On Friday we had lots of fun joining in a whole school Skipping School day with Gail.
Class 1 had a super fun session and blew Gail’s socks off! She never expected that they would progress from Level 1 – 4 in 1 session. We were able to jump the rope and move forwards and backwards 🙂
In class 2 Gail taught all of us to skip! She was so amazed at our skills that we quickly progressed onto the big rope and every single one of us had a go at jumping in the rope. How amazing!
In Class 3 we had a fantastic time learning how to skip. We learned lots of new skills and had lots of fun.
In class 4 we learnt lots of new skills, like the single and double bounce. We had lots of talented skippers as we have skipping ropes every playtime. Gail was impressed with us and we had lots of fun!
In Class 5, we were able to demonstrate our Rights Respecting Gold ethos in learning a variety of new skipping skills including: single bounce; double bounce; figure of eight…
The children absolutely loved their session with Gail and can’t wait to practice their skills during play and dinner times.