Rights Respecting Gold Award 2024
We are delighted to inform you that we have successfully received re-accreditation of Rights Respecting Gold Award. Please see below message from assessors and report.
Nettlesworth, RRSA Gold reaccreditation, 8 Oct 24, KA
Thank you so much for hosting my visit to Nettlesworth. It was lovely to see the school again in person and of course to meet so many colleagues and pupils and hear about their passion for rights and the work being undertaken in school.
I am very pleased to confirm that the Accreditation and Standards Committee agree that sufficient evidence was provided in the report to reaccredit
Nettlesworth Primary as a UNICEF UK Gold: Rights Respecting School.
Please pass on our congratulations to your pupils, colleagues and school community for their contribution and commitment to RRSA and for your collective achievement in sustaining the highest stage of UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting Schools Award, Gold: Rights Respecting
Rights Respecting Gold Award 2021
We are delighted to inform you that we have successfully received re-accreditation of Rights Respecting Gold Award. Please see below message from assessors and report.
Nettlesworth Primary School RRSA GOLD 16Nov21
Thank you so much for hosting our visit to Nettlesworth last month. Jilly and I had a wonderful time hearing from you, children and staff about the fantastic rights work you are doing in school and the positive impact that learning about rights is having on outcomes for your children.
I am very delighted to confirm that the Accreditation and Standards Committee agree that sufficient evidence was provided
in our report to reaccredit Nettlesworth Primary as a Unicef UK Gold: Rights Respecting School.
Please pass on our congratulations to your pupils, colleagues, governors and parents for their contribution and commitment to RRSA and for your collective achievement in reaching the highest stage of Unicef UK’s Rights Respecting Schools Award, Gold: Rights Respecting. I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your success.
Rights Respecting School 2018
We are delighted to inform you that we have been successful in achieving the Rights Respecting Gold Award. We are very proud to achieve such a special award and would like to thank parents, children, staff and Governors for their hard work.
Please find attached our report below.
Nettlesworth Durham Gold 2Oct18
We are immensely proud to be a UNICEF Rights Respecting Gold School
UNCRC Article 12 – Children have the right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken in to account.
Our 2024-2025 Rights Respecting Council Champions
As a Rights Respecting school we are an organisation which promotes equality and the UNCRC articles giving children in our care a high level of pupil voice and participation as well as striving to educate them to become all round Global citizens. Please click link below to see our Rights Respecting Champions and their roles.
RRSA Council badges
Our 2023-2024 Rights Respecting Council Champions
As a Rights Respecting school we are an organisation which promotes equality and the UNCRC articles giving children in our care a high level of pupil voice and participation as well as striving to educate them to become all round Global citizens. Please click link below to see our Rights Respecting Champions and their roles.
Our 2022-2023 Rights Respecting Council Champions
As a Rights Respecting school we are an organisation which promotes equality and the UNCRC articles giving children in our care a high level of pupil voice and participation as well as striving to educate them to become all round Global citizens. Please click link below to see our Rights Respecting Champions and their roles.
Our 2021-2022 Rights Respecting Council Champions
As a Rights Respecting school we are an organisation which promotes equality and the UNCRC articles giving children in our care a high level of pupil voice and participation as well as striving to educate them to become all round Global citizens.
Rights Respecting Displays
Our 2020-2021 Rights Respecting Council Champions
As a Rights Respecting school we are an organisation which promotes equality and the UNCRC articles giving children in our care a high level of pupil voice and participation as well as striving to educate them to become all round Global citizens.
A large part of this work is the creation of Charters – agreements between the children and adults in school about what actions both groups will take to help promote the UNCRC articles.
Groups of children in a class will choose an article that they feel is important to them and think about what actions they as children can take to help themselves and others globally to make that article work.
Adults in school will think about what actions they can take to do the same. Together, class, whole school and playground charters are created which helps to make our school a thoughtful, reflective place to learn, work and play.
School Charter
Our School Charter is an agreement between children and adults in our school. They are shared values and principles based on the CRC. The children chose five UNCRC articles which they felt was important to us. We then have agreed actions between all of the children and adults to ensure the rights can be realised and enjoyed by everyone.
One of the articles that was important to us was: UNCRC Article 23
A child with a disablity has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and independence and to play an active part in the community. Governments must do all they can to provide support to disabled children
The children agreed that they would make sure all children in our school join in activities and children with a disability are treat equally. Adults agreed that they support and help all children, raise awareness, teach every child individually and adapt building/resources etc if ever needed.
Please view our Pupil Improvement Plans
Our Pupil Improvement Plans 2019-2020 continued for 2020-2021 due to COVID pandemic
- Pupil Improvement Plan Yellow Team 2024-2025
- Pupil Improvement Plan Red Team 2024-2025
- Pupil Improvement Plan Green Team 2024-2025
- Pupil Improvement Plan Blue Team 2024-2025
- Pupil Improvement Plan Yellow Team 2023-2024
- Pupil Improvement Plan Blue Team 2023-2024
- Pupil Improvement Plan Green Team 2023-2024
- Pupil Improvement Plan Red Team 2023-2024
- Pupil Improvement Plan Red Team 2022-2023
- Pupil Improvement Plan Green Team 2022-2023
- Pupil Improvement Plan Blue Team 2022-2023
- Pupil Improvement Plan Yellow Team 2022-2023
- Pupil Improvement Plan Blue Team 2021-2022
- Pupil Improvement Plan Green Team 2021-2022
- Pupil Improvement Plan Yellow Team 2021-2022
- Pupil Improvement Plan Red Team 2021-2022
- Pupil Improvement Plan Yellow Team Article 12 2019-2020
- Pupil Improvement Plan Red Team Article 12 2019-2020
- Pupil Improvement Plan Green Team Article 12 2019-2020
- Pupil Improvement Plan Blue Team Article 12 2019-2020
- Pupil Improvement Plan Yellow Team Article 12 2018-2019
- Pupil Improvement Plan Red Team Article 12 2018-2019
- Pupil Improvement Plan Green Team Article 12 2018-2019
- Pupil Improvement Plan Yellow Team Article 12 2017-2018
- Pupil Improvement Plan Red Team Article 12 2017-2018
- Pupil Improvement Plan Blue Team Article 12 2017-2018
- Pupil Improvement Plan Green team Article 12 2017-2018
- Pupil Improvement Plan Blue Team-Article 12 2016/17
- Pupil Improvement Plan Green Team-Article 12 2016/17
- Pupil Improvement Plan Yellow Team-Article 12 2016/17
- Pupil Improvement Plan Red Team-Article 12 2016/17
- Pupil Improvement Plan Green Team – Article 12 2014-2015
- Pupil Improvement Plan Red Team – Article 12 2014-2015
- Pupil Improvement Plan Yellow Team – Article 12 2014-2015
- Pupil Improvement Plan Blue Team – Article 12 2014-2015
Rights Respecting Council Newsletter/Website
Our Rights Respecting Council children add their own blog on our website and school newsletter. Have a look to see what they have been up to and what is happening in the future on our parents section of the website.
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