Letter to Kevan Jones, MP
In Geography this half term we have learnt all about our local area. We talked about what we like and dislike about Nettlesworth. We noticed that one of the things that we don’t like is the smelly dog poo! So we decided to try and do something about it. We have written a letter to our MP, Kevan Jones, in the hope he can help us solve this smelly problem!
UNCRC Article 12 – right to a say in all matters affecting them
Update …
Further to your correspondence to Durham County Council dated 14 December in which you detail Ms Aspinal’s concerns regarding the installation of a dog waste bin near Nettlesworth Primary School.
Firstly, I am sorry to hear that irresponsible people are not picking up after their pets. Regarding your suggestion to install a dog waste bin near the school, I can confirm that we can install a dog waste bin next to a lamppost on the grass verge outside the school grounds. If this location is acceptable we can arrange for the bin to be installed. If Ms Aspinal could confirm that she is happy with the suggestion, we can then make arrangements to carry out the work. Yours sincerely Jeff Talbot Clean and Green Manager