DCC Parental Engagement Letter – 10.02.21
10 February 2021
Dear parent
At this difficult time where schools are unable to offer on site education to all, they have been working extremely hard to provide an alternative education offer to ensure the continuity of children’s learning.
It is appreciated that sometimes there can be some technical difficulties accessing remote learning, and we also recognise that parents who are educating their children at home may also be working from home, balancing the demands of home life and employment circumstances. Should you have any difficulties accessing your school’s remote education offer, we would encourage you to contact the school to resolve these as a matter of urgency.
If you are unable to access the school’s remote learning because of some other difficulty, it is imperative that you contact the school at your earliest opportunity so that learning can re-commence, and so that, as a parent, you can continue to meet your duty in law to ensure that your child(ren) of compulsory school age receive a suitable full-time education.
Schools have important duties to ensure that children are safe, well and receive the support that they need whilst remote learning. If a pupil is not accessing this, and the school are unable to make contact with you, naturally the school may be concerned. It is therefore important that parents maintain an open dialogue with schools so that they can help you with any concerns or difficulties. In some circumstances, it may be necessary for the school to make a referral to the Local Authority who will assess whether a home visit is required.
Yours sincerely
Richard Crane
Head of Education and Skills