This week we have taken part in Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Let’s Connect and throughout our curriculum, assemblies and Dress to Express Day we have helped to make a difference to the lives of children and young people across the UK. 👏🏼
Today, as part of Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 we Dressed to Express ourselves. The children and adults wore what they feel expresses their true self to school! We we drew names out of a hat across the whole school and each child wrote a kindness postcard to someone else in the school. In assembly, we hand delivered all of the postcards and the room was filled with happiness 🌟
Class 1
We have been looking at how we can keep ourselves healthy on the inside as well as on the outside. We talked about superpowers and found out that Kindness is Powerful! The children had some fantastic ideas of what kindness means to them so we recorded it to share with you all! Remember, in a world where you can be anything, BE KIND 🤩
Class 2
All week in class we have engaged in activities to support our learning around the importance of mental health. We have had a visit from Eve (WEE), engaged in daily feeling fans, completed hand breathing exercises, discussed kindness in assembly, took part in whole school random acts of kindness certificates and finally dressed to express! Don’t we all look amazing!
Class 3
Class 3 have taken part in a range of activities this week, all linked to our mental health. We had a lesson from WE Elephants, which helped us express and manage our feelings. We looked at our thoughts, feelings, body feelings and behaviours and how we can change our unhelpful cycle to a helpful one. We have been focusing on the importance of being kind to our friends and we all received a lovely random act of kindness from one of our friends in school. All of the children made such a great effort for Dress to Express day!
Class 4
Class 4 have had a lot of fun taking parts in activities linked to mental health and sharing the importance of talking about how you feel! We worked in our UNCRC lesson to see what impact technology can have on our mental health, answered what mental health is and discussed why it is so important to speak about your mental wellbeing. We also took part in an extra special Feeling Fans, where we had to say one positive thing about ourselves before we spoke about our feelings. In assembly, we each received a postcard from one of our friends in school as a random act of kindness and had so much fun in our extra outdoor playtime!
Class 5
UNCRC Article 13 – freedom of expression
Class 5 have really enjoyed their activities in UNCRC this week linking it with our Children’s Mental Health Week. We have discussed how we can be kind to one another and how this makes both the giver and the receiver feel when we look after one another with kindness. In assembly, we wrote an act of kindness to a randomly drawn individual across the whole school. In class, we derived slogans, logos and designed a Kindness Poster for a Key Stage 3 (Hermitage) poster competition to keep our future Career links strong with the local secondary school. Rights Respecting Gold Ethos demonstrated by all.