UNCRC Article 28 – right to education
What a fabulous day staff and children alike have had celebrating their love for Maths when all our teachers swapped classes and taught a large variety of calculations and conceptual problems.
Wonderful resilience and dedication to succeed in their work, our children demonstrated rights respecting gold ethos: we are very impressed.
Mrs Morton
Class 2 were super speedy using all four operations with Mrs Morton. We played a game of musical odds and evens before making big body number sentences and switching the calculations around to represent them in different ways:
2+18=20 18+2=20 20-2=18 20-18=2
Class 5 embarked on a COJO mission with Mrs Morton, focusing on mathematical calculation skills and variation in their written methods. They also worked as team players to set up and complete mini obstacle courses to complete the mission showing resilience and excellent communication skills throughout 🙂
Mrs Aspinall
Mrs Aspinall enjoyed working with class 1 and class 4.
In class 1 we looked at number bonds to 5. Mrs Aspinall was impressed with the mathematical vocabulary the children could use.
In class 4 the children became the teachers and they taught Mrs Aspinall all about the different ways they could solve the four operation problems. Thank you class 4!
Miss Grimes
Miss Grimes had a lovely afternoon teaching class 5 and class 1.
Class 5 were challenged to complete a variety of calculations, using as many different methods as possible. Once we had completed our calculations, we had a game of countdown, where the class had to reach a 5 digit number, using the best calculation they could think of. Some of the calculations class 5 came up with were fantastic!
Class 1 were learning all about one more and one less and showing me how they can count to 8! Each of the children were given a certain amount of objects and had to tell me one more or one less. It was lovely to see the progress the children have made so far!
Mrs Dyer
Mr Graham
Mr. Graham had the pleasure in teaching the children from Class 3 and Class 4.
In both classes, the children solved a variety of calculations using variance in their written methods then applied their knowledge to solve conceptual problems.
Well done everyone.