Monday January 4th 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Welcome back to the start of the new Spring Term and thankyou for your patience regarding schools re-opening and the current media. There has been much speculation in the media over the past few days re: reopening of schools this week and things keep changing.
It is an unfolding situation with the government, scientists, and staff unions all taking different views on the current risks of schools reopening. I’m sure you will appreciate how this is a very difficult time for school leaders as we continue to work out how best to keep our staff and families safe.
School will re-open tomorrow on Tuesday 5th January at 8.00 a.m. for breakfast club, followed by normal start and finish procedures for class bubbles. If there is any further change or guidance from the Department of Education or Local Authority, I will let everyone know as soon as possible. I also totally understand if anyone is feeling anxious about their children returning to school. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns.
Due to on-going restrictions there will be no after school tuition clubs until further guidance so unfortunately we will not be able to begin them next week.
As you are aware, we are now in Tier 4 and further restrictions are in place. Please can we remind you to be aware of what these are and follow them in order to protect us all. Failing to do so impacts all of us and will most certainly result in the closure of school bubbles. The staggered start times and social distancing measures in and around school are very important, we also encourage you to wear a face mask when collecting your child from school.
If you, your child or a household ‘bubble’ member has tested positive for Covid-19 during the last two weeks can you please email so we are aware if your child will be absent from school next week, due to the isolation period. This allows teachers to provide online learning, as well as prepare for face to face teaching.
For the latest Covid-19 stay at home guidance visit
Despite the start of a new year, we are still facing very difficult and challenging times. Our main priority is the safety and mental well-being of our children and I would like to thank all the staff, Governors and yourselves for your continued support.
Best Wishes
Donna Lee
Head Teacher