UNCRC Article 28 – Right to an education.
What a fabulous day our children have had participating in their Autumn Term Maths Day 2023. The teachers were very excited to teach conceptual problems based on Calculation to 2 different classes over the course of the afternoon. We have some fabulous mathematicians in our school and it was lovely to see all the children excel in their work.
Well done everyone.
Class 1
Class 1 had lots of fun, working with Mrs Aspinall and Miss Grimes. With Miss Grimes, the children worked hard to count sweets. Miss Grimes was amazed by their amazing counting skills and their number knowledge. With Mrs Aspinall, the children joined in with a Super-Movers and made towers of up to 3 blocks.
Class 2
Class 2 had a great time working with Mrs Hill. The children worked hard to answer calculation questions – some adding and even some subtracting! Mrs Hill was blown away by their methods and loved how they used their number lines to help.
Class 3
Class 3 have worked very hard with Mr. Graham solving conceptual problems using addition and subtraction. We even used the Part, Part, Whole model to enhance our reasoning skills.
Rights respecting gold ethos by all the children when they explained their mathematical thinking to solve missing numbers.
Class 3 had a fun time working with Mrs Hill. The children worked hard to answer calculation questions in as many different ways as possible – even using the inverse operation to check their answers!
Class 4
Class 4 have worked very hard with Mr. Graham solving conceptual problems using the 4 functions – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We used our application skills by explaining our workings to the rest of the class as teachers.
Rights respecting gold ethos by all the children when they explained their mathematical thinking to solve missing
Class 4 worked hard with Mrs Aspinall to become real life teachers! Children worked in groups to teach their peers how to solve a range of calculations. Well done Class 4!
Class 5
Class 5 worked hard with Mrs Morton and Miss Grimes, solving word problems involving all four operations. They worked hard as a group and gave each other challenges to complete.