Primary school tests and assessments will return in 2021/22 without any adaptations, but the results won’t be published in Key Stage 2 (KS2) performance tables in the 2021/22 academic year. However, the DfE will still produce the normal suite of KS2 accountability measures at school level and share these securely with primary schools, academy trusts, local authorities and Ofsted for school improvement purposes. This will be a transitional arrangement for the first year in which primary assessments return. The DfE intends to publish primary assessment data in performance tables again in the 2022/23 academic year. Until this point, KS2 performance data for academic year 2018/19 will continue to be publicly available on Compare school and college performance. KS2 results from 2021/22 will also be used to calculate Progress 8 baselines for future institution-level progress measures.
Compulsory SAT tests are carried out every year in school with children in Year 6. In addition to this children in Year 1 take a phonics reading test in June. This test is a series of words – proper and nonsense words which children are asked to read using their phonic knowledge. If a child in Year 1 does not get the required number of words right to pass the test they are able to resit it in Year 2.
Optional SAT tests for Year 2 children are taken in Reading, Writing and Maths and are done in May. Teachers use their professional judgement based on work done during the year to assess the level at which each child is working. This judgement is then confirmed by a test usually done in May. The results are submitted to parents via end of year reports and parent/teacher meetings.
Year 4 multiplication tables check
In June 2019, Year 4 trialled a new Year 4 multiplication tables check, which was trialled across the UK, becoming statutory in 2020. Due to COVID this statutory test did not take place. With the success of the children using Times Tables Rock stars, we decided to take part in the 2019 and 2021 voluntary trials, your child took a short online test to make sure their times tables knowledge is at the expected level.
We’ve gathered together everything you might want to know about the times tables check, including what it involves and when it will take place.
What is the Year 4 multiplication tables check?
The multiplication tables check is an online test for pupils in Year 4. Pupils are asked to answer 25 questions on times tables from two to 12. They are given six seconds per question, with three seconds rest between each question, so the test should last less than five minutes. It is very similar to the set-up of Times Tables Rock stars.
Questions about the six, seven, eight, nine, and 12 times tables are likely to come up most often, as these are the hardest for most children to learn. It’s a good idea to focus on these tricky times tables with your child.
First and foremost, the check is about finding out which children are struggling with their times tables so that they can get extra support. It is not a judgement on what your child can do, but a way for the school to know how their teaching is going and to adjust their focus if needed.
When is the check going to happen?
The next trial of the times tables check, open to all schools that want to take part, will take place between 2nd–13th June 2025. Our school participated in the trial and if your child is in Year 4, then they took the test.
By June 2020, every school will be required to take part in the check by law.
Year_4_Multiplication_Tables_Check –
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (Year 1 pupils)
Cancellation of the phonics screening check in June 2021 means pupils starting year 2 in September 2021 will not have taken the check in year 1. In the 2021/22 academic year, the DfE have confirmed that it is statutory for schools to administer a past version of the phonics screening check to year 2 pupils during the second half of the 2021 autumn term and return results to their local authority (LA).
The autumn check is intended to ensure that year 2 pupils who need support in learning to decode using phonics are not missed.
Year 2 pupils who meet the expected standard in phonics in the 2021 autumn check will not be required to complete any further statutory assessments in phonics. Year 2 pupils who do not meet the expected standard in the 2021 autumn check will be expected to take the statutory check in June 2022, alongside year 1 pupils.
Year 3 pupils, who were due to take the statutory check in June 2021 (when they were in year 2), are not required to take the autumn check. Schools are expected to maintain a programme of support for these pupils but do not need to return phonics data for year 3 pupils to their LA.
We are required to administer a phonics screening check to children in Year 1.
The 2019 check took place during the week beginning Monday 10th June 2019.
The 2020 check will take place during the week beginning Monday 8th June 2020-Cancelled due to COVID
The 2024 check will take place during the week beginning Monday 9th June 2025
Optional Key Stage 1 Assessment (Year 2 pupils)
If you have a child in year 2, at the end of key stage 1 (KS1) they may take part in
national curriculum tests in:
• English grammar, punctuation and spelling
• English reading
• mathematics
Some people refer to these tests as ‘SATs’.
The tests are not mandatory for schools to administer at the end of KS1, but
your child’s school may choose to use them to help identify where pupils need
additional support as they transition into key stage 2 (KS2).
The English reading and mathematics tests were previously mandatory, but they
became optional from the academic year 2023 to 2024 to reduce the overall
number of tests children have to take in primary school.
Key Stage 2 Assessment (Year 6 pupils)
Schools are required to administer the following tests: English Reading; English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (new from 2013); and Mathematics.
The 2025 end of Key Stage 2 national curriculum tests will be held in the week beginning Monday 12th May 2025.
Monday 12th May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2
Tuesday 13th May: English reading
Wednesday 14th May: Mathematics papers 1 and 2
Thursday 15th May: Mathematics paper 3
Please find Year 6 KS2 SATS 2019 Information Evening Powerpoint below.
The papers from the Year 6 tests are marked externally and results published by the Department for Education in early July. Parents and children will be made aware of these as soon as they are released to us.
How you can help
- Try to talk to your child ahead of the test week and reassure them – re-iterating the message that they just need to try their best and not worry.
- Make sure that they have a reasonably early night during SAT week. They will feel under a degree of stress so try to be patient.
- Ensure that they have a healthy breakfast before coming to school. Once in school we provide milk, juice or fruit prior to the tests starting to those children who want it.
- Once home ask your child how the day went and what they think they did well.
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
Schools will administer the first Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check within the 2 week period from Monday 2nd June 2025