Our clubs for this year are as follows:
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club (daily) – We begin the day at 8.00am for Breakfast club members. Here children can access an affordable, healthy meal. The club is run by Mrs Hill, Mrs Nicholson, Mrs Cooke and Miss Liddle and cost is currently £5.00 per week. If you are interested in your child coming to breakfast please call in at the office.
After School
These clubs vary from term to term so this section will be kept regularly updated.
We currently run:
Mini Makers for Reception/Year 1/Year 2 children. This is being run by Mrs Morton/Miss Grimes and as it is a very practical activity based club places will be limited to 10 children on a first come first served basis. The cost for this club is £7 a term.
Multiskills – for Year 1-Year 6 children. This club encourages children to take part in a variety of games and activities working together in teams. It is run by Mr Beveridge and Mrs Aspinall and operates between 3.30-4.30pm. The charge for this club is £7 a term. Please note children require PE kit to take part in this club.
Rights Respecting Club- for Right Respecting Council- This club encourages children to be aware of UNCRC articles and promotes pupil voice. It is run by Mrs Hill and operates between 3.30-4.30pm. The charge for this club is free and places are limited to 10 children.
Drama Club for Year 1- Year 6 children. This club explores singing, dancing and acting. It is run by Mrs Morton and takes place between 3.30-4.30pm. The charge for this club is £7 a term.
Homework Club for Year 1 to Year 6 children. This club is only accessible to our Pupil Premium children. It is run by Mrs Hill and Miss Liddle from 3.30-4.30pm and is a free club.
“Maths Challenge” and SATs Preparation for Class 5 children. This is run by Mr Graham and is designed to be fun, additional SAT preparation. It runs from 3.30-4.30pm and is a free club.
Relax Kids for Reception- Year 1 children. This club explores relaxation and well-being techniques. It is run by Miss Grimes and takes place between 3.30-4.30pm. The charge for this club is £7 a term.
Aquilla – This club, run by Mrs Lee encourages challenging learning for the children on our MAG&T list (More Able, Gifted and Talented) It operates between 3.30-4.30pm and is a free club.
“Maths Challenge Club” and SATs Preparation for Class 5 children. This is run by Mr Graham and is designed to be fun, additional SAT preparation. It runs from 3.30-4.30pm and is a free club.
Art club for Junior children (Year 3/4/5/6) This is being run by Mrs Edwards and as with mini makers places are limited to 10 children. The club runs from 3.30-4.30pm and the cost is £7 a term.
Mental Well-Being/First Aid for Year 3- Year 6 children. This club explores training to be a first aider. It is run by Mrs Hill and takes place between 3.30-4.30pm. The charge for this club is £7 a term.