UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to the children who have caught their teacher’s eye with outstanding work and earning their Head Teacher Award.
We are very proud of your efforts.

by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to the children who have caught their teacher’s eye with outstanding work and earning their Head Teacher Award.
We are very proud of your efforts.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 31 – leisure, play and artistic culture
Well done to Archie and his younger sister Tilly who both have been working very hard in enhancing their Horse Riding skills and earning a rosette for their efforts. We can definitely see a potential future career for you both in working with animals – in-particular, horses.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to the new Maths Ambassadors who will be undertaking the role of helping their peers from around the school in their maths challenges. These children will undertake the role of teachers and help others to solve calculations and conceptual problems. They can’t wait to participate in their first task – Maths Day 2024.
Rights Respecting Gold demonstrated by all the children.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to all our children who have accessed their Lexia this week and achieved their next levelled certificate. We are all very proud of you.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to all our children who have been working very hard and have earned their Head Teacher Award. We are very proud of all your efforts.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to all our children who have accessed their TT Rockstars this week and earned your certificates. We are all very proud of you.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 12 – right to opinions
Well done to everyone who participated in our UK Parliamentary Coffee Morning. We were delighted to welcome our family and friends to view the many debates we have had during the last few weeks and conduct further debates in the hall whilst enjoying coffee, juice and biscuits.
We also enjoyed our Fair Trade tuckshop and our ambassadors helping to organise the stall.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all: we loved debating with our adults.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
A big well done to all our children who have accessed their Lexia this week and achieved their certificates.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to all our children who have worked very hard and impressed their teachers and achieved their Head Teacher Award this week.
Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.
by craiggraham
UNCRC Article 29 – goals of education
Well done to all our children who accessed their TT Rockstars this week and achieved their certificates. We are all very proud of your efforts. Rights Respecting Gold ethos demonstrated by all.