12th November 2020
- For the attention of our current year 2 pupils parents and carers.
Dear Parents and Carers
As you are aware your child was due to take their year 1 phonics screening check in June 2020. Due to lockdown the government rescheduled this and have now given us a time frame to complete the check. We have until the Christmas break to complete the screening check with your child.
This check will be carried out with Mrs Aspinall and Mrs Lee, your child will be encouraged to read a mixture of 40 real and nonsense words. This is an opportunity for your child to show off their phonics skills and is very low key. The children have practised reading similar words during our phonics sessions so this is nothing the children aren’t familiar with.
Once all children have completed the check we will inform you of their scores.
For more information, please see our website where you will find an informative PowerPoint and revision pack. Please see the links below.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall