Pupils receive two hours of timetable PE per week through which we develop the six areas of activity as set out in the National Curriculum- Dance, Games, Gymnastics, Athletics, Outdoor and Adventurous activities and Swimming. Children are given the opportunity to swim during KS2 and we aim for all pupils leaving the school to be able to swim at least 25m in line with curriculum expectations.
We also make sure children are involved in 30 minutes of activity per day through timetabled activities at break and lunch time provided by our Sports Leaders and Maths a Day. Sports taught throughout the school include football, tag rugby, netball, basketball, rounders, kwik cricket, hockey, golf, tennis aswell as athletics. All pupils take part in a range of festivals both within school between year groups and with other schools through Durham and Chester-Le-Street School Sports Partnership. We have weekly sports extra -curricular clubs including: multi-skills and Rapperdance.