Wednesday 27th January 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Home Learning
We would like to send another huge thank you to you all, you are doing a fantastic job under very challenging circumstances. We understand some days are easier than others, we are very proud of all the work you do. We know too well the challenges of parenting, work and home-schooling but will remind you as often as we can that your emotional well-being along with that of your child is most important. We love the photographs of the activities and work you have been doing and please keep sending these in. If you have requested a learning pack from us (printed resources for the week relating to daily online lessons), please remember to collect them from school. These are available from 9am every Monday. If you are unable to collect them, please let us know and we will arrange them to be delivered to you. If you are unable to upload the completed work via email to class teachers then you can also bring the completed work into school to be given to your child’s teacher to mark – this means any areas of misunderstanding can be identified as soon as possible. If you originally asked for a work pack but no longer need one printing, please inform the school office or your child’s teacher as this will help save time and costs for us.
We continue to review the on-line learning within the government guidelines, we know from feedback that you like the pre-recorded videos from staff and links to power points and online videos to help support the lessons. We want to ensure our children enjoy learning during this lockdown, we know that it will be the memories you make as a family that the children will remember in years to come.
Please watch out on our school website under latest news for story time with class teachers, Head Teacher Assembly and Lexia/TT Rockstars awards. We also add links to extra- curricular resources and constant updates of information.
We are setting up a new online platform called DB Primary, which gives schools a safe and secure environment for staff and pupils to collaborate.
Because DB Primary is all web-based, children will be able to access DB Primary anywhere with just a web browser and internet connection – there is nothing else they need to install on their computer.
Each child will be given an account for DB Primary and will help children upload their work back to their class teacher easily. We will let you know more about this platform as soon as it is set up.
Lateral Flow Tests
This week, school staff have now started taking lateral flow tests twice a week. It is hoped that the regular testing will help to keep the whole school community as safe as possible and pick up on anyone who has the virus but are asymptomatic and as a result, prevent it spreading.
Citizens Advice Energy Programme
Citizens Advice have issued some guidance about a new project. Across England, over 2.4 million households are classed as being fuel poor. The aim of this project is to assist new & existing clients with expert energy advice to maximise their income and reduce fuel poverty. The Citizens Advice Energy Advice Programme is now live and can help clients save money and manage their energy use more effectively through providing help and advice with the following:
❖ Fuel vouchers
❖ Energy tariffs
❖ Switching energy supplier
❖ Energy efficiency
❖ Fuel debts
❖ Meters
❖ Smart meters
❖ Grant applications
❖ Additional help and support from suppliers
If you would like our support with any of the above or you find yourself struggling to meet your energy costs, please give them a call on: 07592649158. Alternatively, you can contact them by going to or calling our Advice line on 03444 111444.
February half-term
All schools will close as usual over the half-term and are not expected to stay open for vulnerable pupils and children of critical workers.
The Local Authority will use funds from the Covid Winter Grant Scheme to provide families with meal support over this time. These vouchers will be emailed to our Families.
I would like to thank everyone in our school community for everything they are doing at this time to ensure we all stay as safe as possible. My thoughts go out to families who have to self-isolate, have loved ones ill at this time or families who have lost loved ones. I know that the strength we had as a community during the first lockdown helped us through and I am sure this will be case again. We are here to support you in every way, so please get in touch with us, sometimes just a chat can help
Thank you again for your continued support
Mrs Donna Lee
Head Teacher