Welcome to Class 1
Class 1 Staff
Class 1 is home to the youngest children in our school. We have a small group of EYFS children who work alongside their class teacher Mrs Morton. Mrs Hill and Miss Reay. provide Learning Support; with weekly visits from Mrs Gallacher who works specifically with all of the Pupil Premium children across the whole school.
The children in Class 1 take part in a fun and exciting child initiated curriculum which allows them to explore topics in a practical and hands on way. Some of the work they do takes place outdoors and the children are encouraged to take a high degree of ownership of their learning.
- EYFS/Class 1 Timetable
- Events and Celebration Calendar 2023-24
- EYFS Outside Play Policy Sep 2024
- Curriculum Design Statement 2024-25
- Information for parents reception baseline assessment_
Class Activities
Have a look at the things Class 1 have been up to by clicking on the link below:
Archived Activities
You can still view our archived activities for Class 1 on our website.
Class Charter
Here is our Class Charter our agreement on things that we feel are important to not only children in our school but to every child in the world:
We chose 3 UNCRC Articles that were important to us. We agreed actions between children and adults to make sure that these rights are realised. One of the articles which we felt were important to us was:
UNCRC Article 24
All children have the right to clean water
We have agreed that we, as Right Holders (children), are not going to waste water, raise awareness and do what we can to help children in the wider world have access to clean water. We decided that one action we could take was to make sure that any waste water we have we will use to water the plants. Duty Bearers (adults) are going to make sure we have clean water bottles, access to water and help us raise money for charities such as Water Aid.