Children begin their reading journey in EYFS where they learn the sounds that each letter makes. They are then shown how to blend these sounds to read words. We use phonics and Read, Write, Inc in EYFS and throughout school to teach children how to read. From first recognising sounds to being able to read fluently. Alongside, being shown how to blend, children are also given opportunities to learn high frequency words and common exception words. By the end of year 2, we hope that children are fluent readers and in Year 2 we begin thinking in greater depth about what children are reading, encouraging children to predict and infer meaning. Reading continues to be promoted throughout the school and children are exposed to authors and books that will help develop their imagination and love of reading.
- Intent-Reading and Phonics
- Reading progression of skills
- Expectations of Progress Read Write Inc Phonics
Again the writing journey for our children begins in EYFS where children develop their fine motor skills in order to hold a pencil correctly. Children are then shown how to from letters. They are given many opportunities to write and as children move through school they gain stamina for writing at length and they are shown what they need to do to make their writing interesting and/or informative. Teachers plan interesting and engaging lessons for children using texts that model excellent writing.