UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to everyone who accessed their Lexia this week and achieved their next levelled certificates.
We are all very proud of you – rights respecting gold ethos demonstrated by all our children.

by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to everyone who accessed their Lexia this week and achieved their next levelled certificates.
We are all very proud of you – rights respecting gold ethos demonstrated by all our children.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Super work by all our children who have impressed their teachers and achieved their Head Teacher Award this week.
We are all very proud of you.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to all our children who accessed their TT Rockstars this week and achieved their certificates.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
As massive well done to our KS2 Cross Country team who braved the rain and mud to absolutely smash the cross country course! They all showed such determination and dedication to their running. They made us all proud! same again next year?
by ameliagrimes
UNCRC Article 29 – Education must develop children’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.
UNCRC Article 28 – Right to an education.
Today the children all took part in a Rights Respecting workshop, during assembly, with Mrs Lee. We discussed new beginnings and what we enjoy about coming to school. The children shared some lovely ideas, which were shared by our Rights Respecting chairs and vice chairs.
by lowens
Today we appointed our new History Ambassadors, who are going to be working with Mrs Edwards to promote various historic anniversaries and events throughout the year, alongside sharing their expert knowledge with the rest of the school. Well done, History Ambassadors!
UNCRC Article 29 – education should fulfil children’s potential to the fullest.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to everyone who has worked very hard on their Lexia this week and achieved their next Level and certificate.
We are all very proud of you.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Fantastic efforts by all our children who accessed their TT Rockstars this week and achieved their certificates.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all our children.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to all our children who have worked very hard and achieved their Head Teacher Award this week.
We are all very proud of you. Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
by lowens
On Thursday afternoon, members of the Rights Respecting Council, with the help of Mrs Nicholson, held our very first Fairtrade Tuck Shop of the year to help celebrate and raise awareness of Fairtrade Fortnight! We managed to raise lots of money to help farmers and workers receive a fair wage.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.