will be the perfect opportunity to ask any further questions and talk in more detail about your child and the starting school process. All school information will be delivered at this meeting and transition packs will be handed out. Please could you bring your child’s Birth Certificate to this meeting so we can begin the enrolment process.
New starters will start school on Wednesday 6th September 2023 at 9.30am.
New Starters 2022
New Starter Visit – 4
We had a super fun time at our final visit of the summer before we begin our new school in September 🙂
New Starter Visit – 3
What a wonderful afternoon we have had for our third visits. We even got to play on our huge school field! See you all on Wednesday for our final visit 🙂
New Starter Visit – 2
The children enjoyed playing with the toys in their new classroom and were very kind to one another.
New Starter Visit – 1
Today we had our first new starter visit and the children had so much fun visiting their new friends and their classroom.
New Starter Parent Meeting 10th June 2022
Today we welcomed all of the parents/carers of the children joining us in September. it was lovely to meet you all and please do not hesitate to get in contact with us if you have any further questions regarding your child. I can’t wait to work with your children and to to work alongside you all in September 🙂
Week Commencing 6th June 2022
This week I have has the pleasure of visiting all of the your children at their current nursery settings. It has been great to talk with their key workers and finding out of the things that make them happy at nursery 🙂
New Starter’s 2021
August 2021 COVID 19 Risk Assessment
Coronavirus Outbreak Management Plan
Coronavirus Outbreak Management Plan updated Sep 21
9th August 2021
Plans for Returning to School in September
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you are enjoying the summer holidays and having some lovely quality family time. Just an update for you all to prepare for the children’s return to school in September. We have put together plans for the children’s return on Thursday 2nd September, which thankfully resembles normal school life again. These plans are based on the current guidance from the Department for Education. They are subject to change should the government make any additional changes during the summer holidays.
From September, it is no longer recommended that it is necessary to keep children in their class bubbles. This means that all children shall be able to mix together on the playground and the school field again. We will be able to hold assemblies together as a school community in the hall and children will not need to avoid mixing with other bubbles at lunchtime or during any extracurricular group sessions.
From September, there will no longer be staggered start and finish times for each class group. On a morning, the children are to be dropped off at the school gates anytime between 8:30am and 8:45am. All children must be in school for 8:45am. Please could parents/carers drop their children off at the gates where staff are waiting to allow them straight into the school. Children will go straight into their classroom. At the end of the day, all children shall be picked up at 3:30pm from the school main gates. Each class teacher will see their children out to their parent/carer at this time. Please note that for the first day only Class 1 children will begin school at the slightly later time of 9.30am and go home at 3.15pm in order to allow them to enter and leave school in a quiet manner without the rest of the school.
Car parking
At the beginning and end of the school day is a problem at most primary schools. Children and parents arrive and depart in a relatively short period of time and this causes congestion.
Please don’t:
Block the road, emergency vehicles and other traffic may need access
Park on yellow lines, zig-zags or block the school entrance
Park on the pavement, across dropped kerbs or residents’ driveways
Park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction
Expect drivers to reverse on to the main road
Park where you will cause inconvenience to other road users
Leave your vehicle with the engine still running
Stop in the middle of the road to drop your child off, even for a few seconds
Please walk to school if you can. If you have to come by car, try to share trips with friends or we can use the car park next to the community centre. Parking on restricted areas or mounting the pavement is a traffic offence.
Breakfast club
Breakfast Club will begin on Thursday 2nd September. Children arrive at school 8am for those who wish to attend and pay via parent pay at the cost of £1 per day.
After-School Clubs
After-school clubs shall resume in September, starting week beginning Monday 20th September. Further information about all clubs shall be circulated to parents during the first week back. If parents are collecting children after an after-school club, please wait outside the school gates and staff shall bring the children out to you.
PE Kits and School Uniform
Children shall come to school wearing their full school uniform every day. When your child has PE, they all must bring their PE Kit to school with them as KS2 can now get changed in school. Children are no longer to come to school wearing their PE Kit from September. We recommend that children bring their PE kit into school on a Monday to put on their cloakroom peg, then it goes home on a Friday to be washed, then brought back to school on a Monday. Children can now bring to school again school bags and pencil cases if they would like. School provides all children with water bottles.
Hand Hygiene
Frequent and regular hand cleaning is now regular practice in school, therefore this shall continue into the new academic year. Children shall have their hands sanitised by staff members upon entering the school and at regular times during the day.
School Dinners
School Dinners will increase from £2.10 per day to £2.15 per day from September 2021. If you have arrears with your school meals, please can you ensure these are paid. Many Thanks
Managing Covid-19 in Schools
As Covid-19 becomes a virus that we learn to live with, there is now an imperative to reduce the disruption to children’s education. The school will keep an up to date risk assessment and an outbreak management plan is devised in the event of an outbreak of positive cases within the school community.
- Tracing Close Contacts and Isolation
The government has said that from 16th August 2021, children under the age of 18 years old will no longer be required to isolate if they are contacted by NHS Test and Trace or identified as a close contact of a positive Covid-19 case. Instead, children shall be contacted to say they have been in close contact with a positive case and advised to take a PCR test.
- Positive Cases of Covid-19 or Where a Child Develops Symptoms
Children and staff must stay at home if they have any Covid-19 symptoms or if they have had a positive test result. If any child develops Covid-19 symptoms (however mild), we will call parents to come and collect them and the child should follow the public health advice.
- Asymptomatic Testing with Lateral Flow Tests
The government are stressing that testing remains important in reducing the risk of transmission within schools. It is likely that the government will continue to promote the twice weekly testing with lateral flow tests from September and kits can be collected from your local pharmacy or ordered online. If any child tests positive on a lateral flow device, they must book a PCR test immediately.
- Cleaning and Well-Ventilated Spaces
As part of our risk assessment, regular cleaning of areas and of equipment shall continue next year to ensure that our school are doing all that we can to prevent a spread of the virus in our community. Teaching environments will be well ventilated.
- Visitors to the School Site
As the Autumn term progresses, we will welcome parents back onto the school site for any events that we hold in school such as coffee mornings, parents evenings and performances. If parents need to contact the school regarding an issue or to speak to a member of staff, we would still encourage you to telephone the school first. If you have to pick your child up from school during the school day, please come to the main entrance where a staff member shall bring your child to the door.
Should any of the above procedures change over the summer, I will contact all families before the end of the summer break. I would like to thankyou all again for your continued support.
Best Wishes
Donna Lee
Head Teacher
Monday 12th July 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
We very much hope that your child enjoyed their recent series of visits with us and are now thoroughly looking forward to their start with us in September.
Thank you to you all for attending our meeting with myself and Mrs Morton and for bringing your children to the pre-school visits. This gave our staff the opportunity to get to know your child and vice versa and begin to form what will hopefully be a very long, happy and productive relationship between yourselves, the children and school.
If you have any queries in between now and the end of term on 16th July please do not hesitate to get in touch and we look forward to seeing you all again on Thursday 2nd September. Please note that for the first day only Class 1 children will begin school at the slightly later time of 9.30am and go home at 3.15pm in order to allow them to enter and leave school in a quiet manner without the rest of the school. This arrangement is however only for the first day and normal school times 8.45am start and 3.30pm finish apply following that.
Please set up your parent pay account beginning September, in order to pay for breakfast club and after school clubs if required. Documentation will be issued for this set up on first day of school. School dinners are free for KS1 children. Breakfast club will start on Thursday 2nd September at 8am.
Have a lovely Summer and we look forward to seeing you all again in September.
Mrs D Lee
Visit 4
Thank you for bringing your children along to these little visits to see their teachers and their peers. We have all had so much fun. See you in September 🙂
Visit 3
Visit 2
Visit 1
Friday 11th June – New Starter Parents Evening
It was great to see so many of you attend the new starter meeting on Friday; and lovely to put a face to all of your names. I am thrilled you have chosen our school and I know it’ll be the best place for all of your little ones. Important dates coming up are the little visits (if you haven’t already brought along your child’s Birth Certificate, then please bring it along to one of these)
- Monday 21st June
- Wednesday 23rd June
- Monday 28th June
- Wednesday 30th June
New Starter’s 2020
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
This morning we held a socially distanced teddy bear’s picnic on the school field for the new starter parents and their children. It was so much fun to see the children in their school environment with their peers.
Thank you to everyone who came!
See you all soon 🙂
Virtual Class Swap Day 2020
Due to current circumstances we have been unable to provide our usual transition between nursery and school so we thought we would make a class swap day video for the children to see their new teachers and teaching assistants who will be in their class come September.
New Starter Meeting – Friday 3rd July 2020
Thank you to all of you that attended our socially distanced, outdoor new starter meeting. Despite the weather it still went ahead and it was great to meet you all and share the information that your child needs to start school on Wednesday 2nd September 2020.
As said at the meeting; class 1’s bubble will start at 8:45am and finish at 3:00pm. Parents will not be allowed on site and will need to continue to queue along the green gate until your Mrs Morton or Mrs Plant come out to greet your children. Clubs will not start for Class 1 until after the Autumn term. More updates on this will be given in due course.
What Next:
Please complete all of the data forms in the brown pack and return to the school office as soon as possible, alongside your child’s birth certificate that we can take a copy of.
Your child’s essentials for their first day back at school are:
- School book bag – for educational books and learning resources,
- PE Bag – to be left on their peg with PE clothes in; shorts, white T-shirt and trainers,
- Wellies
Teddy Bear’s Picnic & Parents Meetings
Dear Parents/ Carers,
This is the time that we would usually be preparing for your children’s transition visits, but because of this unusual situation that we find ourselves in due to the coronavirus, we cannot organise things in our normal way. However, we do understand that starting a new school is a very exciting but nervous time for everyone, so have decided to put some things in place to make this a little less worrying for you all.
Weather permitting, we would like to invite you to 2 events outdoors on our school field to provide you with more information about your child starting school, as well as the opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and support staff, as well as the head teacher, before September.
Important dates:
- Friday 3rd July 10:00am – Parents Meeting
(1 parent / carer is invited to a short meeting outdoors on the field to discuss important information regarding your child starting school – no children to this event. Chairs will be placed on the field to adhere social distancing guidelines at all times.)
- Wednesday 8th July 10:00am – Teddy Bears Picnic
(1 parent / carer is invited to come along with their child to have a picnic. Parents must supervise their own child at all times and adhere to the social distancing guidelines and bring along their own snacks / food / drinks for the picnic. Mats will be situated appropriately on the field for each parent and child to sit on. Play equipment is out of bounds for the morning due to current circumstances)
For both of these dates, we are only permitting 1 parent to attend. Please see out school website for the risk assessments that we will be adhering to throughout the visits. If the weather is forecast to rain, we will ring or email you the day before to cancel the event as it will NOT be able to take place indoors. On arrival, we will expect you to queue along the outer green gate, following the 2 metre social distancing guidelines all the way down – there will be 2 cones out setting off this queue. When 10:00am arrives Miss Grant (Morton) will lead you around the outside of the building to access the field, where both events will be taking place.
If you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to email me on
Many Thanks,
Miss Grant (Morton)
Hello and Welcome to Nettlesworth Primary School!
We have created this page for virtual transition information that you can easily access from home.
Anything you need please do not hesitate to contact us either at the school office on: 0191 3710444 or via email: or
After speaking to all of you on the phone, I will be contacting your child’s nurseries over the coming weeks to find out more about their favourite things.
A little Hello from all of the staff
Our Provision
Here is a little booklet showing your children all of the lovely areas of their new school – We know that they are going to love it 🙂
Welcome From the Headteacher
We’re delighted to welcome you and your child to Nettlesworth Primary School as part of our new reception class! I’m Mrs Donna Lee and I’m headteacher at Nettlesworth Primary School 🙂