Thursday 7th January 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Information for KeyWorker/Vulnerable Children attending school during lockdown
- Pupils will be required to wear school uniform, but this should also include warm, practical layers of clothing, trainers suitable for being outside and wellies. Classroom windows will be open at all times to improve ventilation.
- The children will be directed to undertake the work that their teacher has set for them on school website via class activity page. Children who are in school will be completing the same work as those who are at home
- We will open at 8.00am and close at 3.30pm. Please wait outside the school gates observing social distancing rules; as parents will not be allowed on site.
- One Parent or Carer from each family will wait outside the main school gate to drop off or collect their child from school.
- Infant children and those who are entitled to a free school meal will have a school meal provided by school
- All children will be provided breakfast, free of charge.
- Children can bring a packed lunch or order a school dinner – this will be paid via parentpay as normal
- Due to classroom ventilation, please make sure A coat and warm clothing will be required.
- Children will need suitable outdoor footwear including wellies for Class 3 children every day.
- Children will be expected to wear uniform. Please note that children will need WARM clothing because classroom windows will need to be open for ventilation.
- Children are expected to have washed their hands before leaving home and will wash them when they come into school. They will continue to wash them through the school day and before they are collected by Parents/Carers.
- Children are not allowed to bring any toys or other items into school.
- Children will be provided with their own equipment and water bottles.
- Children will be in their normal classroom bubbles. Each bubble/group will have a maximum of 12 children and two members of staff teaching children. Where equipment is shared, it will be cleaned with anti-bacterial cleaner after each child has used it. Rooms will be ventilated as much as possible and children will have regular access to outdoor learning and breaks.
- Attendance- please follow normal procedures and if your child is not going to attend school, please
- Social Distancing- Each bubble will have a maximum of 12 children to promote social distancing where possible. Government guidance states ‘We know that, unlike older children and adults, early years and primary age children cannot be expected to remain 2 metres apart from each other and staff all of the time’.
- We will follow the guidance by:
✓ avoiding contact with anyone with COVID -19 symptoms
✓ frequent hand cleaning and good respiratory hygiene practices
✓ regular cleaning of settings
✓ minimising contact and mixing It is still important to reduce contact between children and adults as much as possible, and we can achieve that and reduce transmission risk by ensuring children and staff where possible, only mix in a small, consistent group and that small group stays away from other people and groups.
*Please note that if a child or member of staff tests positive for COVID-19, then the bubble will all be sent home
Many Thanks
Donna Lee
Head Teacher