Welcome to Class 5
Class 5 Staff
- Mr Graham
- Mrs Gallacher
- Mrs Moore
- Mrs Hill
Class 5 are a mixed age class of Year 5 and Year 6 who work alongside their teacher Mr Graham (Deputy Head Teacher) and their Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Gallacher and Mrs Moore. Mrs Hill teaches in Class 5 every Monday.
Class 5, like our other classes in school, work very hard and are immensely proud of what they do. They are always keen to show off their work and they also have very strong links and relationships with our partner school. Class 5 are excellent examples of our Rights Respecting ethos. Many of Class 5 are Sports Leaders, Team Captains and part of the School Sport Organising Crew.
Class Activities
Have a look at the things Class 5 have been up to by clicking on the link below:
Archived Activities
You can still view our Class 5 archived activities on our website.
Our Class Charter
This is our class charter in which we think how our actions may affect others. We have selected rights from the UNCRC which are important to us and agreed actions between the children and adults to ensure the rights are realised and enjoyed. We have all agreed to this charter and signed it.
An example of one of the UNCRC articles we have chosen is:
Article 17
Every child has the right to reliable information from the media. This should be information that children can understand. Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them.
We felt this article was relevant as we have just had new computers installed in school and lots of us in the class have access to the internet. We agreed that pupils would remember e-safety rules and stay safe in school and at home and that we always tell an adult if we see something we feel is unsafe.
The adults agreed that they would teach us how to keep safe online and remind us about staying safe on the computer, learn us new things and be there to talk to if we are worried.