Long Term Curriculum Plans
Some year groups have a Cycle A and Cycle B due to the fact that some years we have to have mixed year groups.
You can view or download our long Term Learning Plans by clicking the links below. You can see our curriculum in action by visiting the Our Classes section of our website.
- EYFS Long Term Curriculum Plan 2024-2025
- Long term curriculum framework year 1 2024-2025
- Long term curriculum framework year 2 2024-2025
- Long term curriculum framework year 3 2024-2025
- Long term curriculum framework year 4 2024-2025
- Long term curriculum framework year 5 2024-2025
- Long term curriculum framework year 6 2024-2025
- RSE Curriculum Map
Curriculum Recovery Action Plans
On this page you will find information on the school curriculum recovery strategy as we welcome back all pupils in September. We are calling this our recovery curriculum strategy, which acknowledges that there have been big losses to children as they have stayed at home during lockdown. The focus for school in the autumn will be upon ensuring that pupils are ready to learn and as such social and emotional learning will be prioritised. The act of recovery is at least as much an emotional and social one as it is academic, and our ability to recognise and plan for this will be at the heart of our learners’ eventual success. All of our subject leaders have prepared plans for the autumn term.
There are three key elements to the curriculum recovery strategy;
- Re-establishing the school curriculum
- Academic ‘Catch-Up’
- Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing
Outcomes from the curriculum recovery strategy will be:
- A return to the full school curriculum offer by September 2021
- All pupils to evidence projections for academic outcomes to those pre-lockdown
- A culture of positive mental and physical health is promoted throughout school
More information on actions linked to each element of the curriculum recovery strategy can be found below
- Recovery Curriculum Sep 21
- Curriculum Recovery Report June 2020
- Science action plan 2020/21
- P.E action plan 2020/21
- Computing action plan 2020/21
- Geography action plan 2020/21
- PSHCE:UNCRC:SEAL action plan 2020/21
- MFL action plan 2020/21
- Music Action Plan 2020/21
- Maths Action Plan 2020/21
- Literacy action plan 2020/21
- History action plan 2020/21
- Art action plan 2020/21
- Design Technology action plan 2020/21