Welcome to Class 4 Activities 2024 – 2025
Homework due Friday 14th February
This week’s homework is looking at our Science topic of the digestive system! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Homework due Friday 7th February
This week’s homework is working on our times table knowledge! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Chinese New Year
We celebrated Chinese New Year in class this afternoon! Firstly, we made Chinese lanterns outside during our Forest School session, then went inside to enjoy some Chinese cuisine (using our Science knowledge to detect which parts of our tongue could detect each taste) and watched a video on the celebrations all around the Year of the Snake.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of cultural activities.

In Science this week, we have been starting to look at the digestive system. We started looking at our tongues and even recorded which areas taste which kind of food!
UNCRC Article 28 – every child has the right to an education.

Sequencing our Dance with Mr Beveridge
This term, we have been combining our gymnastics with our dance skills to come up with a sequence of a dance to music! We’ve been working hard on our partner balances, mirroring and rolls.
UNCRC Article 28 – every child has the right to an education.

Homework due Friday 31st January
This week’s homework is working on up levelling our sentences in Literacy! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Bath Bombs
In our DT session today, we created our very own bath bombs using natural ingredients. We can’t wait until they dry out so we can take them home to our loved ones!

UNCRC Article 31 – every child has the right to take part in a wide range of activities.
OASES Workshop on Climate Change
Today, we were lucky enough to work with Dyfan from OASES to take action against climate change! We talked about renewable energy, how the next generation can help the planet before going outside to test out our own renewable energy kits – we loved it!
UNCRC Article 24 – every child has the right to a safe and clean environment.

Ukulele with Mr Stokoe
We enjoyed our second session of ukulele with Mr Stokoe today! We began to pluck individual strings, after building on our strumming skills, and began to play ‘The Banana Boat Song’.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of artistic activities.

Homework due Friday 24th January
This week’s homework is looking at our Science topic of Animals Including Humans! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Fitness with Leanne Kemp
We enjoyed another fitness session with coach Leanne Kemp in PE this week! We worked on strengthening our core muscles.
UNCRC Article 29 – education should fulfil children’s talents and abilities to the fullest.

Forest School Sketching
In this week’s forest school session, we took our sketchbooks outside to gain inspiration from nature and enjoyed some fantastic sketching!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of artistic activities.

Team Building Trip
Today, with Durham Sports Partnership, we were lucky enough to take part in a team building workshop at Belmont Secondary School. We enjoyed taking turns, realised the importance of listening to each other and had so much fun!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Homework due Friday 17th January
This week’s homework is focusing on our times tables, in preparation for our Multiplication Check in June! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Cornerstones Engagement with Adam Bushnell
Today, we were super excited to welcome author Adam Bushnell back to our school! He helped us launch our new Cornerstones topic of ‘Potions’ by doing a range of fun activities with us. We created our own potion using a cauldron and natural materials outside, wrote riddles about how our potion could turn us into animals and even turned a plastic tortoise into a real tortoise – Jet! Everyone had so much fun using their vivid imagination skills. Thank you so much, Adam, for coming to see us all!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Welcome back to Spring 1!
Welcome back to school everyone and to Spring 1! I hope you have enjoyed your Christmas break and are looking forward to the new half term.
In Class 4, we are looking forward to having lots of fun learning new things and consolidating our learning from last term. This half term our new Cornerstones topic is ‘Potions’. We’ll be looking at the historic use of potions and their properties as well as creating our very own magic! Please keep an eye on our section of the school website to find out about all the exciting things we are doing in class.
Just a few notes for your diary:
Homework given out on Mondays and is expected back in school on Fridays. Children’s homework can also be uploaded to DB. Spellings are given out on Wednesdays for our spelling tests on Mondays.
Finally, PE kits! Please send in a PE kit on a Monday and leave it at school throughout the week. We will return this home on a Friday. Our PE days change each half term depending on available coaches in school.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks,
Mrs Edwards
Christmas Party
We had so much fun at our Christmas party this afternoon. We showed off our amazing outfits and dancing skills before the Naughty Elf visited! Merry Christmas, everyone!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to relax and play.

Cornerstones Topic Celebration
To celebrate the end of our topic ‘Misty Mountain Sierra’, we had a camping afternoon, where we virtually climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, ate our packed lunch just before the summit, enjoyed a relax in our tent with games before reaching the top, where we were able to speak to Mrs Peverley (who climbed this mountain earlier in the year!) A massive thank you to Mrs Peverley for coming to speak to us and answer all of our questions.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to relax and play.

Christmas Jumper and Dinner Day
Check out our fantastic festive clothes and food! Everyone looked amazing and enjoyed their scrumptious dinners.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Christingle Service
We sang beautifully at our Christingle service with Reverend Michael. We’ve enjoyed learning all about the history and meaning of Christingle within class this week and were proud to show off our creations to parents and carers.
UNCRC Article 14 – children have the right to any or no religion.

Reindeer Run
Today, we took part in our annual charity run to raise money for St Cuthbert’s Hospice! We had so much fun. A massive thank you to the Sports Leaders, SSOCs Crew and Leanne Kemp for our fun filled afternoon.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Homework due Friday 20th December
This week’s homework is Christmas themed! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Christmas School Games Live
We participated in Christmas School Games Live with Leanne Kemp this morning! We loved getting active.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Christmas Pantomime
We welcomed Dip and Dab to school today to perform a hilarious Christmas pantomime for us! We had so much fun and loved watching our teachers getting involved.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to relax and play.

Forest School Critters
This week in Forest School, we used a mixture of natural resources and clay to create our very own critters! Check out our critters!
UNCRC Article 29 – children should develop a respect for the natural environment.

The Magical Christmas Jigsaw
We had so much fun performing our Christmas play, The Magical Christmas Jigsaw, to our friends and family this week. Everyone has worked so hard to practise their lines and singing. Well done, Class 4! We are so proud of you all.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Homework due Friday 13th December
This week’s Literacy homework is Christmas themed! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Forest School Art
We created some amazing Celtic crowns using natural resources today in Forest School. Check them out!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Winners of the Robot Competition!
In Class 4, our Literacy topic for this half term is Science Fiction. As part of our Big Write, we created our very own robot inventions that could carry out futuristic tasks! Class 1 were kind enough to judge our entries and came up with a 3rd, 2nd and 1st place! Well done to our winners and a massive thank you to Mrs Morton and Class 4 for being part of our competition.
UNCRC Article 12 – children have the right to have an opinion be heard.

Today, in both class and in the hall, we began to decorate our Christmas trees! We loved choosing our own baubles and think our trees look fantastic.
Lighting our Christmas Tree
UNCRC Article 14 – children have the right to any or no religion.

Homework due Friday 6th December
This week’s Science homework is continuing with our work on Animals Including Humans! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Tooth Decay experiment
In Science today, we looked at the results of our Science experiment! We were testing to see how different liquids would react with our teeth, using eggshells and various liquids to test our enquiry. We were shocked to find that cranberry juice would cause the most decay if we left our teeth untreated with toothpaste.
UNCRC Article 28 – every child has the right to an education.

Painted Mountains
This week in Art, we have been decorating our clay mountains that we constructed in DT. Check out our designs!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Homework due Friday 29th November
This week’s Numeracy homework is looking at division work in preparation for our Multiplication Check in June! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Fitness with Leanne
We’ve had loads of fun this week with fitness sessions with Leanne Kemp! We’re developing fantastic stamina and enjoying ourselves along the way.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

French Text
This week, we have been working hard at beginning to translate French texts! We have read through Maman! together and have moved on to translating key words and phrases from our Trip to the Zoo PowerPoint. Bien joue, classe quatre!
UNCRC Article 30 – children have the right to learn a language.
Cooking with Chartwells
For the past two weeks, 6 Year 4s have had the chance to work with some cooks from Chartwells with their families to create some yummy dishes in a cookery workshop! Everyone has loved working with their adults to create these new meals and are so proud of their creations. The children have even been helping more with cooking at home, as each pair is given a bag of ingredients alongside a recipe to follow at home! Well done everyone!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Homework due Friday 22nd November
This week’s Literacy homework is looking at our newfound Year 4 SPAG knowledge! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Lit HW due Fri 22nd November 2024
Topic Engagement
On Thursday, we travelled to Penshaw Monument to kick off our new topic of Misty Mountain Sierra! We loved climbing to the top of the hill, counting our steps as we walked, and did various activities at the top: we did rubbings of the rocks of the pillars, sketched the scenery we saw, discussed the physical and human geography around us and even tested the acoustics by singing a song!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to relax and play.

Parliamentary Coffee Morning
We loved welcoming parents and carers into school on Wednesday morning to showcase our debate work. We also took part in our own debates within the hall and bought some items from our Fairtrade Tuck Shop!
UNCRC Article 12 – children have the right to have an opinion be heard.

Forest School Bug Hotels
In today’s Forest School session, we began to fill in our bug hotels we designed in our previous session! We used a range of natural resources to fill and camouflage our hotels. We’re looking forward to see which minibeasts occupy our hotels!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Clay Mountains
Today, we began to construct some mountains out of clay! Next week, we will be decorating these mountains using a range of paints. We are so excited!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Religion Assembly
In place of our Year 6 team captains, selected Year 4s from each team stood and told the story of disciples of Jesus within our religion assembly. Then, they explained each piece of the story they read before helping with a whole school quiz. Each Year 4 child spoke with clarity and confidence – well done everyone!
UNCRC Article 12 – children have the right to any or no religion.

Lest We Forget
Following on from Mrs Lee’s beautiful remembrance service in assembly, we donated money to The Royal British Legion on our giant poppy. We’ve been working hard in learning about the importance of Remembrance Day in our History session this week.
UNCRC Article 38 – children have the right to be protected from conflict.

Homework due Friday 15th November
This week’s Science homework is looking into our new topic of Animals Including Humans by investigating teeth! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Science HW due Friday 15th November 2024
Football with Caitin
Today, we had so much fun showing off our football skills with a circuit activity led by Caitilin! Thank you, Caitilin, for helping us hone our skills!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Debates for UK Parliament Week
In preparation for our Parliamentary Coffee Morning, we have been having a whole class debate of: should homework be compulsory? We listened to each other’s opinions, asked questions to our peers and discussed the importance of having our voices be heard.
UNCRC Article 12 – children have the right to have an opinion be heard.

Forest School
In Forest School this afternoon, we combined our Geographical and Scientific skills together to assess where on the field would be an ideal place to create a bug hotel! We used our prior and currently developing knowledge of habitats, food chains and the weather before sketching down our ideas.
UNCRC Article 28 – every child has the right to an education.

Remembrance Art
To commemorate Remembrance Day, we created some beautiful collage pieces to display outside of the school entrance. We used a range of materials for our designs to create eye capturing poppies.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of artistic activities.

Homework due Friday 8th November
This week’s Numeracy homework is recapping our geometry work from Autumn 1 by looking at shapes! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Num HW due Fri 8th November 2024
Welcome back to Autumn 2!
Welcome back to school everyone and to Autumn 2! I hope you have enjoyed your break and are looking forward to the new half term.
In Class 4, we are looking forward to having lots of fun learning new things and consolidating our learning from Autumn 1. This half term, our new Cornerstones topic is ‘Misty Mountain Sierra’. We will be learning all about the mighty mountain peaks and how these giants are formed, alongside following the water cycle’s course! Please keep an eye on our section of the school website to find out about all the exciting things we are doing in class.
Just a few notes for your diary:
Homework given out on Mondays and is expected back in school on Fridays. Children’s homework can also be uploaded to DB. Spellings are given out on Wednesdays for our spelling tests on Mondays.
Swimming will continue for Class 4 on Thursday mornings! Please ensure that your child comes to school on a Thursday morning with appropriate kit.
Finally, PE kits! Please send in a PE kit on a Monday and leave it at school throughout the week. We will return this home on a Friday. Our PE days change each half term depending on available coaches in school.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks,
Mrs Edwards
Harvest Festival
This afternoon, we had our Harvest Festival at church. We each read a line from our class poem ‘Harvest Time’ and had so much fun singing for all our families.
UNCRC Article 14 – children have the right to be of any or no religion.

End of topic celebration
To celebrate the end of our Cornerstones topic ‘Road Trip USA’ we had a very special visitor in school. We interviewed Mrs Lofthouse, who is originally from California, and asked her all about the differences between the UK and the US. She also brought in some homemade pumpkin pie for us to try! To finish our afternoon of trying American delicacies, we created our own New York style bagels. Thank you so much, Mrs Lofthouse, for coming and sharing your culture with us!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of cultural activities.

Homework due Friday 25th October
This week’s homework is creating a scary piece of Halloween inspired writing! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Balances in PE
Check out our multi-person balances we designed with the help of Mr Beveridge in PE!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

OASES workshop
We loved working with OASES this morning to talk about the local wildlife of our area and how we could help it in our school grounds. We worked together in our groups to come up with some ideas for how to encourage wildlife to build habitats and to help already developed habitats in school!

UNCRC Article 12 – children have the right to be heard.
Navajo inspired wall hangings
Today, we created some beautiful pieces of Navajo inspired wall hangings, using cardboard looms and a variety of felts and ribbons, in our Art lesson. We had so much fun!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Career Encounter
Today, we were lucky enough to have an ex-pupil of our school, Abbie, come in to talk about her job as a children’s nurse. We asked lots of questions to help further our understanding of her career and loved listening to her academic journey to get to be where she is today. Thank you so much for coming in, Abbie!
UNCRC Article 28 – children have the right to an education.

Homework due Friday 18th October
This week’s homework is continuing to look at our topic of All Living Things in Science! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Science HW due Friday 18th October 2024
Native American longhouses
In our DT session this week, we created some longhouses using cardboard boxes, paints and markers to replicate the styles created by Native Americans. Check out our designs!

UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.
Judo Taster Session
We were lucky enough to experience a judo taster session this morning! We loved learning this new skill with Jamie and even tried out our new tactics on each other.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Homework due Friday 11th October
This week’s homework is looking at multiplication, preparing for our Multiplication Check in June! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Num HW due Friday 11th October 2024
Durham Gymnastics Centre
Today, we were lucky enough to go to Durham Gymnastics Centre with Durham Sports Partnership! We had so much fun.
UNCRC Article 29 – education should fulfil children’s potential to the fullest.

Balancing in PE
We continued our gymnastics work with Mr Beveridge, working closely with our partner to keep our limbs straight and sturdy!
UNCRC Article 29 – education should fulfil children’s potential to the fullest.

Visiting our landmarks in Computing
We were researching physical landmarks in the USA using Google Earth! We dropped our pin in various places and explored the area around, discussing the geography and enjoying the viewpoints of famous lands.
UNCRC Article 28 – every child has the right to an education.

Homework due Friday 4th October
This week’s homework is continuing to enhance our sentences in Literacy! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Speaking and Listening
We presented information we had found about the various people in Robin Hood’s band of Merry Men as part of our Literacy lesson. We loved sharing our ideas and even answered questions from our peers!
UNCRC Article 28 – every child has the right to an education.

Fact or Fiction
Today, we were using the iPads to research the characters of Robin Hood in depth. We learnt lots of things about the Merry Men and had to decide whether the information we found was fact or fiction.
UNCRC Article 17 – every child has the right to access reliable media.

Homework due Friday 27th September
This week’s homework is looking at continuing with our Science topic of All Living Things! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Science HW due Friday 27th September 2024
Jeans for Genes Day
Today, we all wore our denim or jeans to raise awareness and money for Jeans for Genes – a fantastic charity that raises awareness of the daily challenges faced by those living with a genetic condition and helps to enrich their lives. We enjoyed discussing the charity in assembly and even designed our own jeans for challenge time.
UNCRC Article 23 – every child has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and independence.

Gymnastics with Mr Beveridge
We’ve loved developing our partner work in gymnastics with Mr Beveridge! Each of us took turns showing off our balances and discussed tips and tricks to improve our form.
UNCRC Article 29 – education should fulfil children’s potential to the fullest.

USA flag
Izzy brought in an American flag that she got while she enjoyed a trip out at the weekend with her family! We loved hearing about the American delicacies that she tried too. Thanks, Izzy!

UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to relax.
Homework due Friday 20th September
This week’s homework is looking at multiplication, preparing for our Multiplication Check in June! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Numeracy HW due Friday 20th September
Native American dolls
A big thank you to Karen who brought in her Native American dolls to show her friends! She got these dolls while on holiday in the Grand Canyon when she was younger. A lovely link to our Cornerstones topic of Road Trip USA!

UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a range of cultural activities.
Cornerstones Engagement
Today, we celebrated the beginning of our new Cornerstones topic ‘Road Trip USA’ by having our very own geographical scavenger hunt! We found tickets to several of the states in the US and tried to locate them on a map. Then, we learned the state names and which Native American tribes live there. We’re looking forward to learning lots about Native American history this half term!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Homework due Friday 13th September
This week’s homework is continuing with fronted adverbials from our Literacy work! Can you find your group’s worksheet and complete it? Remember, if you upload your homework onto DB it’s 500 table points for your table!
Literacy HW due Fri 13th September
Karate Superstars
Well done to Karen and Jake who both moved up a belt in karate! They both brought their belts into class and explained what they had to do to earn their new colour and the colour scale of the sport. Congrats Karen and Jake!
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Introducing Robin Hood
As part of our first Literacy lesson back at school, we discussed what we knew, what we’d like to know and what our opinions are of Robin Hood! Our Literacy topic this half term is ‘Robin Hood’ and we are so excited to learn more as the weeks go on.
UNCRC Article 28 – children have the right to an education.

Welcome back to Autumn 1!
Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a brilliant Summer break and are looking forward to learning lots of new things this term. This half term, our new Cornerstones topic is ‘Road Trip USA’. We’ll be ‘visiting’ all of the states of America and creating postcards along the way!
Just a few notes for your diary:
Homework given out on Mondays and is expected back in school on Fridays. Children’s homework can also be uploaded to DB. Spellings are given out on Wednesdays for our spelling tests on Mondays.
Swimming will begin again this half term for Class 4 on Thursday mornings! Please ensure that your child comes to school on a Thursday morning with appropriate kit. Swimming sessions will not begin until next week, Thursday 12th September.
Finally, PE kits! Please send in a PE kit on a Monday and leave it at school throughout the week. We will return this home on a Friday. Our PE days change each half term depending on available coaches in school.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks,
Mrs Edwards