13th December 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you as the attendance rate at Nettlesworth Primary School has remained extremely positive when compared with attendance at schools nationally. We are above national average at 96.4%.
Informing us of a Positive Case during the Christmas Holidays.
The procedure to follow from Saturday 19th December:
If you child- Develops symptoms between the end of school on 18th December and 4pm Sunday 20th December and has confirmation of a positive test result on or at any time before 24th December, you must inform school immediately via email to the school website or email to d.lee103@durhamlearning.net
If your child- Develops symptoms after 4pm on Sunday 20th December and has a confirmation of a positive test result, you do not need to inform school.
In the instance where school receives a notification of a positive case, all close contacts will be informed and advised of the required actions. This message will be via text or email.
Prior to return to school Tuesday 5th January 2021
If you have had any confirmed cases of COVID 19 over the holiday period which may have an impact on school, please contact the school on the morning of 5th January. If you are unsure whether your child is able to attend or not please check with the school first.
Government Announcement for Year 2 and Year 6 Statutory SATs
I am sure many of you will have heard the news this week about Year 2 and Year 6 Statutory Tests. Year 2 tests will be cancelled in 2021 and whilst the Reading and Maths tests will take place for Year 6, the GAPS test (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) will be cancelled.
We do agree that this is absolutely the correct decision for our Year 2 children and had hoped the same decision might have been made for our Year 6 cohort. However, it makes no difference at all to our approach to teaching in any year group throughout this academic year.
Government Announcement about Training Day
You will no doubt have read about the government announcement this week stating that schools could have a training day on Friday 18th December so that school leaders do not have to be available for the track and trace system on Christmas Eve. We will not be changing our training days for this year and will be closing for the Christmas break on Friday 18th December as planned. Our training days are very carefully planned for specific training needs and it would be inappropriate to change this at the last minute. It would also be unfair to leave working parents without childcare with just over a weeks’ notice.
Free School Meals Vouchers – Family Fund Winter Voucher
An email has been sent to all parents who are eligible for free school meals. Please watch out for this email and also check junk box, as it will contain the information needed to access the vouchers. This email will be sent to the address we have registered on our system, please contact the office if you have not received this.
Messages of Thanks and Support
Thank you so much for all of your inspirational messages –I cannot begin to tell you how much they are all appreciated. May we also take this opportunity to wish you all a happy, healthy Christmas and well deserved time with your loved ones.
Yours Sincerely
Donna Lee
Head Teacher