We have had a spooky end to the half term. We all came dressed up in our spooky colours and enjoyed a treat from the Parent Group. A massive thank you! Enjoy half term everyone!
by admin
We have had a spooky end to the half term. We all came dressed up in our spooky colours and enjoyed a treat from the Parent Group. A massive thank you! Enjoy half term everyone!
by admin
Dear Parents
Firstly can I thank everyone, children, parents and school staff alike for their efforts during this first term back to school. Although it’s been a challenge for many we have started to see a steady rhythm within schools living under covid measures. Thank you.
It is in this respect that I write to you today. With the high rates of COVID-19 in County Durham currently, I am asking parents to let the school know if their child tests positive for COVID-19 during the half term break. If your son or daughter receives a positive COVID-19 test after Friday 23rd October 2020 please contact the school immediately on Nettlesworth Primary School email: Nettlesworth@durhamlearning.net and provide the following information:
Name of child
Class/year group
Date of the COVID-19 test
Does the child have symptoms? Yes or No
What date did the symptoms start?
What date did the child last attend school?
It is very important that you provide this information so that the school can identify any close contacts that your son or daughter may have had in school during their infectious period. The school will then follow up close contacts and request that they isolate for 14 days to prevent further transmission of COVID-19. Please note that you should also report any close contacts that your child has had outside the school setting through NHS Test and Trace. If you are unable to speak to your school please make sure you have provided information of all close contacts within the school to NHS Test and Trace.
In addition I know our children and young people will still want to see their friends during the holidays, but please can I remind all parents that children and young people must not meet up in groups larger than six people (of any age) and that young people should not be gathering indoors with friends. Please also remember where they do meet up in groups of six or less they should still observe social distancing and good hand hygiene. Helping our children and young people to understand the importance of this will help to keep us all safe and healthy.
Thank you again for your help in this matter and I wish you a safe and well half term break.
Your sincerely
Amanda Healy, Director of Public Health for County Durham
Richard Crane, Head of Education and Skills
by admin
We have had lots of fun in class 2 creating our very own messy pumpkin pictures. They all look very scary!
by admin
Class 2 are having lots of fun making a mess to celebrate the end of their Cornerstones topic of Muck, Mess and Mixtures. They have so far helped carve a pumpkin and explore the mixture we retrieved from it. They also created spooky ghost by creating a slimy mixtures of PVA glue and shaving foam! They are looking amazing!
by admin
Home learning support – information for parents & carers
When will my child need to learn from home?
What is my child expected to do?
We’re determined to make every effort to keep our pupils on-track and make sure no one falls behind if they need to learn from home because of coronavirus.
We want to make sure your child can learn as much as possible at home. The following guidelines will explain what we’d like your child to do while learning remotely, and how we plan to support you and them.
When providing remote learning, teachers must be available between 9am-3pm on their working days
If they’re unable to work for any reason during this time, for example due to sickness or caring for a dependent, they should report this using the normal absence procedure.
When providing remote learning, teachers are responsible for:
Setting work –
Pupils can email work to their class teachers. All work submitted will be acknowledged by the class teacher. Feedback will be given for English and Maths on an individual basis. Feedback will be age appropriate.
What support will our school provide?
What can I do to help my child?
Create a positive environment for your child to learn at home, for example:
Website Resources
BBC Bitesize www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize -A range of revision materials and online daily lessons
Oak Academy
A range of virtual lessons have been produced on various topics.
by admin
A massive well done to all our children who have been working hard on their TT Rockstars in school and at home to enhance their multiplication tables knowledge.
We are celebrating today with these children who have scored the greatest amounts over the past 7 days.
Well done to everyone for your commitment; keep up the hard work and next week it could be you who achieves a certificate.
by admin
Wow! What can we say Hannah. We are absolutely blown away with how confident you are in your handling of horses. You have been training so hard all term for your upcoming Dressage Competition. Looking at your photos and video, we can already say that you are a true champion already.
Well done Hannah and good luck – we are all very proud of you.
by admin
A massive well done to the children who have worked super hard this week. They have all impressed us such much.
by admin
Today would’ve been our annual Harvest Festival at our local church, a time which we celebrate with all of our family and friends. Instead of you all coming to see us at Church, this year we have brought Harvest to your homes.
We hope you enjoy it 🍁🍂🌾👨🌾😊
by admin
A massive well done to all our children who have been working hard on their TT Rockstars in school and at home to enhance their multiplication tables knowledge.
We are celebrating today with these children who have scored the greatest amounts over the past 7 days.
Well done to everyone for your commitment; keep up the hard work and next week it could be you who achieves a certificate.