Welcome to Class 2 Activities 2023-2024
Homework for Friday 5th July
This week in numeracy we are looking at patterns, position and movement. We are reinforcing all of the mathematical vocabulary we know and learning even more new words to help us in our learning. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Please ask if any additional resources are required.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Hamsterly Forest Trip
We had a fantastic time at Hamsterly Forest exploring the natural world, improving our map skill and working on our OAA skills.
Class Swap Day
We enjoyed welcoming our new friends into class 2. We are super excited for September.
Natural Art
Today we used the natural resources within our school grounds to create London landmark art. We are enjoying our new topic of Bright Lights, Big City.
Homework for Friday 28th June
This week in class we are working hard on our reading skills. All of our hard work in phonics is paying off and we are all reading superstars!
Please work with your child to complete the below reading task.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Tiles with artist Kate
Today we enjoyed making an individual tile. We used a wooden base and drew a stencil on it. We then added tissues, rope and bandages to add texture. We then applied a special glue before adding paint. Thanks to artist Kate for helping us create such amazing tiles.
Homework for Friday 21st June
This week in class we are continuing our work on everyday materials. We are reinforcing all of the scientific vocabulary we have learnt this half term. We are also enjoying learning about famous scientists and how they have changed the world.
This week please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Afternoon Tea
We had a lovely time launching our new topic of Bright Lights, Big City. We made cakes and had a lovely party celebrating all things London!
Homework for Friday 7th June
Welcome back to summer 2! We are excited to start our new topic and are looking forward to our afternoon tea party on Thursday.
This week in Literacy we are looking at pirates! We are reading lots of books with pirates in and are discussing and creating our very own pirate characters.
Please complete the literacy task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back to Summer 2
In class 2 we are looking forward to having lots of fun learning new things and consolidating our learning so far. This half term our topic is Bright Lights, Big City. We have lots of exciting things planned and more information will follow. We will be enjoying exploring and learning about all things London! Please keep an eye on our section of the school website to find out about all the exciting things we are doing in class.
We are loving our topic of materials at the moment. We investigated how to change a solid to a liquid and back to a solid again! Yummy!
Flower Power
We loved making our flower sun catchers to celebrate the end of our Scented Garden topic. We hope the sun shines to so we can see all of the lovely colours shining!
Homework for Friday 24th May
This week in numeracy we are recapping and extending our knowledge of measures. We are working on ensuring that we can use the correct related mathematical vocabulary.
Please work with your child to complete the activity below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
SAT’s Party!
We all had an amazing time dancing, singing, playing games and eating to celebrate the end of our KS1 SAT’s!
Waste Warriors Posters
Class 2 are excited to see our waste warriors posters begin to appear around school and in the Re-fuse café in Chester le street. We are working hard to better understand food waste and the impact it has on our environment.
We loved listening to songs from Grease this week. Our music this half term is all about friendship songs. We especially enjoyed dancing to ‘We go together’
We are all loving playing scatterball in PE at the moment. Our skills have improved massively this half term. We understand the rules and how we can play to outwit our opponents. Watch us go!
Flower Power
We made beautiful collage flowers in art today. We used small bits of paper to create a textured look. We all decided on our own patterns. Look at how wonderful they all are!
Homework for Friday 17th May
This week in class we are working hard on our rising stars (year 1) and SAT’s (year 2). This week is also mental health awareness week. Therefore, homework this week is a little different. The children are bringing home a booklet with little activities to be completed at their leisure. Each day they will also bring home a sheet which can be a talking point for their friends and families.
Please note, NO SPELLINGS this week, as usual for our assessment week in school.
We can’t wait to hear all about the ways in which you look after your mental health!
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Esme’s swimming award!
A massive well done to Esme on achieving her level 1 swimming award. We are all so proud of you!
Waste Warriors Workshop
Today we learnt all about the importance of reducing our food waste, thanks to the staff at Refuse Café in Chester le Street. We now understand the importance of wasting as little food as possible and how the food we do waste has in impact on the environment.
Homework for Friday 10th May
This week in Literacy we are beginning our work on Katie Morag. We are listening to the different stories and discussing the characters and settings.
Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Many thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Pressed Flower Art
In art we have learnt all about a famous artist, Georgia O Keffe. We learnt about how she used flowers as her initial inspiration for her drawings and paintings. We then used this inspiration to make our very own art work. We used pressed petals to make a picture using our initials. They look amazing!
Nature Hunt
Today we had lots of fun looking for all things nature related within our school grounds. We looked high and low to find all of the different signs of life blooming all around us!
Homework for Friday 3rd May
This week in class we are working hard on our Science topic of materials. We are now very good at being able to distinguish between the object and the material it is made from. We are also amazing at using our scientific vocabulary to describe each material.
This week for homework we would like the children to show off their knowledge of materials.
Please complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Scented Playdoh
We had lots of fun making scented play doh as part of our topic the Scented Garden. We made plain play doh then added fresh herbs and petals to give the play doh a delightful scent. We enjoyed experimenting with different smells and even managed to create new ones!
Memorable Experience – Walk to Waldridge Fell
Today we had fun walking over parts of Waldridge Fell. We were on the look out for different plants, trees and bushes that grow in our local area. We found lots of interesting things!
Zumba with Gemma
We loved our zumba session with Gemma this morning! We all moved in all different directions and had lots of fun! Thanks Gemma
Homework for Friday 26th April
This week in numeracy we are looking at calculations and how they are related. We are beginning to recognise how our knowledge of place value can help us to solve addition and subtraction calculations quickly.
Please work with your child to complete the calculations below.
Any questions, please ask
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Inventors who changed the world
In History this half term we are learning all about inventors who changed the world. This week we began with Alexander Graham Bell and how he invented the first telephone.
Homework for Friday 19th April
This week in class we are excited to begin our new topic of Scented Garden. In Literacy we are looking at texts and discussing what we can learn from them. In SPAG we are reminding ourselves of homophones. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back!
We hope you have had a lovely Easter break and are looking forward to our new term in school. We are excited to begin our new topic of the Scented Garden!
Easter Egg Competition!
We all worked super hard to design, make and evaluate our Easter Eggs for the whole school competition. They were all absolutely amazing and we are proud of all of our efforts. We hope you all enjoy your yummy chocolate egg treat!
Scatterball with Caitlin
We had lots of fun joining in a new game with Caitlin from the SSP. We worked hard as a team to collect as many points as possible for our team.
Thanks Caitlin …. it’s safe to say it’s our new favourite game!
Homework For THURSDAY 28th March
This week in class we are very busy making our Easter crafts and we are looking forward to seeing you at the Easter Egg Competition on Wednesday.
Therefore, homework this week is a lovely Easter craft! Enjoy!
Please note NO SPELLINGS due to our rising stars assessment.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Fantastic Rockets
We are very proud of our junk model rockets we have made to celebrate the end of our cornerstones topic Moon Zoom. The children worked hard to plan, make and evaluate their very own designs. Well done class 2!
Homework for Friday 22nd March
This week in class we are reminding ourselves of our knowledge of contractions. We are working hard to use them in our writing, making sure we use the apostrophe in the correct place!
Please can you work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Invasion Games at Park View
We loved our PE event this afternoon. We joined in a range of games and worked up quite the sweat! Thank you to our SSP for organising it and the amazing leaders from Park View School. We had a lovely Friday afternoon!
British Science Week
This week we have been celebrating British Science week, this year the theme was time as an indicator to 30 years of fantastic work! Our Science Ambassadors from across the school came into class 2 and explained all about the week and why we celebrate it. Together, we then set up an investigation all about time.
Thank you ambassadors! We had such a lovely afternoon!
Fire fighter visit
Today we had a special visit from Red Watch Crew. They talked to us about all of the very important jobs they do to help keep people in County Durham safe. Thank you for taking the time to speak to us and inspire us all to be future fire fighters!
Today we discovered a crime scene in class 2 …. the funnybones skeleton had had a party with Mr Garbutt! We looked at the evidence carefully and pieced the clues together. We interviewed witnesses to come to a conclusion of a skeleton party! We are going to write up our findings ready to submit to the skeleton police!
Homework for Friday 15th March
This week in class we are working hard on our knowledge of measures. We will be looking at measuring length, weight and height as well as refreshing our knowledge and understanding of money and time.
Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Bean experiment
Today we set up a science investigation all to do with our current science topic of plants. We have discussed what plants need to grow and how that use their different parts to help them survive. We decided to watch a bean grow so used a variety of resources to create a home for our seed. We are excited to watch them grow and observe what happens.
Homework for Friday
This week in Science we are continuing our topic on plants. We have looked at the different parts of a plant, and what these parts do.
For homework this week we would like the children to draw and label a plant that they see around the home/garden/local area, sticking in the short sentences to tell us what each part of the plant does.
Pupils are also bringing home an experiment we started in class, where they can see how seeds grow into plants. They are encouraged to check on its progress and if possible, to take photographs to show the seed’s development. Once it begins to sprout, they can plant it at home if they wish – it does not need to return to school.
If there are any questions, please ask.
Many thanks,
Mrs Aspinall and Mr Garbutt
Chocolate Fountain
Well done to Class 2 for working together as a team and achieving their reading goal. As promised …. a chocolate fountain treat! Yummy!
Keep up the good reading!
Engagement Activity with Adam Bushnell
Today we had a lovely afternoon launching our Moon Zoom topic with Author Adam. We had lots of fun imagining space and a far away planet we might land on! We created lots of creatures too.
Homework for Friday 1st March
This week in class we are excited to begin our new topic of Moon Zoom! We had a lovely afternoon with Adam Bushnell, who inspired us to write amazing moon inspired writing!
This week for homework, we will continue our moon writing! Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back!
We hope everyone had a lovely half term! We are very excited to begin our new topic of Moon Zoom!
Ice Cream Van – Cornerstones Celebration
To celebrate the end of our beachcombers topic we had a fantastic treat … in the shape of a visit from the ice cream van. Delicious!
In DT this half term we have designed and made a felt puppet. We were very proud of our sewing skills! A massive thanks to Mrs Owens for her help with this very tricky task! Well done class 2!
Pancake Day
We enjoyed learning all about Shrove Tuesday and the importance this holds with Christians. We discussed lent and the story behind it. We then discussed the ingredients that we need to make pancakes. We then designed, made and ate our very own pancakes.
Chinese New Year
Today we had lots of fun learning all about Chinese New year. We listened to the story of the lunar calendar and animal race. We then made wonderful Chinese lanterns and dragons before taste testing Chinese food. yummy!
Homework for Friday 16th February
This week in Science we are finishing our topic of habitats. The children have learnt so much and we are delighted with all of the facts and scientific vocabulary they have acquired this half term.
For homework this week we would like the children to show off all of this knowledge by designing, labelling and explaining their very own bug hotel!
Please encourage your child to complete the task below.
Please note that this week is rising stars’ week in school therefore NO SPELLINGS have been given.
Any questions, please ask
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Children’s Mental Health Day
We had lots of fun dressing in our own clothes as part of dress to express day. Thank you for showing your support and donating to the charity. We were amazed at all of the wonderful outfits!
Safer Internet Day
Today we enjoyed our e safety coffee morning. We learnt all about keeping safe online and who we should talk to if we see something that makes us feel unsafe.
Homework for Friday 9th February
This week in class we are working on statistic and how they can help us interpret and represent data. We are beginning why looking at simple pictograms and bar charts. We are encouraging the children to ask and answer questions about what they can see.
Please can you work with your child to complete the task below.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
PE with Mr Beveridge
This week we have enjoyed our work in PE where we are working hard on our throwing and catching skills. We are very good at moving into a space before we throw the ball!
Homework for Friday 2nd February
This week in class we are working hard to ensure we know all of the different aspects that can make our writing amazing! We are making sure to use these aspects in all of our writing, but especially in our BIG WRITE.
Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Super Swimmer
A massive well done to Chloe on her recent stage 3 swimming achievement! We are so proud of you.
Homework for Friday 19th January
This week in class we are working hard on our number bonds. We are recapping previously learnt ones and consolidating new too.
Please work with your child to complete the work below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Habitat Hunt
In science, this half term, we are learning all about habitats. Today we went on a habitat hunt in our school grounds. We found lots of evidence of animals living within our local area. We wonder which other animal habitats we can spot at home?
Memorable Experience
We loved our beach party to launch the beginning of our new topic, beachcombers. We loved playing traditional seaside games and tasting the delicious food. Yummy!
Homework for Friday 12th January
Happy New Year and welcome to our first homework of 2024!
In class we are very much enjoying our new topic of Beachcombers and finding out all about the coastlines of the UK as well as animals that live there. We loved talking about our home experiences of visiting beaches and coastlines in the UK.
This week for homework we are focusing on animals that live in the sea. We are reminding ourselves of adjectives and how we can use them in more complex sentences. Please encourage your child to use all they know about sentences to write what they know about their given animal.
Any questions, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back to 2024!
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year and are looking forward to our new topic in class … Beachcombers!
A Merry Christmas and a happy new year
We would like to wish our class a lovely Christmas and a happy new year with all of their friends and family. We cant wait to hear all about it when we return in January.
A royal reply
A lovely surprise for Hester in the post. Hester sent her wonderful drawings to Princess Charlotte all the way in London! Hester was delighted to receive a reply from the royal household, thanking her for her gorgeous drawing.
Well done Hester
We are so proud of our friend Hester for her amazing dancing skills. Well done!
Christmas Party
We had a lovely Christmas party with the whole school today. We enjoyed meeting the elf and joining in all the party games and dancing. We also enjoyed a delicious snack too. Thank you
Christmas lunch
We all enjoyed our delicious Christmas lunch today. Thanks Sarah and Jade!
Christmas Jumper Day
We all looked wonderful in our Christmas jumpers today. Thank you to everyone for their kind donations!
Santa replied!
We were very excited today to have received our Santa letters. We were delighted with our personalised messages. Thanks Santa!
Santa letters
Today we wrote our Santa letters. We worked hard to include all of the features of our age expectations in to our writing. We sat by the fire and made sure our writing was the best it has ever been. We then finished off with a hot chocolate and biscuit. Yummy.
We hope Santa writes back soon!
The elves have arrived!
We were so shocked to see that the naughty elves had made a mess in our classroom! We are not impressed! Hopefully they watch our amazing behaviour and work out how to be good!
Homework for Friday 15th December
This week in class we are enjoying our Christmas crafts and preparing for our Christingle Service. The children are making us extremely proud with all of their hard work and gorgeous attitude, as always.
Please see below a Christmas colouring activity for homework.
If you would like any resources, please ask.
Please note: NO SPELLINGS
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Beaver of the week
We are super proud of Oscar for achieving beaver of the beaver. Oscar was given the award because of his kindness at beavers. Such a caring and kind friend. Well done 👏
Homework for Friday 8th December
This week in school we are excited to show our adults our Christmas nativity. We are enjoying learning all about Christmas traditions and the story of the nativity in History and RE.
This week for homework please complete the Christmas themed word search below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Christmas Tree Decorating
We had lots of fun decorating our class Christmas tree in class 2 today. Each child placed a decoration on our tree, we listened to the Christmas story and also prepared our Santa’s Grotto role play area. We are all getting excited for Christmas!
Homework for Friday 1st December
This week in numeracy we are working on our knowledge of fractions. The children are impressing us with their knowledge and use of mathematical vocabulary surrounding this topic. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
We are also working hard on our Christmas performance, so any time helping your child learn their lines would be very much appreciated.
Any questions, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Well done Nolan
A massive well done to Nolan on this investiture at Beavers 👏
Woodland Animal Homes
We had lots of fun building animal homes for the animals in the story book the Gruffalo, by Julia Donaldson. We used our forest school skills to think carefully about how we could combine natural materials to make a safe and sturdy home for the different woodland animals.
Homework for THURSDAY 23rd November
This week in class we are continuing with our work on out topic of Enchanted Woodlands. We are enjoying reading a range of stories around this topic, with a focus being on traditional and fairy tales. We are encouraging the children to put into practise all of their hard work in phonics, and we are asking them to help us read within class. This week for homework please work with your child to complete the reading comprehension task below. Pleas encourage your child to read as independently as possible and then work together to answer the questions.
Please note that this week we have NO SPELLINGS due to the Inset day on Friday, when we would normal carry out our spelling test. To aid your child with their spelling, it would be useful for you to log onto lexia this week and encourage your child to engage in the spelling activities online.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Children In Need 2023
In class 2 we had lots of fun dressing in non uniform for Pudsey bear day. We also joined in Pudsey bear movement activities and enjoyed a Pudsey themed lunch. A massive thank you for your kind donations.
Homework for Friday 17th November
We were sad to have to rearrange our woodland walk but are hoping to go later in the week … we will keep you updated!
This week in class we are continuing with our Science work of animals including humans. We are looking at the different types of animals we have and how we can classify and group them.
Please work with your child to complete the task below, all about understanding the parts of the bodies of different animals.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Remembrance Day
In class we have learnt lots about Remembrance Day and poppies. In History we talked about the wars and why we remember soldiers and their families on the 11th November. In art we created lovely poppy paintings and have them displayed around school. On Friday we held a silence so we could pay our respects. We then talked about family members that had been part of the world wars. The children very much enjoyed sharing their own personal stories. Thank you to Lilly for sharing her photograph of her Great Grandad.
PCSO Sam visit
Today we welcomed PCSO Sam into class 2. She introduced herself and let us know all about the work she does in our local area. She even explained to us how she became a PCSO so that we understand yet another career route. I wonder what we will all grow up to be?
Well done Zander!
A massive well done to Zander for his hard work at his after school club. He was awarded worker of the week! We are so proud of you Zander!
Bob the Beaver
Well done to Nolan who has been awarded Bob the Beaver at Beavers this week. We hope you have a lovely time with him!
In computing this half term we are working hard on our laptop skills. Today we used the laptops to search the woodland trust website to find out new information about our cornerstones topic, Enchanted Woodland.
Year 1 have had a fantastic time with Andrew from Durham County Council, riding their bikes all week. They are all now super confident movers on their bikes. Well done year 1!
Homework for Friday 10th November
Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely half term holiday.
This week in numeracy we are continuing to consolidate our knowledge of numbers and place value.
Please work with your child to complete the activity below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back to Autumn 2
We are excited to start our new topic: The enchanted woodland as well as beginning our preparations for Christmas! Such an exciting half term ahead!
Spooky Multi Skills
Class 2 enjoyed heir PE event at Maiden castle where they took part in a range of multi skills games. They enjoyed dressing up in their Halloween costumes too!
Homework for Friday 27th October
This week we are going all spooky! We are looking forward to the Halloween disco and spooky multi skills event, both on Thursday!
In class we are carrying out our Rising Stars Assessments, they help us to see all of the amazing progress your child has made throughout the half term. Therefore, we have NO SPELLINGS this week.
For homework, please help your child to complete the spooky task below.
Thank you for your continued support this half term and enjoy your break next week!
Thank you
Mrs Aspinall
Leaf printing
We had lots of fun using different materials to print leaves, all in autumnal colours. They look amazing!
Homework for Friday 20th October
This week in class we are continuing with our Science work on living things. We now have a rich scientific vocabulary when describing animals. Please can you work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions or resources needed, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Tree Planting
Today we enjoyed a tree planting session with Grace, from OASES. we learnt lots about the importance of trees and how we can help them grow in our local area. We loved looking for seeds in our school grounds, then planting them ready for them to become the next set of trees ready to grow in our school outdoor areas.
Today we enjoyed making pizzas as part of our muck, mess and mixtures topic. Last week we planned our toppings, this week we used tools to carefully chop the food and add it to our pizza bases. Mrs Dyer popped them in the oven for us whilst we tidied up. We couldn’t wait to eat them. Not a crumb left over! Yummy!
Homework for Friday 13th October
This week in numeracy we are learning all about shapes. We are continuing to name both 2d and 3d shapes, as well as spotting shapes around us and describing their properties. Please work with your child to complete the task below. Whilst doing so please encourage the use of the correct mathematical vocabulary.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Rugby with Marc
Today class 2 had lots of fun taking part in a Rugby taster session with Marc. We were amazing at catching the rugby ball and getting each others tag belts!
Homework for Friday 6th October
This week in class we are reminding ourselves of all the different things we can include in our writing. Year 1 are focusing on capital letters, finger spaces and correct punctuation, whilst year 2 are beginning to use contractions and commas. For homework this week we would like your child to discuss all they know about making their writing wonderful and also complete the task below.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Gingerbread Biscuits
Today we made gingerbread biscuits. In Literacy we are learning all about non fiction texts, with a focus on recipes and their features. This morning, we looked carefully at the features of the recipe before following all of the steps carefully to make the most delicious biscuits! Yum!
Homework for Friday 29th September
This week our homework focuses on Science. In our Science lessons we are learning all about living things and what makes an object alive, once alive or never alive. We are working on ensuring that we use good Scientific vocabulary when describing different objects.
Please work with your child to complete the task below.
If you need any resources, please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Music with Mrs McCarthy
We are very much enjoying our weekly music sessions. We have recently enjoyed singing in rounds and exploring different instruments.
Homework for Friday 22nd September
First of all, a massive thank you for all of your support in the first few weeks back at school. Thank you for ensuring your child has PE kits, this really is a big help.
This week in class we are reminding ourselves of our number bond work and how important they are to helping us with lots of different calculations.
Please work with your child to complete the task below. If you need any resources, please feel free to ask.
A gentle reminder, library books are returned on a Monday and homework and spellings are returned on a Friday.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Yoga with Beth
In PE, this half term, we are enjoying trying out yoga with Beth. We had lots of fun in our first session!
Beamish Visit
Today we enjoyed a visit to Beamish museum as part of our History topic on WW2. We enjoyed being evacuees and taking part in activities that children during the war would do. We loved our workshop with Emma and Kev, although we weren’t so keen on the thought of picking up the poo!
Homework for Friday 15th September
Welcome to class 2 and our first piece of homework!
We have having so much fun learning all about our topic, Muck, Mess and Mixtures, and we are super excited for our trip to Beamish Museum.
This week for homework please work with your child to complete the writing task below.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Memorable Experience
We had lots of fun making a mess as part of our memorable experience for Muck, Mess and Mixtures. We explored lots of mixtures using our hands and feet. We loved the different feelings.
First Day Back
We have had lots of fun seeing our friends and exploring our new classroom.
Welcome to Class 2
We are very excited to welcome our children back into year 1 and year 2. We were over the moon to see all of their little smiling faces this morning. We are looking forward to learning all about our new topic Muck, Mess and Mixtures.
Archived Class 2 2022-2023
Have a lovely Summer!
A massive well done to all of the children in class 2, what an amazing year you have had. We are so proud of all that you have achieved. We hope you have a wonderful summer with your friends and families. Thank you for all of our kind gifts, we have been spoilt. Thank you for choosing us to help your children grow!
Brass Band
We love our treat of listening to the brass band Badcore Horns. They were absolutely amazing! We had so much fun and now are all inspired to become musicians!
Bastille Day
The 14th July marks Bastille Day. Today we learnt all about what Bastille day is and how it is celebrate. We joined in by wearing colours of the French flag and taking part in French inspired art work.
TT Rockstar’s Day
We all looked amazing today, dressed as Rockstar’s for our very own Rockstar day in school. This was to celebrate all of our hard work with our times tables over the year. We enjoyed our disco celebration too!
Rio de Vida Crowns
Today we made our very own carnival crowns to celebrate the end of our final Cornerstones Topic of Rio de Vida. We used lots of different materials to create a Brazil carnival crown. We all look amazing!
Rugby Taster Session with Marc
Class 2 had an amazing afternoon working with Marc to have a taster session into Rugby. We had lots of fun joining in the games and trying out our hand at the new skills. Thank you to Marc and of course our year 5/6 leaders.
Tennis Super Stars
We had lots of fun working with Mr Beveridge and our Tennis super stars to take part in our very own Wimbledon Day! Thank you for such a lovely day, we learnt lots and enhanced our tennis skills further!
Homework for Friday 7th July
This week in class we are reminding ourselves of all of the work we have completed on measure. We are now very good at using the mathematical vocabulary relating to capacity, weight, length and time. We are working on our understanding of money too. This week for homework please complete the sheet all about coins, helping your child to recognise them as well as being able to use the vocabulary linked to comparing money too.
Thank you for your continued support.
Any questions please ask.
Mrs Aspinall
Homework 7.7.23
Air Dough Models
This week we linked our Science and Art work together. In Science we are learning all about materials and their different properties. In Art we have studied adding texture to our designs in 2d and 3d form. We made a model with the air drying dough. We talked about how the dough was soft and easy to mould, then after we left it over night it became hard and unable to be moved.
Capacity Work
In numeracy we had lots of fun learning about capacity. We carried out an investigation and recorded our results carefully. Look at us go!
Homework For Friday 30th June
This week in class we are reading the Rainbow Fish. We are discussing the setting and characters and will eventually use this as a basis for writing our very our underwater story. This week for homework we would like you to discuss the story with your child and complete the Literacy based task below.
To help you may like to listen to the story online
IMPORTANT NOTE. Please remember it is important to encourage your child to read their Read Write Ink book aloud, once a week. Please remember to make a note of this in their planner.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Hamsterly Forest Trip
Class 2 had such a lovely day exploring Hamsterly Forest as part of our cross curricular learning. We loved listening to Julia Donaldson’s Zog story then doing lots of different activities linked to this book. We made magic dream catchers and clay Zog faces. We also enjoyed finding other story book characters as well as learning all about the natural resources around us.
Homework for Friday 23rd June
This week in class we are working hard on our Science topic of materials. We are very good at identifying the object and the material it is made from. We are now working on understanding and describing the properties of materials, including using Scientific vocabulary to do so.
Please complete the task below to help your child with this activity.
Adam Bushnell Visit
Today we loved working with Adam Bushnell to launch our Rio de Vida Cornerstones topic. We have enjoyed describing rainforest animals and creating our very own monster! Thanks Adam.
Homework for Friday 16th June
This week in class we are looking forward to lots of treats! Today we have enjoyed a visit from Adam Bushnell and tomorrow we are excited to visit the Buddhist temple.
This week for homework we are concentrating on numeracy. In class we are reminding ourselves of addition and subtraction number calculations. Please complete the task below.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Soccer Aid
Class 2 loved joining in with our whole school Soccer Aid event. Thank you sports leaders!
Homework for Friday 9th June
This week in class we are looking at our new book ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’. We are excited to learn more about the story and author of the book. This week for homework we would like you to complete the task below, writing all about lighthouses. In class we are going to be discussing our individual experiences and knowledge of lighthouse. We are excited to learn if anyone has been in a lighthouse before!
Any questions, just ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back to Summer 2
This half term we are excited to learn all about Brazil as part of our Rio de Vida topic.
Dancing feet, step to the samba beat. Shake it, shimmy, hands in the air, wave your flags in the cool night air. Come join the party down in Rio, keeping the rhythm with your party shaker. Bright colours, patterns and feathers. Can you make a headdress or party mask? Meet magical creatures from Brazil’s myths and legends and create your own too. Be as fancy as you like. Let’s get down to Rio where football is king, and practise our skills on golden beaches. Now we need to plan a celebration with fabulous music and song. Let’s invite parents and friends to come along. Bem-vindo ao Brasil os meus amigos.
Remote Learning: Monday 5th June
Welcome back to Summer 2! Our new cornerstones topic is Rio de Vida, where we will learn all about Brazil.
Our Ruth Miskin Video QR code can be found on DB Primary.
Today we begin our work on the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch. Please listen carefully to the story. Here is a link ….
Then talk with your adult, did you enjoy it? What was your favourite part? How did the story make you feel?
Now can you draw a picture from the story and write a mini book review based on the questions you discussed with your adult. Use the sheets provided to record your ideas.
In Numeracy we will be refreshing our knowledge of one more and one less. This time working with numbers all the way to 100! This way we begin our journey for becoming year 2 ready!
Look at this website to help remind you of the mathematical vocabulary we use. You can even complete the little quiz!
Now can you have a go at recording one more and one less? Use the numeracy sheets provided.
This half term we begin our learning about everyday materials. Today’s lesson introduces us to the materials all around us and begins to help us distinguish between the object and material name.
Take a look at this website ….
Now can you complete the task provided all about everyday materials.
Finally, to finish off the day. Let’s have a go at some cosmic kid’s yoga!
Here is the link
Please do not worry if you are unable to print out the sheets provided. Any recording of the work completed will be very much appreciated!
Any questions, please ask!
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
Paws, Claws and Whiskers Celebration
To celebrate the end of our current cornerstones topic we welcomed into school, John and Harley, from Crazy Creatures. They brought along a range of animals for us to observe and handle. We learnt so much from them and loved being brave holding a range of animals. Look at us go!
Blue Peter Badge
We are proud of our friend in class 2 receiving their eco Blue Peter badge. Fantastic news! Well done!
Fantastic Football
A massive well done to Reece on winning his football tournament at the weekend … we are super proud of you and your team! Well done!
Homework for Friday 26th May
This week in school we are working very hard on our half termly Rising Stars assessments. The children are doing an amazing job, as always! For homework this week, we would like the children to discuss sun safety. This is the final learning in our topic on seasons. In class we are talking about why we must stay safe in the sun and how we can take steps to do so. Please work with your child to create a sun safety poster, ensuring that hints and tips on how to stay safe in the sun are clear.
Animal Enclosures
In DT, we have designed and made our very own animal enclosure. We worked hard to design an environment that is perfect for our chosen animal. We then collected the correct resources and made it into a fantastic animal home! We cant wait to bring them home and show our friends and families!
Cloud Spotting
In Science, we have enjoyed looking at the clouds and working out what they different types are called. We were very good at deciding what type of rain we would see … we correct in our prediction of drizzle, we got a little wet!!
Homework for Friday 19th May
This week in Numeracy we are recapping and refreshing our knowledge of position and movement, especially our understanding of mathematical vocabulary linked to this topic.
Please work with your child to complete the task below, emphasising the vocabulary needed.
This week, in Science, we have looked at shadows. We discussed how they are formed and how they appear to ‘move’ over the course of the day. We were surprised to find that our morning shadows did not look like our afternoon shadows! This lead onto a discussion around the rotation of the sun. Well done Class 2!
Homework for Friday 12th May
This week in school we are continuing with our work on Paws, Claws and Whiskers, with a focus on African animals. We are enjoying carrying out our own research in preparation for our BIG WRITE on a fact file.
Please complete the task below.
King Charles III Coronation Celebrations
In class 2 we all looked amazing dressed in our red, white and blue colours. We all made union jack flags and royal crowns ready for our tea party and dance! This week we have enjoyed learning all about King Charles III and his upcoming coronation, all part of our British Values.
Disney Festival at Park View
We had a fantastic day at Park View School with the SSP and the secondary sports leaders. We joined in lots of different games, all with a Disney theme. What a lovely sunny afternoon of movement!
Homework for Friday 5th May
This week we have focused on our Science work, consolidating our understanding of animals following our Wetlands visit. Please work with your child to complete the life cycle homework.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Washington Wetlands Memorable Experience
Today we had lots of fun at the Washington Wetlands. We learnt lots about our topic of Paws, Claws and Whiskers. We loved looking at the animal habitats as well as learning about the animals needs and what they need to survive. We also discussed where in the world different animals are located. What a lovely day we have had!
Team Building Activities with Darren
Today we had lots of fun with Darren, from the SSP, working on team building activities. We loved doing all of the activities delivered to us by our very own Sports Leaders. We loved playing the games and learnt lots!
Homework for Friday 28th April
This week in numeracy we are looking at addition and subtraction. We are reminding ourselves of the different symbols and how we can solve questions using methods we know. We are looking at number lines, pictorial clues and knowledge of number bonds to help us.
Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Health and wellbeing yoga
We had lots of fun joining in with an active yoga session with Marie-Claire from the SSP. we showed off our flexible moves and joined in moving around the hall, demonstrating our fundamental movement skills. All part of our Active 60!
Litter Picking with John
Today we worked with John, a neighbourhood warden, to learn bout the importance of looking after our local area as well as our environment. We discussed how litter picking can be really helpful way of looking after our world around us. Look at us go …. making sure our school grounds are spotless!
Homework for Friday 21st April
This week in Literacy we are beginning to read the story of Handa’s Surprise. We are enjoying this as part of our new topic of paws, claws and whiskers. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Please not NO SPELLINGS this week, we will be recapping previously learnt spellings for our test on Friday.
Phonics homework – this week please look at the packs previously sent home, in preparation for the year 1 phonics screening test.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome to Summer term 1
In class 2 we are excited to begin our new topic of Paws, Claws and Whiskers. We are looking forward to our memorable experience trip to Washington Wetlands next week!
Superhero Celebration
We loved celebrating our end of topic with an afternoon tea with a superhero – Emily Davison!
Homework for Friday 31st March
This week in class we are excited to be creating our Easter eggs ready for the school competition on Wednesday. We are also working hard to show off all we have learnt this half term by completing our Rising Stars assessment.
For homework, we are concentrating on our knowledge of shapes but also working in our Science topic of Spring! Please work with your child to complete the activity below.
If you need any resources to help you, please ask.
Please note, NO SPELLINGS due to our Rising Stars.
Fruit Salad fit for a Superhero
Today we had lots of fun creating our very own fruit salads. We talked about the importance of eating fruit ad how it helps our bodies to move … just like a real life superhero. We then used the tools safely to cut up the fruit. Finally, we ate our creations and even washed up our own equipment!
Measuring capacity
Today we used our mathematical investigation skills to work out the capacity of different containers. We compared the containers and worked out how to solve problems involving capacity.
Homework for Friday 24th March
As part of our Superheroes topic we have enjoyed learning all about real life superheroes. We have loved our visits from the firefighters and a police officer.
This week for homework we have a Literacy task that is asking you to write all about other real life superheroes – people in our community who help us every day.
Please encourage your child to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Invasion Games
Today we enjoyed our PE event with the School Sports Partnership. We had lots of fun taking part in different invasion games. The young sports leaders from Belmont Community School were amazing and gave us such great support. Thank you!
PCSO Visit
Today we had a visit from PCSO Dean as part of our real life superheroes work. Dean told us all about the police officers in County Durham and the different roles they have. We enjoyed listening to the information about the way in which the police support and look after our community. Dean then let us try on parts of the uniform and even let us have a sit inside his police van.
Homework for Friday 17th March
This week for homework we are concentrating on our knowledge of plants. In science we are working hard on recognising the different plants and what they need to grow. We are currently watching our broad beans in class. Please work with your child to complete the task below. If you need any equipment to help, please ask.
Fire Fighter Visit
re super excited to welcome a visit from the fire services. Martin and his crew came into school and told us all about the amazing work they do to support and protect our local community. We were delighted to meet real life superheroes!
Gingerbread Biscuits
In literacy we have been learning all about non fiction texts. This week we focused on recipes. We learnt about how it is super important to follow the recipe in the correct order. Today we followed a recipe carefully and made gingerbread teddy bear biscuits.
Seven Stories
Class 2 loved their trip to Seven Stories. We learnt all about the case of the missing nursery rhymes. We worked together to solve the mystery and put the words back in the book.
Fairtrade Fortnight
We have enjoyed learning all about Fairtrade products and how we can hep support farmers earn a fair wage by supporting Fairtrade.
Fantastic Football
Well done to Nolan who took part in his first ever football tournament at the weekend.
Super Swimmer
A massive well done to Oscar who has achieved his stage 1 swimming!
Homework for Friday 10th March
This week for homework we are focussing on our numeracy topic. We are continuing to develop our understanding of addition and all of the mathematical vocabulary related to it. This week please work with your child to complete the task below.
We are also very excited for our trip on Wednesday! We are super excited to visit seven stories.
Any questions please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Inter house Event with Caitlin
We had lots of fun with Caitlin from the SSP on Friday. We joined in a range of invasion games and challenged ourselves with our movement. Thanks Caitlin.
World Book Day
Today we have enjoyed coming to school as our favourite book characters. We talked about our character and the book they are from. The children impressed us with their writing, explaining what their character is like. Well done Class 2 – you all looked amazing!
WEE celebration
Well done to class 2 for completing their half term course of We Elephants with Eve. The children have worked very hard to learn all about their feelings and emotions and how they can deal with them when they feel too big!
Homework for Friday 3rd March
Welcome back to school after our half term break. We hope you all had a lovely time.
This week for homework we are back to a Literacy based task. In literacy we are focussing on sequencing traditional tales. We are planning our BIG WRITE and concentrating on using adjectives and the word ‘and’ in our sentences.
Please work with your child to complete the task below, encouraging them to use all they know to write a detailed and complete sentence.
Thank you for your continued support,
Any questions, please ask
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back to Spring 2
We are super excited to begin our new topic of Superheroes!
Taste the Rainbow Party
Today we had lots of fun celebrating our Splendid Skies topic with a taste the rainbow party. Everyone looked amazing in their rainbow colours. We had lots of fun. Happy half term everyone!
Reading Treat
Well done to all of class 2 for working so hard to read at home. You are all super stars! To celebrate … a sweet treat! yummy!
Rainbow Biscuits
A great big thank you to Mrs Burton for making our delicious biscuits in preparation for our taste the rainbow party. We worked hard to decorate them today and we are looking forward to eating them tomorrow!
Climate Friendly Schools Workshop with Grace
Today we had lots of fun working with Grace to learn all about how we can look after our planet by making small changes right here in school. We learnt about how looking after the grounds of our school gives animals a safe place to live. We enjoyed our bark rubbing and leaf identification sessions.
Women in Science
We have enjoyed learning all about significant women who helped change the face of Science. In class 2 we learn all about Caroline Haslett. Look at our amazing work ….
In class 2 we have enjoyed our sessions with Eve, we are now very good at talking about our feelings, thoughts, actions and behaviour and how they all have an impact on our mental health. Thanks Eve.
Homework for Friday 17th February
This week in school we are completing our Rising Stars in preparation for the end of half term. For homework, we are concentrating on consolidating our knowledge of the seasons. Please complete the task below.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Children’s Mental Health Week
All week in class we have engaged in activities to support our learning around the importance of mental health. We have had a visit from Eve (WEE), engaged in daily feeling fans, completed hand breathing exercises, discussed kindness in assembly, took part in whole school random acts of kindness certificates and finally dressed to express! Don’t we all look amazing!
Fantastic balancing
This week in PE we have concentrated on our amazing balancing. We used the equipment , indoors and outdoors, to perfect our amazing balances. Look at us go ….
Marvellous Music
This week we worked hard on our song of the half term … In The Groove …. we sang the song as well as playing our musical instruments, making sure we kept to the pulse.
Homework for Friday 10th February
This week in class we are revisiting and recapping our knowledge of measures. This week, for homework, we would like you to focus on the volume aspect of measure. Please work with your child to complete the task below, once again encouraging them to use the vocabulary related to the topic.
Any questions, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
We are loving our Splendid Skies work, in computing we have created lots of different weather pictures using the paint programme. We have enjoyed using the desktop computers, laptops and I Pads. This week we added a text box to our pictures.
We are loving our current PE topic, Gymnastics. This week we focused on balances and how we could mirror our friends to create partner balances … look at us go. A special thank you to Mitchel for his super demonstrations!
Rainfall Investigation
Today we set up our equipment in preparation for our rainfall investigation. Over the next week we are going to record show much rainfall we have each day. We will then look at our data and discuss our findings … watch this space!
Homework for Friday 3rd February
This week in class we are working on question marks and ensuring that we write perfect sentences! We are working with the children to make sure they use capital letters, fingers spaces and the correct punctuation. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Thank you for your continued support.
Any questions, please ask
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Commando Joe’s
We had a great time learning all about Arthur Wharton and his journey to England. We love recreating his journey using our Commando Joe’s equipment and lessons. We worked together as a team to communicate our ideas.
Craig’s Coaching Football Fun!
We had such a great time taking part in a football taster session with Stu and Josh from Craig’s Coaching. Look at our amazing skills!
Bird Table
Today we put out our bird table … we researched foods that the birds like and are planning on putting out bread and fruit. All left overs from breakfast club and fruit time! This way we will be reducing food waste and helping the birds!
Bird Feeders
Today we learnt all about how wintery weather has an effect on animals. We discussed how different animals adapt to survive the colder months. We then decided that we could help out birds by making a bird feeder. We used honey and bird seeds to make a tasty treat for our feathered friends. We are looking forward to seeing the birds enjoy them in our school grounds.
Numeracy Investigators
This week in numeracy we are working on our multiplication and division knowledge. Today we were investigators and found lots of different ways of diving a given number.
Zumba with Gemma
We had such an amazing time learning all about Zumba with Gemma. We joined in lots of different dance moves and kept our feet moving the whole time. We definitely got our Active 60 in today!!
Thanks Gemma
Chinese New Year
We enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year with class 1. We listened to traditional music and stories explaining the reasons behind Chinese New Year. We then made arts and crafts as well as tasting lots of different food. We had such a lovely day.
Homework for Friday 27th January 2023
This week for homework we are focusing on consolidating our learning within Science. We are continuing our work on the seasons and wintery weather. We have enjoyed carrying out experiments all around ice and freezing temperatures.
Please work with your child to complete the changes around us task below.
Icy Hands!
We enjoyed setting up or very own Science experiment … all to do with the freezing temperatures we have recently experienced. We froze water and watched it turn to ice, once it had frozen we removed the icy hands and placed them in various locations around school. We made predictions of which one would melt first and why. We then compiled our results and talked about what we had found.
Homework for Friday 20th January
A massive thank you to all of the children who were able to complete the extra phonics video, they loved telling me all about doing phonics at home. Thank you for this support.
This week for homework we are concentrating on numeracy. In class we are recapping our knowledge of doubles and using it to help us add and subtract. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Professor Brainstorm Visit
Today we had lots of fun learning all about fantastic forces with Professor Brainstorm. We enjoyed spinning water upside down as well as shooting potato out of a tube! Unfortunately, we couldn’t defy gravity … but we did try!
Homework for Friday 13th January
This week we are excited to be learning more about our Splendid Skies topic. This week for we are going to be looking at remembering all of the things we need to include in our writing. Please work with your child to complete the sentence work sheet below.
Memorable Experience – Splendid Skies
We had such a lovely time launching our new topic of Splendid Skies. We began by going on a nature walk to spot the signs of winter. We spotted lots of signs in our school grounds. We talked about what we noticed and why certain things were not present. We then finished off by creating our very own snowflakes using different materials. We selected colours accordingly and made sure they were super sparkly!
Welcome back
A Happy New Year to everyone! In class 2 we are very excited to begin learning our new topic of Splendid Skies. We can not wait to learn about Sir Francis Beaufort and learn how to ‘read’ the weather! Today we begin by engaging in our memorable experience …. a winter nature walk and crafting our very own twig snowflakes!
Merry Christmas
We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year with all of your friends and family!
Hot Chocolate and Rudolph Biscuits
What a yummy treat to end the term with … special biscuits made by Mrs Burton and a delicious hot chocolate. All to celebrate our amazing reading we have completed at home. Well done everyone!
Reindeer Food
Today we made reindeer food in preparation for Santa’s visit on Christmas eve! We all made a Christmas wish as we stirred in the magic. We are all so very excited!
Christmas Party Day
We had so much fun at our Christmas Party. We all looked amazing in our party clothes and enjoyed the disco and party games in the hall. We were so excited to meet Buddy the elf and even got a selection box off him too!
Christmas Crafts
All week we have been busy creating lots of different Christmas crafts. We can’t wait to bring them home and share them with our loved ones.
Christmas Jumper and Christmas Dinner Day
What a treat we had today … a delicious Christmas Dinner made by Sarah and Jade. All whilst we were decked out in our finest Christmas jumpers!
Today we had a magical Christingle service in school with Reverend Michael. We loved making our Christingle oranges and talking about what each part represents.
Durham Big Sing
Class 2 loved joining in with the Durham Big Sing. We had lots of fun singing along to the Christmas Carrols and listening to the live music.
Homework for Friday 16th December
Our final homework of 2022 and it has to be a Christmas craft! We hope you enjoy creating a Christmas picture with your child at home. If you require any equipment please let us know.
Posting our Santa Letters
Today we wrote our Santa letters as part of our Literacy work. We made sure that we used capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and super neat handwriting! We then posted them in the magical Christmas Post Box in school. We hope he reads them and replies soon!
Speed watch with PCSO Dean and PCSO Sam
Today we worked with PCSO Dean and PCSO Sam to track the speed of cars outside of our school. Dean and Sam told us all about the importance of road safety and driving at the correct speed limit. We then used the speed gun to monitor the speed of traffic outside of school. Dean spotted a van driving too fast … the driver got a warning to slow down!
Back in class we created posters reminding people to slow down.
Class Christmas Tree
This morning we all had so much fun decorating our Christmas tree in class. We each added a decoration and made it look so special! The rest of our classroom is looking extra Christmassy too! We are excited for the next few weeks.
Homework for Friday 2nd December
This week in numeracy we are beginning to work on measures. We are looking at length, mass capacity and money. This week for homework we would like you to begin to remind your children of the different coins and what each one is called. We will be consolidating this work in class and then moving on to adding and subtracting different amounts.
This week we also have our rearranged visit from PCSO Dean Regan, we are excited to monitor the speed outside of school on Friday morning.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
Teddy Bears Picnic
AS part of our Design Technology work we have been designing a delicious sandwich. Today we carefully made our sandwiches, using the equipment safely. Then, of course, we had to share our creations with our teddy bears. We are really enjoying our memory box topic in class 2.
Computing with Amelia and Alfie
In computing we had a visit from two year 6 children. They taught us how to use the copy and paste function. We were able to drag and drop our pictures using the word programme. Thank you Amelia and Alfie!
Old and New Toys
Today in history we looked at old and new toys. We compared them and discussed how they are similar and different. A big thank you to Mrs Plant for kindly letting us use her toys!
Homework for Friday 25th November
Last week in SPAG we learnt the term ‘verb’. We discussed how verbs are ‘doing words’. This is how we begin to describe them in year 1. This week for homework we would like you to work with your child to make sure that they understand the term ‘verb’. This video may be of help:
Please complete the verb task below. Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Safeguarding Week
In class 2 we have discussed all the ways in which we can keep ourselves safe in and out of school. In class we talked about safe and unsafe things we can touch. We were very good at making sure we stayed away from objects at home that are dangerous, for example the iron!
Then in assembly this week we talked about Personal Space and making sure that we aren’t making people feel uncomfortable as well as speaking up if we feel someone is too close to us.
Children in Need 2022
Thank you for all of your donations. We had lots of fun raising money for Pudsey Bear Day! Spot-tastic!
Parliamentary Week
In class 2 we enjoyed taking part in our whole school Parliamentary week. We enjoyed learning more about the houses of parliament and which people we might see there. We then went on a virtual tour and wrote postcards to share what we had learnt. We now know who our Prime Minister is and how King Charles also plays a key part.
We then celebrated by joining in with a whole school coffee morning.
Julia Donaldson Literacy work
We are loving learning all about Julia Donaldson and reading lots of her books! We are enjoying bringing in her books from home and sharing them with our friends …. we especially enjoyed Chloe’s The Smeds and the Smoos. Even though Mrs Aspinall had to use Fred in Your Head to read it!
In Literacy this week we looked at Julia Donaldson’s website and found out lots of interesting facts about her. We then imagined what we would ask her if we ever met her. Take a look at our interesting questions …..
Homework for Friday 18th November
This week for homework we are focussing on Science. In Science this half term we are learning about animals, including humans. This week we beginning our learning all about different animal groups, firstly looking at mammals. Today we have learnt what characteristics make an animal a mammal. Please work with your child to complete the task below, all about labelling the features of a mammal.
If you require any resources, please let us know.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Traffic Survey
Homework for Friday 11th November
Homework for Friday 11th November 2022
Thank you to everyone for attending our memory box afternoon last week. The children and staff alike all had a lovely afternoon.
This week in class we are continuing to work on our Julia Donaldson texts and our Memory Box topic work. In numeracy we are also continuing with our work on counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10. We are moving on to grouping objects too, this is all in preparation for our work on multiplication and division. This week please see the numeracy task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Memory Box – Afternoon Tea
Today we had a lovely afternoon launching our new topic of memory box. We enjoyed a range of activities with our adults. We had tea and cake, jigsaws, dominoes, crafts and story time. Thank you to all of the adults who attended and made our afternoon special. A massive thank you to Mrs Burton for the delicious cakes!
BES Workshop with Alexa
Today we had lots of fun working with Alexa, Emily and Emily. We were bird watching. We used the equpiment to carefully observe the birds that live on our school field. We spotted lots!
Homework for Friday 4th November
Homework for Friday 4th November
Welcome back to Autumn 2!
We hope you have had a lovely half term.
In Literacy, this half term, we are looking at the author Julia Donaldson. Today we began by reading one of her books, Superworm. We loved listening to and joining in with the chants. This week for homework we would like you to discuss the text with your child and complete the task below. If you are not familiar with the text you can watch the animated version online; https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0012w40/superworm
We are also encouraging children to share any Julia Donaldson books they have at home with us at school. Please feel free to bring them in so we can read them at story time, we will take good care of them.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back!
We are excited to start our new topic for the half term Memory Box! We cant wait for your engagement task, an afternoon tea with our parents!
Take a look at what we will be doing …..
Can you remember being small? Do you recall a favourite toy, maybe a teddy bear or a favourite book? Look back at family photos of special occasions, perhaps holiday snapshots or a birthday or two. Learn how to write a diary of days gone by and find out about the days before you were born: it’s called history and it’s all about the past. Then make a special box, a memory box, to keep special things safe. In years to come, you can revisit them and remember how you looked when you were young. Memories are special. Let’s make some more.
Halloween Fun
We have enjoyed our spooky Halloween arts and crafts this week. We designed pumpkin faces then as a group carved our class pumpkin. Look at how spooky it is! We all made ghosts too. We used our cutting and joining skills to make them look extra spooky! To top it all off we enjoyed the Halloween disco with the whole school.
Gymnastics at Sherburn
Today we had lots of fun at the Gymnastics Centre. We used all of the equipment safely and we were able to show off all of our gymnastics skills.
UNCRC Article 29 – develop talents and personalities.
Harvest at Church
Class 2 enjoyed our trip to church as part of our harvest celebrations in school. We read out our poem and sang our harvest songs.
Final Forest School
Today we had our final session with Alice. We had lots of fun learning about fire safety and how fire can be used for survival. Our favourite part of the session … toasting and then eating marshmallows … delicious!
UNCRC Article 29 – develop talents and personalities.
Homework for Friday 21st October
Welcome to our last week before half term! We have learnt lots about dinosaurs and are super excited to do lots of spooky activities this week. This week we have a spooky Halloween activity for homework!
Please work with your child to complete the activity below.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Black History Month
Today we discussed Black History Month in class 2. We talked about all the famous black people in past and how they have stood up for their rights and shaped history. We read a very exciting book called ‘My Hair’ by Hannah Lee. We then discussed how we are all unique and how it makes the world such a wonderful place to live. Look at our amazing writing all about how we are unique.
UNCRC article 2 – convention applies to everyone.
Dinosaur Planet Celebration
We are sad to see our Dinosaur Planet topic come to an end but had so much fun celebrating all that we have learnt. We had an amazing day of dino themed tasks. First we played dinosaur nest during PE with Darren, then made dinosaur biscuits with Mrs Burton and finally became real life Mary Anning’s by digging and discovering mini dinosaur fossils! Such an exciting end to our topic.
UNCRC article 31 – right to take part in a wide range of activities.
Dino poo
Today we had lots of fun making our very own edible version of dinosaur poo! We combined our ingredients then crushed, mixed and stirred until we had a lovely texture looking like poo! Thank you to Mrs Burton who helped us weigh and use the equipment safely.
UNCRC Article 29 – education such develop talents.
Dino Eggs
Today we had lots of fun decorating our dinosaur eggs. We used a variety of materials to make the egg look textured.
UNCRC Article 28 – right to an education
Forest School
We are still enjoying our sessions with Alice, this week we used clay to sculpt using natural materials.
UNCRC Article 29 – develop talents.
Today we listened to the French version of head, shoulders, knees and toes. We joined in the actions and began to recognise the French versions of our body parts.
UNCRC Article 4 – right to enjoy their rights.
Homework for Friday 14th October
This week in numeracy we are recapping our knowledge of shape. We have discussed the difference between 2d and 3d shapes as well as naming and describing shapes we know. We have sorted them and also pointed out 3d shapes in our environment. This week for homework we would like you to work with your child to complete the task below, with the main focus being on the drawing task. Please encourage your child to use a ruler, where necessary, to ensure that the lines are correct. Especially drawing attention to the size of the lines when drawing a rectangle and square.
If any resources are needed to complete this task, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
PE with Darren
Class 2 are enjoying their PE sessions with Darren each week. This week we worked on our throwing and catching skills. Darren was impressed with our skills and taught us a game to help us improve them.
UNCRC Article 24 – best possible health
Bird Feeders
We are very lucky to be continuing our work with Alexa at the British Ecological Society. Today we put the bird feeders in our school grounds so that we can help the birds over the coming colder months as well as enjoy spotting the different birds in our local area. Thank you to Mr Straughan for helping us!
UNCRC Article 28 – right to an education
Dinosaur Eggs
Today we had lots of fun beginning the process of our very own dinosaur eggs. We used paper mache to create an egg shape ready for decorating next week. We loved getting messy!
UNCRC Article – wide range of activities.
Forest School with Alice
We are loving our weekly sessions with Alice, this week we made nature crowns, identified trees and planted cress seeds.
UNCRC Article 15 – meet with organisations.
Homework for Friday 30th September
Homework for Friday 30th September
This week for homework our focus is Science. In Science we are loving our Forest School work with Alice. As part of this we are currently looking for signs of Autumn. We have been busy collecting things that show us the seasons are changing. Within class we have continued this and discussed how many seasons we have and what each one looks like. This week for homework we would like you to complete the task below, all about seasons.
We are also encouraging the children to bring into school anything that shows us a sign of autumn. This will then be shared on our investigation station. So if you do happen to go on a walk and notice anything please do collect it and bring it to school. For example, leaves, conkers etc.
Thank you for uploading homework onto DB, it really is a valuable too.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for Friday 30th September
Church Visit
Today we had a lovely visit to Church. Reverend Michael and June showed us around and pointed out all of the objects you might find in a Christian Church. We now know lots of the objects names and can talk about what they are used for.
UNCRC Article 14 – Right to a religion
Music Lessons
In Class 2 we are very lucky to be participating in weekly music lessons with the Durham music services. This week we had lots of fun singing dinosaur songs and playing the instruments.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to join in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
Forest School with Alice
Today was our first Forest School Session with Alice from OASES. We had lots of fun taking part in different activities. We joined in looking for the colours of the rainbow, hide and seek, giant art work and fabric pressing. We were fantastic using the tools, we all did so very safely. Our favourite task was hide and seek and we learnt lots about the colours of the seasons.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to join in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
Homework for Friday 23rd September
Thank you for your support so far this half term … we have sent an awful lot of information home!
This week in numeracy we are reminding ourselves of the addition and subtraction skills that we learnt in class 1. We are making sure that we understand the vocabulary related to this area of mathematics and are also looking carefully at the symbols too.
Please spend some time talking with your child about the activities we are doing in class as well as completing the task below.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall.
UNCRC Article 28 – right to an education
Swimming and Reading Certificates
Well done to Nolan, who has been super busy over the holidays achieving swimming and reading awards. Keep it up!
Hancock Museum Visit
Today we had lots of fun visiting the Hancock Museum in Newcastle. We learnt all about the fossils and how Scientists can learn about animals from the past by studying them. We were lucky (or unlucky) enough to hold dinosaur poo!! We have had such a lovely day learning all about our topic : Dinosaur Planet.
A massive thank you to Mrs Lofthouse, our governor, for her help today.
UNCRC Article 31 – children have the right to join in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.
Liz Million Visit
We had so much fun working with Liz Million to draw a super cool dinosaur. Our drawings are amazing, we are all little artists thanks to Liz! We can’t wait to share them with our adults at home … they wont be able to believe we have drawn them! Well done Class 2.
UNCRC Article 29 – develop talents to the full.
Homework for Friday 16th September 2022
Welcome to class 2 and our first piece of homework … all about dinosaurs!
We have having so much fun learning all about our topic, Dinosaur Planet, and we are super excited for our trip to the Hancock Museum.
This week for homework please work with your child to complete the writing task below. We are working on our letter formation and pencil grip in class.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
UNCRC Article 28 – right to an education
Wizards 16.9.22 Superheroes 16.9.22 Pirates 16.9.22 parent guide to spellings
Welcome to Class 2 2022-2023
A huge welcome to our new class 2 children. We really are looking forward to helping you learn and watching you grow!
We are so excited to begin our very first Cornerstones Topic of Dinosaur Planet. We are keen to learn more about dinosaurs over the coming weeks.
We have enjoyed our first day in class 2. Mrs Aspinall and Miss Eade loved hearing all about our summer holidays and we completed our first ever year 1 Literacy task! Well done everyone!
UNCRC Article 15 – right to meet with other children
Welcome to Class 2
Last Day
Today we enjoyed our last day in class 2 and year 1. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch your children grow this year. We just know they will continue to belittle super stars. Have a lovely summer everyone.
Mrs Aspinall, Mrs Hindmarch and Miss Eade xxx
TT Rockstars Day
Look at have amazing we all look! We had lots of fun joining in with the whole school TT Rockstars Day … we especially enjoyed the disco!
The History Bloke
Today we had lots of fun working with the History Bloke. We enjoyed learning all about the Victorian period. We looked at different artefacts and learnt about daily life for children and adults during this period of time. We then looked at toys and talked about how they were similar and different to our toys today.
We learnt lots and had fun in the process!
Homework for Friday 15th July
Our final week of homework! This week we are going to look forward to our holidays. In school we are talking about or plans with our friends and family. For homework this week please complete the bucket list task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for 15th July
Street Carnival
Huge thanks to all of the adults who came along to our Rio de Vida picnic to help us celebrate the end of our Cornerstones topic. We had lots of fun making head dresses and showing them off. A massive thank you to Mrs Hindmarch’s mam for making us an amazing cake! It was delicious.
Dolls from Ecuador
A massive thank you to Karen for sharing with us traditional dolls from Ecuador. We are currently learning about Brazil as part of our Rio de Vida topic. As part of this we looked at surrounding countries and Karen was excited to tell us all about her family ties to Ecuador.
Homework for Friday 8th July
This week in class we are recapping our knowledge of measures. We have started the week off with learning all about time. We are now very good at reading o’clock and half past. We are beginning to challenge ourselves to read quarter past too! This week for homework please complete the task below.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for 8th July
Musical Instruments
Today we made musical instruments as part of our music session. We used our junk materials to create them. We are excited to decorate them and use them for our end of topic event later in the week.
Class Swap Day
In class 2 we were delighted to welcome our new year 1’s. We had lots of fun exploring the classroom and getting to know where we will sit in September.
We had lots of fun taking part in a Golf taster session with Mr Beveridge. We all had a go at the different stations. We worked hard to hit the ball gently and learnt about scoring points in golf. Well done class 2.
Homework for Friday 1st July
This week in class we are continuing with our Rio de Vida topic. In literacy we are looking at a range if texts, both fact and fiction. This week we are working on ensuring that our writing is perfect and correcting any errors we make. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
1.7.22 HW
Hamsterly Forest Trip
Today we went on our trip to Hamsterly Forest and we had lots of fun. We made friendship bracelets out of Gruffalo colours, made messy mixtures to feed the animals, made anima footprints with sticks, design fairy houses and played on the park. What a busy day we have had! We are all super tired now!
Homework for Friday 24th June
This week for homework we are looking at materials. We have begun our new topic in class and the children are amazing us with their Scientific vocabulary. Please work with your child to complete the activity below.
Any questions, please ask.
Mrs Aspinall
Homework 20.6.22
Science Visit
We had so much fun when Alexis and Ella visited us to teach us all about minibeasts in our school grounds. We enjoyed hunting for bugs and comparing them on a checklist. We used equipment to look carefully at the bugs we found. We then released them back in to their habitats. Finally we planted flowers to take home. We had such a lovely day and learnt so much!
Science Club Butterflies
We were super excited to see that two of our Science Club butterflies have emerged from their cocoons. We enjoyed observing them and looking closely at the detail of them.
Animal Footprint Trap
Today we set up our animal footprint trap on our school field. We put in paper and charcoal as well as fruit in the hope we will be able to see little animal footprints! We can’t wait to check tomorrow.
Homework for Friday 17th June
Last week in numeracy we looked once again at shape. We consolidated our knowledge of 2d and 3d shape names. We then went on to naming everyday objects and their shapes as well as talking about which shapes would work best for different tasks.
This week for homework please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
National Fieldwork Week
We all had so much fun walking over the fell as part of our National Fieldwork week work. We looked at all of the natural and man made things that we could see. We loved looking at the school from afar and also spotted lots of houses. We enjoyed spending 10 minutes stilling and using all of our senses to explore the world around us.
Homework for Friday 10th June
Welcome back to our final half term in class 2. We are all very excited to be learning about Rio De Vida! In Literacy this week we are comparing Brazil coastlines to our own in the UK. To begin our topic, we are going to talk about our own experiences of the beach. Please complete the task below.
Any questions, just ask.
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back to Summer 2!
We are all very excited to be back at school and are keen to begin our new topic of Rio de Vida. Today we kicked started the topic with a visit from Paul Cookson, a poet and musician. He really blew our mind with his poem writing skills …. we all had a go at writing our own poems too!
Welcome back summer 2
Paws, Claws and Whiskers Celebration
Class 2 had lots of fun celebrating the end of their Cornerstones Topic, Paws, Claws and Whiskers. They celebrated by decorating and eating dog themed biscuits! Mrs Burton kindly made us shortbread biscuits in the shape of dog paws and bones. We then decorated them with icing and sprinkles. They were delicious! Watch out for your biscuit at home too!
Jubilee Celebrations
In Class 2 we have joined in lots of different activities to help learn and celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. We have all made crowns and decorated flags in preparation for our whole school picnic tomorrow. We are excited to see you all there!
Homework for THURSDAY 26th May
This week in school we are super excited to be taking part in the Queens Jubilee Celebrations. This week for homework we are doing all things royal!
Please have a go at the task below. We are excited to see your creative skills at work.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for 26.5.22
Bike Ability
Look at all of the progress we are making on our bikes! We are all flying now. It is lovely to see the confidence growing within all of our children. We are super proud. Go Class 2!!!
National Skipping Week
We have had lots of fun combining National Skipping Week and our Numeracy work this week. We have been skipping in different directions ensuring that we can respond to positional and directional vocabulary. We are super impressed with all of the skipping skills in class 2. We have remembered lots from our sessions with Gail and we were able to watch the virtual coaches and put the skills into action. Look at us go …. double bouncing, hopping and backwards skipping!
National Numeracy Day
Today we were super excited to join in trying to break a Guinness World Record for most amount of people joining in a live Numeracy task. We were so pleased that we achieved this and are part of setting a new record.
Today we had lots of fun using the musical instruments to add another level to our song of the half term ‘Your Imagination’
Jake’s BB Badge
Jake was excited to show off his Queens Jubilee Badge that had had received from Boys Bigrade. He was delighted with it … he showed us which arm he needed to wear it on and how he had answered questions so achieve it. Well done Jake … we are super proud of you!
Homework for Friday 20th May
This week in Science we are continuing with our work on Summer and the weather that we might experience during this season. In our lessons this week we are talking about how the sun is good for us but that it can also be dangerous if we don’t look after ourselves. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Thanks you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
OAA Event at Framwellgate School Durham
Today we had fun at our OAA event at Framwellgate School Durham. We took part in lots of different activities to help develop our team work and communication skills. We were able to work together to navigate around resources and solve problems.
Massive thanks to our fabulous sports leaders, Marcus, Jenson, Lucas and Amelia.
Pets Visit
Today we had a visit from Buddy the dog and a pet snake! Mrs Hindmarch brought in her dog and told us all about how she looks after him and showed us all of the equipment she needs. David also brought in his pet snake and told us about he cares for him. We were surprised at how different the pets and their needs are.
Thank you Mrs Hindmarch and David.
Homework for Friday 13th May
This week in class we are working hard on times table knowledge. We have looked at how we can count in 2s, 5s and 10s as well as writing down multiplication calculations. This week for homework we would like your child to work with an adult to complete the tasks below.
Any questions, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
Homework 13.5.22
Crazy Creatures Visit
Today we have had lots of fun meeting lots of different animals. We were so brave … braver than Mrs Aspinall and Mrs Hindmarch! We all had a go at handling the different animals and talking about how they felt. We also asked John lots of questions about the animals he had brought to school. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about them!
Homework for Friday 6th May
We have had lots of fun today meeting crazy creatures with John! We are excited to learn more about animals as part of our Cornerstones topic; Paws, Claws and Whiskers. We are enjoying reading lots of books about animals. This week we are going to be reading lots of different texts to find out facts about different animals. Please work with your child to learn a little more about a chosen animal. They could use books and/or the internet to help with their research and fact finding.
Any questions, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Bike Ability
Today we had lots of fun joining in with our first Bike Ability session with Darren. We are all little super stars using our bikes to balance and ride them independently. We were super impressed with the skills demonstrated by all the children in class.
Homework for Friday 29th April
Welcome back to school, we hope you had a lovely Easter!
This half term we are excited to begin our new topic of Paws, Claws and Whiskers. As part of this we will be learning all about summer and how the animals adapt to this new change of season. To begin our topic, we would like you to talk about what you already know about the summer season and then have a go at completing the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Mrs Aspinall
Welcome back to Summer 1!
We are so excited to start our new topic of Paws, Claws and Whiskers.
Homework for Friday 8th April
This week in class we are working hard to complete our Rising Star Assessments. We are also enjoying joining in Easter activities and are looking forward to the Easter Egg Competition on Wednesday!
Please complete the Easter dot to dot activity below. Any questions, please ask.
Please note that this week we have NO SPELLINGS.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for 8.4.22
Fruit Salad
As part of our Superhero topic we created a super fruit salad in DT. We worked carefully to use the tools and we were able to safely chop up the fruit. We mixed all the fruit together and made a delicious fruit salad. We are experts now!
Skipping School
We had lots of fun working with Gail on Friday. She taught all of us to skip! She was so amazed at our skills that we quickly progressed onto the big rope and every single one of us had a go at jumping in the rope. How amazing!
Homework for 1st April 2022
This week in class we are reminding ourselves of using the word and to join words and phrases together. We are working hard to use this in our writing. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
Litter Picking
Today we worked with Mr Straughan to litter pick within our grounds. We did this as part of our work with the British Ecological Society. We are working hard to look at mammals that live within our local environment and making sure that it is a safe and well looked after place for them.
Mammal Cam
Today we checked our mammal cam to see which animals we had spotted. We have picked up lots of birds! We are hoping to see more later in the week.
Homework for Friday 25th March
This week in class we are continuing to develop our knowledge of plants and what they need to grow. We are impressing the adults with all of our scientific vocabulary. This week for homework please complete the task below.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Red Nose Day
In class 2 we wore the rainbow and joined in Red Nose Day activities to help raise money for Comic Relief.
UNCRC Article 20 – government should help support families
Support for Ukraine
We held a day in school to show our support to the people of Ukraine.
UNCRC Article 38 – free from war zones.
Fairtrade Fortnight
Over the last two weeks we have learnt all about what Fairtrade means and how we can help when we shop. We looked at the Fairtrade symbol and have tried to spot it in our local community. We discussed how the farmers need a fair price for their produce. Look at our lovely work …..
We ended our work by joining in with the Rights Respecting Fairtrade Tuck shop. It was delicious 😋
Maths Day
Miss Grimes paid Class 2 a visit. They had lots of fun solving tricky addition and subtraction problems, Miss Grimes was blown away! They then enjoyed joining in maths games and puzzles to put their knowledge of maths to the test. WELL DONE CLASS 2!
Mammal Web
Today we were very excited to learn about the Mammal Web that we are using as part of our Science work. Mr Straughan helped us attach the Mammal Cam to a tree in our little garden. We are hoping that the camera will catch videos of animals that living in or visit our school grounds. We cant wait to see what the Mammal Cam catches!
UNCRC Article 31 – right to join in a wide range of activities
Gingerbread Biscuits
Today we made Gingerbread Biscuits in Class 2. This week we are continuing with our traditional tale work and so we thought we would recap one of our favourite stories … The Gingerbread Man. Mrs Aspinall picked up the wrong book and brought in her recipe rather than the story … whoops! So we carefully followed the instructions and made our very own Gingerbread Biscuits. They were yummy!
UNCRC 29 – develop talents
Homework for Friday 11th March
This week in Literacy we are recapping our knowledge of traditional tales and reading different texts. Please can you work with your child to read the extract below then answer the questions carefully.
Thank you for your continued support.
Any questions, just ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Science Day
Miss Milburn loved working with Class 2. We combined science with art and created our own waterlilies. We folded the petals and predicted what would happen when they were put onto water. Some children predicted that the flowers would open up and everyone observed closely to see if they were right!
Memorable experience
Today we met a superhero …. Spider-Man dropped by to see us as he had heard we were all dressed up as superheroes! We had so much fun talking to him and getting out photos taken with him. Thanks for the visit!
World Book Day
Look at our fantastic outfits for World Book Day. Super impressed!
Karen’s thoughtful picture
UNCRC Article 22-Governments must help in trying to reunite children refugees with their parents
Governments must help in trying to reunite child refugees with their parents.

Homework for Friday 4th March
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term.
This week sees the launch of our new topic Superheroes. We are so excited to learn about fictional and real life heroes!
This week for homework we are focussing on our topic of plants and how they are heroes! We are discussing all the important jobs they do for us and how we need them for all different reasons. Please spend some time completing the activity below.
Any questions, please ask.
Welcome back!
We hope you have had a lovely half term and are now looking forward to our new topic … Superheroes!
Taste the rainbow 🌈
Today we celebrated the end of our Cornerstones topic Splendid Skies by having a taste the rainbow party! We enjoyed turning our food into weather. A big thank you to Mrs Hindmarch’s Mam for making us rainbow cakes too 😋
Spring Time Disco
We had lots of fun at the spring time disco 💃
Merci Papi
A big thank you to our governor Papi for taking the time to come into class to teach us French phrases. In class 2 we are very good at saying ‘Je m’appelle’. Thank you again Papi 😊
UNCRC Article 29 – develop talents
Homework for Friday 18th February
This week in class we are completing our Rising Stars Assessments. We are working very hard and looking forward to our Spring Time Disco treat!
This week for homework we would like to reinforce the work we have recently completed on money. We are very good at recognising coins and are working on paying for items as well as working out change. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Mrs Aspinall
P.S Have a lovely half term!
Homework 14.2.22
Home Readers
This half term we have tried hard to read at home at least once a week. Each week we receive a leaf to add to our class beanstalk if we remember! Mrs Aspinall and Mrs Hindmarch promised a chocolate fountain treat if we could reach 60 leaves before half term. Well today we smashed our target and managed 61 leaves a week before our deadline! We were super excited to sample the chocolate fountain 🍫 yummy 😋
Dog Poo Bin!
We are so pleased to see that our pupil voice has had an impact on the village. After noticing that the village was a little untidy due to dog fouling we wrote to Kevan Jones, our local MP. We asked if we could have a new doo poo bin to help the situation. We are so pleased to see the bin outside of the community centre! Well spotted Karen!
UNCRC Article 12 – every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them.
Homework for Friday 11th February
This week in class we are continuing with our topic of Splendid Skies. We are enjoying being weather presenters this week and are consolidating the writing skills we have learnt; we are impressing ourselves with our amazing work! This week we have looked at labelling and ensuring we are using phonics to sound out.
Please work with your child to complete the task below. Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for 11.2.22
Chinese New Year
Today we celebrated Chinese New Year!
Class 1 and 2 joined forces to celebrate the Year of the Tiger. We took part in literacy and art activities before food tasting and PE games 🙂
We also learned how to say ‘Happy New Year’ in Chinese ‘Kung Hei Fat Choi’
UNCRC Article 31: Leisure, Play and Culture.
Homework for Friday 4th February 2022
This week in Science we are working on our knowledge and understanding of animals in winter. We are making sure that we know the key vocabulary surrounding this topic. We are going to consolidate all of our learning this week in preparation for our Rising Stars work. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
If you need any resources, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Homework 31.1.22
Bird Feeders
In Science this half term we are enjoying learning all about the seasons and how animals adapt and cope with the changes. We have talked a lot about how some animals find it hard to find food in winter. So we decided to make some bird feeders to help them out. Take a look at our lovely bird feeders that we made with peanut butter, seeds and bread. We can’t wait to take them home 🏠
UNCRC 29 – develop talents and personality.
Homework for Friday 28th January
This week in numeracy we are looking at doubling and halving. We have worked really hard on learning all of our 2 times tables. We are now good at recalling facts! We are going to continue to consolidate our knowledge of how double and half concepts are linked. Please complete the task below to help consolidate this week’s learning.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Trip to Washington Wetlands
Today we had lots of fun at WWT. Cath showed us around the environment and we saw lots of different animals. We loved looking at the signs of winter and even hugged a tree!
Homework for Friday 21st January
This week in Literacy we are working on remembering and retelling traditional tales. This week we have read and retold the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We are planning and writing our very own version of the story, from the point of view of the giant. To help with our understand please complete the task below to help remind your child of the key facts of the story.
Any questions, please ask.
Mrs Aspinall
Gymnastics event
Today we went to Sherburn Leisure Centre to take part in a Gymnastic event. We had loads of fun bouncing and jumping and balancing! We loved using all of the equipment and practising the skills we have learnt in school with Mr Beveridge.
Look at us go!
UNCRC 29 – education should develop talents
Homework for Friday 14th January 2022
This week in class we are getting to know our new topic of Splendid Skies. In in Science we are learning all about wintery weather. We are enjoying setting up investigations and exploring what these different types of weather are like. We are also enjoying our new role play area of a weather station! Please work with your child to complete the weather symbol task below.
Temperature Blanket
A big thank you to Karen’s mum for letting us share her temperature blanket in class. We were excited to learn all about a temperature blanket … we learnt that the blanket is made of different colours that represent the temperature on each day of the year. We looked closely and tried to guess which seasons we could see and which colours represented which temperature. We had lots of fun talking about it. Mrs Hindmarch loved how cosy and warm it was! Thank you so much for sharing it with it … a perfect talking point for our Cornerstones topic: Splendid Skies.
Adam Bushnell Memorable Experience
Today we had a visit from author Adam Bushnell who introduced us to our new topic of Splendid Skies. He helped us all created a robot that could fly us around to explore the different types of weather. We had lots of fun creating a character and then writing out very own story of the character taking us to a snowy mountain!
UNCRC 28 – right to an education
Welcome back
We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and New Year!
We have had lots of fun catching up today .. it was lovely seeing all of the little faces back in school today!
We are very excited to start our new Cornerstones topic of Splendid Skies … keep an eye out for more updates!
Last week class 2 entered a colouring competition at Tesco in Chester le Street. All of our lovely pictures are on display in store. But we had amazing news! One of our friends won a prize!
A massive well done to Jake for a beautifully coloured in picture. He won a Tesco gift voucher and a bag full of chocolate! 🍫 we hope you enjoy your prize!!! Super proud of you Jake 🎉
Merry Christmas Everyone!
We would just like to wish all of our children and families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We have had an amazing first term in class 2 and are so very excited for the rest of the year.
A massive thank you for all of our lovely cards and gifts, they really are very much appreciated.
Christmas Party 2021
We have had such a fab time at our Christmas party!
Christmas Jumper Day 2021
Thank you for all of your donations. We had a fab day wearing our jumpers and eating our Christmas lunch.
Letter to Kevan Jones, MP
In Geography this half term we have learnt all about our local area. We talked about what we like and dislike about Nettlesworth. We noticed that one of the things that we don’t like is the smelly dog poo! So we decided to try and do something about it. We have written a letter to our MP, Kevan Jones, in the hope he can help us solve this smelly problem!
UNCRC Article 12 – right to a say in all matters affecting them
14.12.21 – Update …. we were very excited to hear back from Kevan Jones ….
Dear Ms Aspinall
Thank you for your email. I can well understand your concern about this situation. I have written on your behalf to Durham County Council to raise your concerns and to ask them to look into this matter. As soon as I receive a response to my enquiries, I will let you know. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.Decorating the Christmas tree
today in class we decorated our classroom to get it ready for Christmas. We all hung a decoration on the tree to help make it shine brightly. Look at how fabulous it looks. 🎄🎅
Teddy Bears Picnic
Today we had lots of fun making our sandwiches that we previously designed. We made sure we washed our hands and used the equipment sensibly, all to keep us safe. We then finished with our teddy bears picnic!
Professor Brainstorm
We had lots of fun joining in different science experiments … they looked so much like magic tricks!
Homework for Monday 29th November
Homework for Monday 29th November 2021
This week in numeracy we are working on our understanding of measures. We are looking at length, weight, capacity and money. Please work with your child to complete the task below. We are working on children understanding the vocabulary linked to each of these areas.
*Please note that this week we have no spellings.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for 29.11.21
Children In Need
We had lots of fun joining in all the exciting activities today. Thanks for donating!
Homework for 19.11.21
Homework for Friday 19th November 2021
We are continuing to enjoy our topic of Memory Box, thank you to those who have brought in old toys to share … we are loving investigating!
This week in SPAG we are going to be looking at adjectives and how they are used to describe nouns. Please work with your child to complete the activities below. We are super impressed with the children’s phonics knowledge and how this is having a positive impact on their writing. I’m sure they will impress you at home too!
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for 19.11.21
Taste Testing
Today we had lots of fun completing our science experiment of taste testing. We carried out our very own bush tucker trails …. we blind folded each other and had a good at guessing the delicious food we were eating. We all did a great job and had lots of fun exploring one of our five senses.
UNCRC 28 – right to an education
Homework for Friday 12th November
Homework for Friday 12th November 2021
This week we are continuing our work on Memory Box following our trip to Beamish last week. In Science we are continuing our work on Animals including humans. We will be carrying out different experiments, in the coming weeks, exploring all 5 senses. Please work with your child to complete the task below.
Thanks for your continued support.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for 12th Nov
Beamish museum memorable experience
Today we went to beamish museum as part of our new cornerstones topic Memory Box. We had lots of fun looking and playing with toys from the past, riding on the tram, looking around the old shops and banks as well as looking in old houses. We can’t wait to incorporate all we have experienced into all of our learning back in class.
UNCRC Article 29 – develop children’s talents
Amazing Counting
this week in class we have worked super hard on our counting skills, we are now really good at counting, reading and writing numbers up to 50!
UNCRC 28 – right to an education
Homework for Friday 5th November
Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term. We are very excited to start our new topic and begin learning all about Memory Box. We are all excited for our trip to Beamish this Friday too.
This week in numeracy we are counting using number lines and hundred squares. We are working on starting counting at any given number. Please work with your child to complete this week’s numeracy homework challenge below.
Any questions, please ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Homework for Friday 5th Nov
Welcome back ….. Memory Box
We hope you all had a lovely half term and are looking forward to our next half term in school. We have lots of exciting things happening this half term and we are very much looking forward to our new topic … Memory Box. We are kicking starting our topic off with a visit to Beamish Museum. Keep an eye out for letters with more information.
Pumpkin Carving
Today we had lots of fun designing and carving a pumpkin. The children had a go at getting the seeds out of the pumpkin and enjoyed getting super messy!
Mary Anning and Karen
A massive thank you to Karen and her mum Kelly for sending us pictures of Mary Anning’s fossils.
Cornerstones Celebration
Today marked the end of our first Cornerstones topic – Dinosaur Planet. We had lots of fun recapping what we have learnt this half term. We then read our favourite dinosaur story, danced to dinosaur music, played games and ate dinosaur poo! We have really enjoyed our first topic and are looking forward to the next one.
Article 28 – Right to an education
Homework for Friday 22nd October 2021
As this is the last week before half term in class we will be completing our Rising Stars assessments. The children are very keen to show off all that they have learnt this half term. They have all worked super hard! We are ending our first topic of Dinosaur Planet with a celebration day this week and we will also be talking about Halloween … the children are very excited!
This week for homework please complete the activity below. Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Harvest Festival
Today we joined in a whole school virtual harvest assembly. We joined in singing lots of different songs and added in actions too. We sang lovely as a whole school.
Dinosaur Fossils
Today we made dinosaur fossils using pasta shapes. They look amazing. We were like real life archaeologists!
UNCRC 29 develop talents to the full
Homework for Friday 15th October
This week in Science we are continuing to learn about the season. We are going to be focussing on how people and animals change the way they dress according to the weather. Please spend a few minutes talking to your child about what they might wear during the autumn months. Please complete the activity below. If any resources are required, please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
Well done Evie!
Evie impressed us with her rosette today. She told us all about her dogs coming 3rd in the dog show. Evie enjoyed telling us about how she helped her family to show the dogs.
UNCRC 15 – right to join groups and organisations.
Thank you Izzy
Today Izzy brought in fossils that she was given by a family friend. She very kindly shared them with the class and allowed us to look carefully at them with the magnifying glasses. The detail was amazing! We felt like a real life Mary Anning! Looking at the fossils really helped bring our Cornerstones topic, Dinosaur Planet, to life!
UNCRC 29 – education must develop talents to the full
Well done Jensen!
We are super proud of Jensen who was awarded star of the week at his swimming lessons. You are like a little fish! Well done!
UNCRC 31 – Right to take part in a range of activities.
Homework for Friday 8th October 2021
This week in numeracy we are revisiting and reminding ourselves of our number bonds to 10. The children all have impressive knowledge in class and are enjoying playing our online game ‘Hit the Button’. Please spend time this week working with your child to complete the task below.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
Happy World Smile Day
Look at how wonderful class 2 look! We all had a fantastic day giving and receiving random acts of kindness.
Visit to Church
Today we visited church in Kimblesworth. We walked to church and visited Reverend Michael. He let us explore the church and find all of the features that we had learnt about in class. We went on a treasure hunt! He then talked to us about each feature and what it is used for. We had a lovely time!
UNCRC 14 – Right to a religion
Today we had lots of fun working with Tracey to learn lots of new skills and tricks with the hula hoop. We also built a house using only 6 hoops. We were then able to crawl through the house … it was very hard trying not to knock it down!
UNCRC 31 – Join in a range of activities.
Homework week commencing 27th September
Homework for Friday 1st October 2021
This week for homework we are going to be looking at labelling a diagram. In Literacy we have talked about the difference between fiction and nonfiction texts. Please talk to your child and ask them about the key features. Then complete the labelling task below.
This week we are also very excited about our visit to church on Wednesday. Please return permission slips before Wednesday.
Many Thanks
Mrs Aspinall
UNCRC 28 – Right to an education
Rosie’s Newt
Rosie has made an amazing discovery … a baby newt!
She is taking good care of it at home and very kindly brought it in to show us in class.
UNCRC 29 – education must develop talents.
In Science we are learning all about Autumn. We have talked about how the hours of daylight will start to reduce as we get further into Autumn. As part of this we have learnt all about shadows and how they change as the sun moves over the sky during the day.
UNCRC 28 – right to an education
We are having lots of fun with Cath doing our Tatty Bumpkins yoga.
We are getting super strong!
UNCRC 24 – stay healthy
Homework week commencing 20th September
This week for homework our focus is Science. In Science we are currently looking at the seasons and in particular the signs of Autumn. This week for homework it would be great if adults could talk to their child about what signs they can see around them then complete the task below.
Please let us know if you need any resources to help you complete the task.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Aspinall
Homework 20.9.21
UNCRC 28 -right to an education
Number bonds
Today in class we have learnt all about our number bonds to 10. We then played a fab game to help us remember them. Why not have a go at home too? Here is the website… just copy and paste into your browser.
UNCRC 31 – take part in a range of activities
Inter-house Competition
Today Darren from the SSP came into school to carry out our first Inter-house Competition of the year. Our brand new Sports Leaders worked with him to set up 5 throwing events for classes 1, 2 and 3. All of our children amazed us and tried so hard to win points for their teams. We cant wait to see the overall scores on the doors!
UNCRC 29 – education must develop talents.
Homework week commencing 13th September
This week in numeracy, in class 2, we are going to be reminding ourselves of our addition and subtraction skills that we learnt in class 1. We are going to be talking lots about the key words linking to these topics as well as talking about what the mathematical symbols look like too. Please spend some time working with your child to complete the task below.
Any questions, please ask.
Homework 13.9.21
UNCRC 28 – right to an education
Roald Dahl Day
Look at how fabulous we all looked dressed up as our favourite Roald Dahl characters or in his favourite colour yellow!
UNCRC 31 – join in a wide range of activities
Liz Million
Today we had a visit from Author / Illustrator Liz Million. She taught us all about how to create characters to help bring our writing to life. She showed us the importance of emotions when designing too. We then all had a go at drawing our very own dinosaurs!
UNCRC 29 – develop talents
Tyrannosaurs Drip
In Literacy we have read a very exciting Julia Donaldson book! We have learnt all about authors and illustrators as well as joining in key vocabulary.
Today we created a scene from the book and re-enacted the story. We did an amazing job of staying in character and acting out the words and actions of the characters.
UNCRC 28 – right to an education
Homework week commencing 6.9.21
This week in Class 2 we are going to be reminding ourselves of all of the lovely things we know about writing whilst also telling Mrs Aspinall all about ourselves!
UNCRC 28 – right to an education
First Day Back
We all had lots of fun exploring the classroom and playing with all of our friends. We have had such a busy day and are looking forward to tomorrow!
UNCRC 15 – meet with other children
Our Cornerstones Topic
This half term we are going to be learning all about Dinosaur Planet. We are very excited to take part in lots of different activities. Keep an eye of our page to see what we get up to!
UNCRC 31 – take part in a range of activities
Archived Activities
You can view archived activities for each class on our website.