Our children in Class 5 have been working incredibly hard in preparation for their Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs) which are scheduled to commence on Monday 12th May 2025 – Thursday 15th May 2025.
We are holding a Class 5 Parent SAT meeting to discuss the SATs and answer any relevant questions you may have about the actual assessment week. It will be a good chance for you to look at previous papers / materials and familarise yourself with what your child will be faced with come May. The meeting is for Year 5 and Year 6 parents as our Year 5 children have been very much part of our preparations. The meeting will be on Tuesday 28th January at 4:00pm. It will be lovely to welcome you all into school.
We are immensely proud of all our children and their relentless efforts throughout the year – whether it is in school, during SATs Clubs, or at home – their achievements will be just rewards for their dedication and commitment to succeed.
May we personally thank you for your continued support, as without this, our jobs would be a lot harder!
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Once again, thank you for your continued support, and another huge WELL DONE to our wonderful children; you have and are performing fantastically well and all the staff are very proud of you.