Welcome to Class 5 Activities 2023-2024
Year 6 Prom – 22.7.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
Just look at how mature and grown-up our lovely Year 6 children are.
It was wonderful to see them all dressed in their attire for their Year 6 Prom.
Fantastic disco and dancing; beautiful pictures and a McDonalds for tea were endured by all.
All our children and staff would like to wish these wonderful young people the very best for their new school adventure. You are all going to be a credit and we are very proud of you all.
Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly – 22.7.24
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
What can we say? An emotional day when we welcomed our families and friends to school to say a final goodbye to our beautiful Year 6 children.
Mrs Lee read the children a traditional story and Leaver’s Poem before handing each child a Leaver’s Hoodie.
Our Year 6 children were then given an Irish blessing performed by our Year 2 children.
We wish you all the very best for the future Year 6: remember to work hard and aim for the sky.
Rights Respecting Gold demonstrated by all.
Leaver’s Performance – Cinderella Rockerfella – 18.7.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
What a performance by the children of Class 5 today when they presented unbelievable talent through singing, dancing and performing arts with their rendition of Cinderella Rockerfella.
It’s lovely to see how confident and mature you have all progressed into…we certainly have some future stars.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
Wednesday 3rd July 2024
Day 1 @ Robinwood
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
We arrived safely and participated in a variety of activities in the afternoon and evening.
We have all stepped out of our comfort zone and achieved some personal goals.
Activities including Canoeing, climbing, caving and crate building have challenged us to enhance our resilience and problem solving in our activity groups.
we all can’t wait for tomorrow.
During the evening, the Robinwood staff have commented how outstanding our teamwork and determination has been. We’re also very proud of our report from the Night Ninjas…apparently we’re the best school 👍
Homework – Numeracy – Investigations – 1.7.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
STEM Project – Science / Design Technology – 27.6.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
What a fabulous way to complete our STEM Design Technology project with a trip to Beamish Museum to present our working crane to actual engineers.
We explained the full design process and highlighted the issues we faced and how we demonstrated teamwork and resilience to overcome all problems.
The engineers were thoroughly impressed with our efforts and desire to improve.
We even sampled the new ice cream parlour with making our own ice cream.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all on our fabulous day.
Homework – Literacy – Reading – 24.6.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
Bamb. & Alnwick – Reading HW – 24.6.24
Lindisfarne – Reading HW – 24.6.24
Raby & Lumley – Reading HW – 24.6.24
Geography – 18.6.24
UNCRC Article 28 – right to education
A lovely session today when we welcomed Oases into school to identify a variety of wildlife that can be found in and around our own environments.
We particularly enjoyed completing the quiz!
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
Homework – Science – Theory of Evolution – 17.6.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
Bamb & Alnwick – Theory of Ev. – 17.6.24
Lindisfarne – Theory of Ev. – 17.6.24
Lumley – Theory of Ev. – 17.6.24
Raby – Theory of Ev. – 17.6.24
PE – Football – 14.6.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
A fabulous session today when we all enhanced our ball control and gameplay tactics in our first football session with Mark.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
Future Careers – 11.6.24
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
A TrueType wonderful effort by Praim and Jasleen who presented today’s assembly on Sikhism. They carefully planned and resourced their assembly with a super PowerPoint and were able to explain and answer questions.
we are immensely proud of you both: definitely potential future Careers in Teaching or Leadership.
Homework – Maths – Statistics – 10.6.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
SSCo Athletics Competition – 4.6.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
A fabulous day we have all had when we completed in a variety of field and track events in the County Durham Athletics Competition at the Riverside Stadium.
Our children demonstrated their wonderful determination to succeed and encouraged their classmates throughout the entire day.
We are very proud of all your efforts Class 5.
Special mention to Evie who won her event (Shot-put) and will now represent County Durham in the regional finals.
We are very proud of you Evie.
Homework – Science – Evolution and Inheritance – 3.6.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
Science HW – Bamburgh – 3.6.24
Science HW – Lindisfarne – 3.6.24
Cornerstones Curriculum Summer Term 2 – Class 5
I hope that you are all fit and well and have had a relaxing half-term break. During the Summer 2nd half term in Class 5, we are looking forward to learning about our next topic – Tomorrow’s World.
Text messages, emails, websites, blogs and podcasts. There are so many ways to communicate. Learn how to set up a class blog and build a homepage on a subject of your choice. Suggest ways to improve your school website, and hopefully the headteacher will listen to your ideas. Discover the movers and shakers in the world of technology, the people who’ve shaped the modern world. Perhaps you might be a visionary for the next generation. Build robots and circuits, break codes and investigate gadgets galore. Why not write a thriller narrative in the style of Anthony Horowitz? Then, on request from MI99, build a website for a new Spy School. What pages will it need? One for gadgets? A secret lunch menu? You decide. Let’s start today on Tomorrow’s World.
As well as our topic, the children will develop Invasion Games and Swimming in PE, enhance their understanding of Christianity in RE, as well as enhancing our Literacy and Numeracy skills. Our extra-curricular SAT Clubs are on Tuesday and Thursdays where we will begin to prepare our children for Year 6 and 7 (KS3). All children in Class 5 are encouraged to join in the fun on these After-School Clubs.
Homework will be issued weekly. Spellings will be issued on Wednesday and returned ready for a test on Mondays. Either Literacy, Numeracy or Science will be issued on Mondays, to be returned on Fridays. To continue all our hard work to develop our Remote Learning, we are encouraging our children to access their homework via DB Primary and upload their homework onto the MY WORK section by the Friday deadline – paper copies will still be distributed if necessary. We are trying to encourage our children to read daily, asking parents / carers to give a brief comment in their reading diary. Please ensure that your child returns their reading book to school daily.
Class 5 will have PE on Thursdays (Swimming) and Fridays (Invasion Games) this half term. Please ensure your child has their PE kits in school on Monday morning and leave it in school for the whole week. Naturally, swimming kits will need to be in school on Thursday morning and will be returned on the Thursday evening. We will send PE kits home on Fridays.
Please feel free to contact me with any queries; I genuinely believe that a happy child is the result of outstanding home / school links. Once again, thank you for your continuing support.
Tomorrows World Intro Letter – 3.6.24
Cornerstones Curriculum Celebration – 24.5.24
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
What a fabulous way to celebrate our Cornerstones Curriculum (Alchemy Island) by completing a variety of debugging tasks on Scratch and writing our own coding to programme the Alchemist to move to their intended destination.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all our children.
Treat Time!
An absolutely wonderful surprise our Year 6s have had today when Vision sent an ice-cream van to celebrate the completion of our SATs.
Thank you everyone.
Homework – Maths – 20.5.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
Lindisfarne – Maths HW – 20.5.24
Well done Year 6
What a week we have had with our wonderful Year 6 children who have all completed their End of KS2 SATs. We are all immensely proud with the desire and determination you have all demonstrated in the lead up and during your SATs and we are all convinced you will receive only positive results.
Enjoy your party day Year 6 – you thoroughly deserve it.
Homework – Literacy – 6.5.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
Year 6 SATs – Week Beginning: Monday 13th May 2024
As you are more than aware, next week is the Year 6 S.A.T.s week (wb: Monday 13th May), in which the children will undertake important standardised tests to reflect their progress throughout Key Stage 2. Their results will also form a basis for their future learning at Key Stage 3.
We are immensely proud of all our Year 6’s efforts and attitudes towards their SAT preparations, and we are sure that they will receive only positive results to justify their commitment. Please continue to support and encourage your child throughout next week by ensuring they have plenty of ‘brain food’, and plenty of sleep, and remind them to stay calm and focused.
Could you please ensure that your child arrives at school, bright and early each day from 8:30am – no later than 8:45am, and that they head straight to the school hall for brain gym and any additional breakfast if they are feeling peckish. May I remind you that your child’s attendance next week is essential.
To celebrate the conclusion of the SATs, and to reward the children for all their hard work and commitment over the last 6 months, Class 5 will be having a party on Friday 17th May – I am sure the children will tell you more about this!
Once again, thank you for your continuing support throughout the year, and in the lead up to the SAT’s – your children are an absolute credit, and we are sure they will perform brilliantly.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Monday 13th May – SPAG 1 & SPAG 2
Tuesday 14th May – Reading Paper
Wednesday 15th May – Arithmetic Paper 1
Reasoning Paper 2
Thursday 16th May – Reasoning Paper 3
Friday 17th May – PARTY DAY
Homework – Science – 29.4.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
Alnwick – Materials HW – 29.4.24
Bamburgh – Materials HW – 29.4.24
Lindisfarne – Materials HW – 29.4.24
Raby & Lumley – Materials HW – 29.4.24
PE – Tennis – 26.4.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
Another fabulous PE lesson today when we enhanced our control of the racket and tennis ball to become more accurate in gameplay scenarios.
We are training to participate in a intra-school tennis tournament by the end of the term.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
Potential Future Cyclist
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
Well done to Praim who has challenged himself outside of school to complete 50 miles on his bike over the period of one month. He was so engaged that he completed his goal in only 2 weeks ! We are all very proud of you Praim.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated.
Homework – Literacy – 26.4.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
Alnwick & Bamburgh Character description prompters HW – 22.4.24
Lindisfarne Character description prompters HW – 22.4.24
Raby & Lumley Minotaur Extending Sentences HW – 22.4.24
Design Technology / Science (STEM) – 23.4.24
UNCRC Article 28 – right to education
What a wonderful morning Class 5 have had when we welcomed Beamish educator Robert Martin and engineer Gemma Ayre to introduce our STEM Project ‘Crank It Up’.
We have been given our briefing to design, construct, evaluate and present a crane that is capable of moving and lifting specific weights. Our final assignment is to present at Beamish Museum later in the term.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
Homework – Maths – 19.4.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
Bamburgh & Alnwick- Arithmetic – 15.4.24
Lumley Raby Lindisfarne- Arithmetic – 15.4.24
Year 5 at Durham Federation – 19.4.24
UNCRC Article 28 – right to education
What a fabulous afternoon our Year 5 children have had when they participated in a Literacy session at a potential future secondary school – Durham Federation.
They all demonstrated fabulous imagination and perseverance to complete Mystery at Toadwort School (Harriet Putter Character Guide).
Unbelievable Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all our children.
Alchemy Island – Engagement – 17.4.24
A mysterious island with an array of Kingdoms to explore – adventures to be had; friends to find; foes to be wary of and treasures to locate. One problem…where exactly are we? Our children will have to crack the codes and solve riddles to navigate around their maps to unlock the riches of Alchemy Island.
Summer Term 1
Cornerstones Curriculum Celebration – Alchemy Island
I hope that you have all had a wonderful, relaxing Easter holiday and are ready for the next 6 weeks. During the Summer 1st half term in Class 5, we are looking forward to learning about our next topic – Alchemy Island!
It’s time to suspend your disbelief and open your mind. We’re going on a magical journey to Alchemy Island. Can you find the gold hidden deep within the island’s mysterious landscape? The only way is to study the map, unravel the riddle and begin your adventure. On the way, you must do all you can to learn about gold and master the ancient art of alchemy. Be creative and try to impress the island’s team of ace alchemists. Will they praise your scientific expertise? What if there were a video game version of Alchemy Island? Could you compose a stunning soundtrack to bring this mysterious landscape to life? You’ve got your map, coordinates and everything else you need to make your way across Alchemy Island. Don’t forget to pack your imagination. Got your suitcase ready? Then let the journey begin.
As well as our topic, the children will develop their Swimming and Tennis in PE, as well as enhancing our Literacy and Numeracy skills. Our children are excited that all their hard work and preparations for the upcoming SATs will come to fruition; SATs week beginning Monday 13th May. Extra-curricular clubs are on Tuesday and Thursdays. All children in Class 5 are encouraged to join in the fun on these After-School Clubs.
Homework will be issued weekly. Spellings will be issued on Wednesday and returned ready for a test on Mondays. Either Literacy, Numeracy or Science will be issued on Mondays, to be returned on Fridays. To continue all our hard work to develop our Remote Learning, we are encouraging our children to access their homework via DB Primary and upload their homework onto the MY WORK section by the Friday deadline – paper copies will still be distributed if necessary. We are trying to encourage our children to read daily, asking parents / carers to give a brief comment in their reading diary. Please ensure that your child returns their reading book to school daily.
Class 5 will have PE on Thursday (swimming) and Fridays this half term. Please ensure your child has their PE kits in school on Monday morning and leave it in school for the whole week. We will send PE kits home on Fridays.
Please feel free to contact me with any queries; I genuinely believe that a happy child is the result of outstanding home / school links.
Alchemy Island Intro. Letter – 16.4.24
Cornerstones Curriculum Celebration – Frozen Kingdom – 22.3.24
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
What a fabulous way to end a wonderful topic – Frozen Kingdom.
The children from class 5 produced a video diary and uploaded a vlog to explain their experience in their Frozen Kingdom.
Well done to everyone and excellent Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
Red Nose Day – Funny Football – 15.3.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
A fabulous effort by all our children and families today who dressed in a variety of colours to celebrate Red Nose Day. Our wonderful Sports Leaders organised Funny Football activities and delivered to each class during the morning.
Unbelievable Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all and thank you to all our families for your donations and help with preparing our children.
Science Ambassadors – 14.3.24
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
A fabulous effort by all our Science Ambassadors today when they delivered their Scientific Enquiry to Class 5.
We investigated how pendulums operate and created our own, trying to make 10 swings during a 30 second duration.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
PE – Outdoor and Adventurous Activities – 13.3.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
Well done to all the children from Class 5 today on completing their next OAA session with Mr Beverage. They demonstrated trust, communicating and bravery skills whilst completing blindfolded courses.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
Homework – Science – 11.3.24
Please find attached this week’s homework.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try and read to your adults and have your Reading Record Signed.
Science – Biology – 6.3.24
UNCRC ARTICLE 28 – right to education
Another super session today with Miss Poulter where our Year 6 children analysed their bacteria through a microscope.
Well done to all our children.
PE – Fitness – 4.3.24
Well done to all our children for their determination and commitment in their latest fitness session with Paul. We incorporated teamwork and competition into our lesson: what fun.
Homework – Literacy – 26.2.24
Please find attached this week’s homework – Literacy.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary (MY WORK SECTION) by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try to read to your parent / carer and have your Reading Record signed to show how well you have read.
Geography – 28.3.24
UNCRC ARTICLE 28 – right to education
Another fabulous experience today for Class 5 when we participated in the ECo2Smart follow up session regarding the recent COP28 convention on Climate Change.
We participated in a series of discussion on how we ensure we all act together to achieve our main goal and aid Climate Change.
Once again, rights respecting gold ethos demonstrated by all our children.
Cornerstones Curriculum Engagement – 26.2.24
UNCRC ARTICLE 28 – right to education
What a fabulous way to be introduced to our new Cornerstones Curriculum topic – Frozen Kingdom – when we welcomed our favourite author and friend Adam Bushnell.
We discussed the climate, animals and weather conditions in the polar regions before getting creative and designing our own mammals.
Once again, lots of fun with a rights respecting gold ethos.
Spring Term 2
I hope that you have all had a wonderful, relaxing half term and are ready for the next 5 weeks. During the Spring 2nd half term in Class 5, we are looking forward to learning about our next topic – Frozen Kingdom!
Welcome to the planet’s coldest lands…vast and hostile territories – incredibly beautiful, yet often deadly. Take shelter from the elements or fall prey to icy winds and the deepest chill. Trek bravely and valiantly across treacherous terrain to the ends of the Earth, treading deep in snow or be pulled by a team of mighty sled dogs.
The children will research facts and figures of climate, temperature, habitats and ecosystems, and compose evocative poems about the Northern Lights.
As well as our topic, the children will develop our Fitness in PE, as well as enhancing our Literacy and Numeracy skills. Our children are excited to continue their preparations for the upcoming SATs, extra-curricular clubs are on Tuesday and Thursdays. All children in Class 5 are encouraged to join in the fun on these After-School Clubs.
Homework will be issued weekly. Spellings will be issued on Wednesday and returned ready for a test on Mondays. Either Literacy, Numeracy or Science will be issued on Mondays, to be returned on Fridays. To continue all our hard work to develop our Remote Learning, we are encouraging our children to access their homework via DB Primary and upload their homework onto the MY WORK section by the Friday deadline – paper copies will still be distributed if necessary. We are trying to encourage our children to read daily, asking parents / carers to give a brief comment in their reading diary. Please ensure that your child returns their reading book to school daily.
Class 5 will have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays this half term. Please ensure your child has their PE kits in school on Monday morning, and leave it in school for the whole week. We will send PE kits home on Fridays.
Please feel free to contact me with any queries; I genuinely believe that a happy child is the result of outstanding home / school links.
PE – Fitness Circuits – 5.2.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
Another fabulous effort by all our children children in Class 5 when we completed our circuit fitness session with Leanne.
The children were all able to demonstrate their station with an explanation before completing the circuit.
We are all very impressed.
Homework – Numeracy – 5.2.24
Please find attached this week’s homework – Numeracy.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary (MY WORK SECTION) by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try to read to your parent / carer and have your Reading Record signed to show how well you have read.
UNCRC Future Careers – 1.2.24
A fabulous session today when we spoke to Mia and Rosie and their career path from school to career.
We were mesmerised by all the responsibilities the police have and some of the equipment they use. We can’t wait for next week.
PE – Fitness
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
Another fabulous session today with Leanne and our fitness lesson. Our children certainly demonstrated their willingness to succeed and achieve their goals in improving their scores.
We are all very proud of your hard work today.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
Homework – Literacy – 29.1.24
Please find attached this week’s homework – Literacy.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary (MY WORK SECTION) by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try to read to your parent / carer and have your Reading Record signed to show how well you have read.
Bamb & Alnwick Literacy HW – 29.1.24
Lindisfarne Literacy HW – 29.1.24
Raby & Lumley Literacy HW – 29.1.24
Future Careers – 25.1.24
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
What a fabulous treat we have all had today in our next Future Careers session; we welcomed Professor Chessington (Paul) who spoke to the children about his expertise in Physiotherapy and his career responsibilities as a sports physio, lecturer at Teeside University and now a Professor.
The children were mesmerised by his role as a football physio and his career path to achieve.
You all asked fantastic questions and demonstrated Rights Respecting Gold ethos throughout.
Homework – Science – 22.1.24
Please find attached this week’s homework – Science.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary (MY WORK SECTION) by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try to read to your parent / carer and have your Reading Record signed to show how well you have read.
New Age Curling – 24.1.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
A fabulous effort today by all our children when they enhanced their sporting skills and tactical awareness with a session of Curling. Our children certainly developed their desire to win and their were some fabulous gameplay.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
PE – Tudor Dance Masquerade – 18.1.24
Well done to everyone in Class 5 for the progress made in our Tudor Masquerade: it’s fabulous to see you all looking majestic in your movements. This week you worked in groups of 6 to create a sequence within the Masquerade.
Very proud of you all.
Art Coffee Morning – 17.1.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
What a wonderful morning we have had when we welcomed our parents and careers into school to create artwork: we worked together to create portraits of each other.
We are all very proud of our creations and thank you to our wonderful parents for helping.
Potential Future Careers – 16.1.24
UNCRC Article 28 – right to education
What a fabulous afternoon we have had when we welcomed Mr. Willcock (Joe) to discuss ou potential Future Careers. He spoke above his career in owning businesses and how his career path unfolded; what qualifications he needed and which skills are required to be successful. Well done to everyone and demonstrating rights respecting gold ethos by all.
Thanks again Joe.
Homework – Maths – 15.1.24
Please find attached this week’s homework – Maths.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary (MY WORK SECTION) by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try to read to your parent / carer and have your Reading Record signed to show how well you have read.
Art – Tudor Portraits – 12.1.24
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
A wonderful effort by all our children today when we used our artistic skills to recreate Tudor portraits in the style of Henry VIII’s personal artist – Hans Holbein.
Today we have completed the initial sketching ready for pastels next week.
Well done everyone.
Homework – Literacy – 8.1.24
Please find attached this week’s homework – Literacy.
Once you have completed your homework, please upload your work onto DB Primary (MY WORK SECTION) by Friday’s deadline. Remember to try to read to your parent / carer and have your Reading Record signed to show how well you have read.
Cornerstones Curriculum Engagement Memorable Experience – Off With Her Head
What sort of man would order the beheading of his wife? Was she really that bad? Class 5 are to travel back in time to the 1500s and meet the terrifying Tudors, a domineering dynasty that changed our history. We will discover an opulent court where dancing and singing goes hand in hand with swift falls from favour, and even swifter falling of heads. Can we flex our detective muscles and become a criminal investigator. Will we find out the facts or will the evidence from the past bemuse us? How will we find the accused, innocent or guilty? It’s our turn to take part in one of the most famous trials that the world has ever known.
Happy New Year Every one – 2024
Spring Term 1
Happy New Year; I hope that you have all had a wonderful, relaxing Christmas holiday and are ready for the next 6 weeks. During the Spring 1st half term in Class 5, we are looking forward to learning about our next topic – Off with Her Head!
What sort of man would order the beheading of his own wife? Was she really that bad?
The children will travel back in time to the 1500s and meet the terrifying Tudors, a domineering dynasty that changed our history.
We will discover an opulent court where dancing and singing goes hand in hand with swift falls from favour – and even sweeter falling of heads!
We will flex our detective muscles and become criminal investigators! Will you find out the facts or will the evidence from the past bemuse you? How will you find the accused…innocent or guilty?
As well as our topic, the children will develop their dance and fitness levels in PE, as well as enhancing our Literacy and Numeracy skills. Our children are excited to continue their preparations for the upcoming SATs, extra-curricular clubs are on Tuesday and Thursdays. All children in Class 5 are encouraged to join in the fun on these After-School Clubs.
Homework will be issued weekly. Spellings will be issued on Wednesday and returned ready for a check on Mondays. Either Literacy, Numeracy or Science will be issued on Mondays, to be returned on Fridays. To continue all our hard work to develop our Remote Learning, we are encouraging our children to access their homework via DB Primary and upload their homework onto the MY WORK section by the Friday deadline – paper copies will still be distributed if necessary. We are trying to encourage our children to read daily, asking parents / carers to give a brief comment in their reading diary. Please ensure that your child returns their reading book to school daily.
Class 5 will have PE on Monday and Thursdays this half term. Please ensure your child has their PE kits in school on Monday morning and leave it in school for the whole week. We will send PE kits home on Fridays.
Off with her Head Intro. Letter – 4.1.24
RE – Christingles
UNCRC Article 14 – freedom of thought, belief and religion
Well done to all our children who today have been learning about the true meaning of Christingles and what their importance to Christians are.
We all made a Christingle ready for our Church Service tomorrow.